News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 3-24-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 24 March 2021

Compiled Wed. 24 March 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Charlie Ward said that absolutely everything was done for the Global Currency Reset and the timing was now in God’s Hands. All funds were in place, Adjudicated Settlements were fully liquid, Activation Codes were in the Quantum Financial System and the Chinese Banking Elders were at Banking Centers around the world to oversee the rollout of the GCR.

According to our Military Intel Contact the Shotgun Start Tier 4B secure link notification that would generate 800#s was still set for any time this week and would happen before Iraq’s formal announcement of their new Dinar Rate on Sat. 27 March.

Three separate major bankers indicated we would be notified to set our appointments sometime between now and 10 am on Thurs. 25 March.

Bruce felt we would be setting our appointments on Wed. 24 March to start on Thurs. 25 March. Redemption Center staff was off tomorrow Wed. 24 March, but would be going in to be at their desks by 7:30 am Thurs. 25 March.

A Red Alert warning would be issued to usher in the GCR. It would say to exit the US dollar and prepare for an accelerating dollar collapse. “Through insane levels of fiat currency printing, continued economic lockdowns and dis-incentivizing actual work, the Biden regime was creating a “Perfect Storm” for a financial collapse.”

To do the Red Alert warning the Interim Military Govt. would initiate the Project Odin National Alert System by taking down the Mossad Satanic satellites and activating the new Starlink communication system to take over all media outlets globally.

A government shutdown was scheduled during a Ten Days of Darkness that was expected to run sometime in the latter week of March through the first week in April. Be prepared with extra essentials such as food, water and emergency supplies.

Thurs. April 1 was the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note. On that date the General Public Tier 5 could exchange gold/ asset-backed foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates.


Tues. 23 March The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

There were 1.4 million emails that would be sent out from a secured link website.

You could set your appointment through that email to the secured link website.

They would have 800s that could be part of your email from the secured link website.

All would be on an automated system without contact with a live person.

Redemption Center staff was off tomorrow Wed. 24 March, but would be going in to be at their desks by 7:30 am Thurs. 25 March.

We would be setting our appointments on Wed. 24 March to start on Thurs. 25 March.

The exchanges could go on for 10-12 days.

Three separate banks indicated we would be notified any time from 10:30 am today Tues. 23 March to 10 am on Thurs. 25 March.

Most stimulus checks would begin to go out tomorrow Wed. 24 March.

Those who have Zim will be prioritized to go in ASAP.


Tues. 23 March RV, Zim, Dong, Dinar, Charlie Ward: The RV Of Zim, Dong, Dinar Exchange With Michelle Fielding , Glen Duckett & Charlie Ward

On Tues. 23 March our Military Intel Contact reported:

The Military were STILL in control.

The Interim Military Government put out a Red Alert warning to exit the dollar and to prepare for an accelerating dollar collapse. “Through insane levels of fiat currency printing, continued economic lockdowns and dis-incentivizing actual work, the Biden regime was creating a “Perfect Storm” for a financial collapse.”

The Interim Military Govt intended the Red Alert to usher in the reset (GCR, RV).

The Shotgun Start Tier 4B secure link notification to generate 800#s was still set for at any time this week.

There would be no RV/GCR without Trump and an adjoining compound at Mar-a-Lago FL built by Trump for the 866 active military personnel who are working 24/7 on getting the RV out globally.

The Deep State would have continued to stop it indefinitely as they have for over 3+ (!!!) decades.

The signs that we were at the end of waiting for the blessing were:

1. Last Wed.-Thurs. 17-18 March members of the top Chinese Elders were sent out to 6-7 banking center cities around the world to oversee the global release of the RV/GCR. This was the first time in ten years that these Elders have been sent to these 6-7 cities to oversee the release – proving that we were at the end of waiting for the release.

2. There were personal accounts that upper level Tier 3 groups (Church groups and Reno based groups) began receiving access to 1% of their account funds on Mon. 22 March. More payouts went out on Tues. 23 March at 1:15 pm EDT.

3. Iraq fully expected to pass their HCL / budget / IQD RV rate this Sat. 27 March at 1 pm Iraq time (5 am EDT).

Iraqi security forces were arresting and cleaning up Deep State Iranian-backed agents caught trying to smuggle huge amounts of Dinar within and over Iraq's borders.

This week was also giving Alliance military forces time to arrest and clean out Cabal soldiers from some key DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) including one in Antarctica.

This week enough progress was expected to be made in order to make things safe.


Tues. 23 March Nick’s Intel Update: Nick Fleming: Interesting Read 3-22-21

Red Alert: The Government has created the Perfect Storm for financial collapse. Through insane levels of fiat currency printing, continued economic lockdowns and dis-incentivizing actual work, the Biden regime is creating a “Perfect Storm” of financial collapse. We’re already seeing skyrocketing prices in food, fuel, housing and commodities in 2021 (so far), indicating the value of the dollar is already collapsing by 20 percent or more. This is a Red Alert warning to exit the dollar and prepare for an accelerating dollar collapse.

F. Mon. 22 March 2021: All the Proof is Out There, Mel K and Charlie Ward Weekly Update: The Global Currency Reset is this week. Codes have been put in the QFS and absolutely everything has been done. It’s now in God’s hands as to when He activates it.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   I made it very plain and're now going to see articles talking about the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.  There's so many of them.  Since we told you that 2 weeks ago you've got about 60 articles...

Petra  [via Frank26]   The G.A.P...this is a report the CBI will hand in to the IMF, BIS and the World's a report given to them to explain all that they are doing under a new exchange [GAP report] is to be turned in by 3-31-21 in order for it to be retroactive back to January the is their goal to introduce a 1 to 1 rate...


Iraqi Dinar update for 03/23/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Mar 23, 2021


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