News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 11-1-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 1 Nov. 2023

Compiled Wed. 1 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 31 Oct. Mr. Salvage on Telegram: There was a report that “The Paymaster of New York Michael J. Rubin said that everything was done. All money was in all banks and ready to go. All codes were in. The nation of Colombia was already liquid. Just have patience. We are there.”

Kurdistan: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced its decision to exclusively adopt the Iraqi Dinar for all transactions at border crossings and airports, effective on Wed. 1 Nov.

Tues. 31 Oct. P Arte on Telegram: “Ok guys I sat down with one of my banks branch managers today. They are Basel 3 and 4 compliant. I asked her about the RV and she said she just got an email coming through that said the Tues. 7 Nov. She’s checking in with her higher ups getting back to me. Her response was, how do you know all this? Lol hooowhooo let’s go!”

Craig Wilson: “Folks, It is being reported tonight Mon. 30 Oct, that about a week ago, the Iraqi GOI and the CBI, released to the US Treasury, the NEW International Exchange Rate! This came from an Iraqi Bank Partner of a bank here in the USA! It is also believed that the US Treasury has started some exchange steps with the CBI of some of the Iraqi Dinar that the US Treasury holds in its reserves! Sorry it’s not on ABC or NBC or any Fake Stream News yet, but it is from a source that IMO has credible information! That is all, carry on!!

Mon. 30 Oct. TNT: “The IMF and Federal Reserve contacts are saying the rate should change by Nov. 1. Banks have been told the same. Announcement of the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was imminent. Iraq placed lower denominations of Dinar at ports and airlines on Thurs. 26 Oct.”

Mon. 30 Oct. MarkZ: “A lot of rumors coming out of Iraq right now. They still think they are a “GO” by Nov.1st. Bond folks are still saying they expect theirs on Nov 4th right now. I do not know where they are in the line….pre-RV or Post-RV? I hear the 5th is huge from a number of sources. That would make sense if they go late on the 4th and unleash us on the 5th…..but who knows?

Mon. 30 Oct. Wolverine: “We are still going, guys. Colombia is a good example. On Sun. 29 Oct. they had a meeting with leaders all over the World. They are ready to go.”

Mon. 30 Oct. Bogota Colombia Banker Nelson Ruiz: “The BBVA Compass Bank is ready, all paymasters have the money and codes are liquid and ready to go. Everyone was positive after the reunion last Tues. 24 Oct. In the Redemption Centers we will get a new computer.”

Mon. 30 Oct. Ariel: “We are at the cusp of great changes and a Stock Market correction. The fiat USD will not be accepted for Oil payments after Tues. 31 Oct.

Sat. 28 Oct. Dr. Tom: “The Militaries of each country are in control of the RV funds and they are doing the RV. We are at any day, any min. Your future investments will not be done with banks, but directly with the US Treasury or treasuries of the country in which you reside. The IRS and Federal Reserve are gone.”

Wed. 25 Oct. Militia Man: “Recently we showed that the World Trade Organization is talking about full ascension in the Fourth Quarter and we are now in that Fourth Quarter.” 

For the past over two weeks the revalued Iraqi Dinar has been trading on the back screens of the Forex and putting itself in a position for the new International Exchange rate that was soon to be made public according to Iraqi Banks.


Tues. 31 Oct. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865

On Mon. 30 Oct. Bruce was told that if we didn’t get the 800s on Tues, 31 Oct., then we would get them on Wed. 1 Nov.

Bank rates were connected to the Forex, while Redemption Center screens showed higher rates.

All Zim Holders must go to Redemption Centers.

You can have up to three banks connected to your Quantum Card.

The Redemption Center Staff member you work with gets .025% of the transaction, and it doesn’t come out of your monies.

Redemption Centers will give you a higher rate than a bank will.

In a day or two plan on getting in touch with your banker so they can answer any questions you may have.


Global Financial Crisis:

Tues. 31 Oct. Failed Bank List:

The Bank of Japan is the first domino to fall. The rest of the G7 central banks will fall in rapid succession. Debasement of the currency now leads to rapidly rising bond yields. Which will collapse these already existing non-performing financial assets on bank balance sheets. We are rapidly moving into ISO 20022. Prepare for a financial Armageddon. What is about to happen next cannot be stopped. Once investors realize the mounting financial losses from a rapidly debasement of the currency (any hour now) 

Tues. 31 Oct. Australia’s banks are refusing cash withdrawals to their customers.

It’s a real horror show for Swiss National Bank: 3rd Qtr. loss of 13 billion.

Mon. 30 Oct. Financial Upheavals and Geopolitical Shifts: Fiat USD May no Longer be the Oil Industry’s Currency of Choice After Tomorrow – American Media Group (

Mon. 30 Oct. The US Debt Clock Secret Window – Oct 30, 2023 – American Media Group (

Tues. 31 Oct. Word Bank warns oil prices could reach $150 a barrel.

London Stock Exchange ‘system issue’ halts trading in many stocks:

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  As we told you last week the CBI did some swapping of currency.  We believe that it's also part of the controlling of the American dollar.  This swapping was done with 12 different countries.  It causes us to wonder if this is the 12 that are going to be put in a basket.  All of this was done not this Sunday but the Sunday before.  Iraq is putting other currencies in their reserves as well.

Frank26  Article:  "Al-Shammari: No US sanctions on Iraq and negotiations with Iran to create a platform for currencies other than the dollarTHIS IS POWERFUL MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION... IRAQ IS SANCTION FREE TO DO BUSINESS WITH EVERYONE FROM THE USA EVEN UP TO IRAN. (Al-SHAMMARI is Advisor to the Prime Minister)


PetroDollar Death: China Just Used Digital Yuan To Buy Crude Oil For The First Time Ever

Lena Petrova:  10-31-2023


Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 11-1-23


MilitiaMan: Iraq International - WTO - Global Financial System - Fix - Lets see - IMF -Article VIII - Compliance