News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 5-31-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 31 May 2023

Compiled Wed. 31 May 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Revaluation:

On Thurs. 1 June:

The US would default on it’s debts, thereby missing loan repayments that were bound to send world markets into a tailspin.

All 209 countries would be connected to the new Quantum Financial System.

At 8:00 am EST the Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 will activate – a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other.

Bond redemption will begin to be paid out.

Most likely Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) should receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments early morning Thurs. 1 June.

Out of Iraq I am hearing they have made progress with the rubber stamping of the budget…and the final vote is expected tomorrow Wed. 31 May on their budget.

and before a 2-4 week shutdown,  Dr. Charlie Ward, indicated on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.

are being told they must have a ten day food supply on hand for supply chain disruptions.  That would likely be the changeover to the QFS (Quantum Financial System).  …Hal Turner news

“I just got off the phone with a friend that owns a Real Estate company in Georgia and she said many in the Real Estate industry are blown away on how many multimillion dollar homes have been bought in Georgia & Florida over the past three weeks. Her statement was, ‘Are there millionaires dropping from the sky? It’s very interesting how we have so many million dollar homes being bought up over the past three weeks!’ While we are daily hearing lies about how the RV has not started, it sounds like other Tiers have been getting money, but being under NDA’s it’s been a hush, hush game!”

June 30, 2023 . . . Historical Turning Point For The Global Financial System (Video)

Is the US Imploding?, William Mount:


Tues. 30 May 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

Iraq put their new Dinar Rate in their Gazette last Sat. and announced it on Sun. They are supposed to make it public internationally tomorrow Wed. 30 May.

Sometime in mid-June Med Beds will be available for the general public. The Med Beds are free for the public to use. There will be no charge for the Med Bed.

There were companies putting out emails and information on sale of Med Bed treatment  – which is a total scam. If you have paid out monies for scam Med Bed treatment you can be reimbursed by taking a copy of your documentation to your redemption appointment and/or your Med Bed appointment.

Tues. night 30 May midnight will be activation of the Fed ISO 20022 protocols.

Wed. night 31 May midnight all banks have to be Basil Three compliant or they will be closed.

Thurs. 1 June the gold/asset-backed new US Note currency will be in the banks.

Paymasters Bond Sellers started receiving their packages tonight 6 pm Eastern Tues. 30 and will continue to receive through Sat. They will get access to those funds Thurs. 1 June.

Most likely Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) should receive notification to set appointments early morning Thurs. 1 June. 

Increase to Social Security payments and the Restitution Allowance (pay back for interest and taxes that the Cabal illegally collected from you) will come in June – paid out for 13 months in a row. Seniors age 62 and older will receive their Restitution Allowance in a lump sum payment.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  The proof of our monetary reforms are in the articles...Look at the numbers.  Look at the accounting.  Understand that everything they're telling you is impossible at a program rate.  You're not easily fooled are you.  You're not gullible.

Deepwoodz  ...We have the advantage of looking back at the last year in particular and seeing hundreds of steps taken. All in the right direction.  Don’t you agree that what they have done to date is amazing? I mean there were YEARS of nothing. Scraping for something in an article that remotely sounded promising.  Now, take your pick. It’s all good news. I mean seriously, I don’t want to wait any longer either, but if it takes another year...what’s the difference? ...Try to be ready is the most important thing.

Europe's Collapse Begins: Germany Enters Recession As Forecasts Worsen

Lena Petrova:  5-30-2023

LIVE! The ECB WARNS: "Top Banks May Take A Hit." Consumer CONfidence Is Higher? Really?

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