News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 8-23-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts From the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 23 Aug. 2023

Compiled Wed. 23 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

What We Think We Know as of Tues. 22 Aug. 2023:

Is this the Announcement of the Global Currency Reset? “The BRICS Summit that started on Tues. 22 Aug. just launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system.”:

The fiat US Dollar was no longer accepted for international trade by major countries such as Russia and China.

Hundreds of US banks, along with major US Stock agencies controlled by BlackRock, were collapsing.


As the Sun Rises on Tuesday 22 Aug, the World Braces Itself for a Tectonic Shift in the Financial Landscape. In 24 Hours EVERYTHING Changes for the United States, Putin and China are Ready – Are We Prepared for the Storm That’s Coming? – American Media Group In 24 Hours EVERYTHING Changes for the United States, Putin and China are Ready – Are We Prepared for the Storm That’s Coming? (

Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: “Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd. Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd.

BRICS Summit Tues. 22 Aug. to Thurs. 24 Aug:

Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

BRICS Summit started Tues. 22 Aug. and goes to Thurs. 24 Aug. when they will make announcements

Bond Holder emails go out Thurs. 24 Aug. with access to funds on Friday 25 Aug.

Military Timeline Window for Tier 4b notification was Wed. 23 Aug. to Sat. 26 Aug.

On Thurs. 24 Aug. Iraqi citizens will be paid retroactive back to Oct. 2022.

Fox News: TV networks being told to report truth or they could be in violation of treason

The Star link Satellite System has been tied up with switching to the Global Currency Reset, 60-90 fully gold/asset backed countries which want to be part of BRICS


First Day of BRICS Summit, Goldilocks: The process of trading in local currencies has began. “The development bank set up by the BRICS Nations plans to begin lending in the South African and Brazilian currencies as part of a plan to reduce reliance on the dollar and promote a more multi-polar international financial system. Several countries are beginning to have equal amounts of power going forward for those who join the BRICS system. This equal amounts of power will begin to erode on the dollar because it will have to begin sharing money velocity in trade from this point forward. This levels the playing field and creates a transition of power at the same time for our world.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  [Aki's Iraqi Bank report]  All banks are back online.  The ones they did not give licenses to will be under the tutelage of the CBI.  No more F$%^ing around...Banks...machines have been set up.  We have done everything that the CBI has requested of us.  We do not know of any other meetings that we are scheduled with the CBI...All that we are waiting for is the exchange rate now.

Nader From The Mid East  As long as they [Iraqis] have money and they can buy and sell stuff they don't pay attention to it [dinar RV].  That guy's gonna have one million in his pocket or 1500 it's gonna be the same thing.  It's going to spend the same thing.  In the United States and Europe too they talk about...all over the world they talk about because they know it's gonna happen...It's an investment for the outsiders.  But for Iraqis it's not an investment...Over there if we change the currency all we have to do is take that 2 millions and change them to two millions with small categories...

BRICS 2023 Summit Key Takeaways, Day 1 Overview and Future Goals

Lena Petrova:  8-23-2023

BRICS Just Pulled The Trigger!

Sean Foo:  8-23-2023

The BRICS bank moves to challenge the global dollar system by issuing bonds in their local currencies.

This move could start to trigger a wave of countries moving to break away from dollar-denominated debts.

This is bad for the US bond market but great for emerging markets looking to grow faster and reduce risk from the established order. Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

 0:00 BRICS Bank's Bold Move

2:12 The World Is Trapped In Dollars

 4:34 Breaking The Wheel

7:06 Emerging Markets Want Out!

9:52 Big Benefits With BRICS

12:08 A Long Battle Ahead


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday 8-23-2023


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News "BRICS" 8-22-2023