News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 3-17-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 17 March 2021

Compiled Wed. 17 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Our military Intel Contact reported that at any time this week the Shotgun Start would happen where Tiers 3-4A, B could expect notification emails and calls to obtain appointments for Zim redemption and foreign currency exchanges at the special rates.

Today an executive from a major bank stated that Tier 4B could look for notification on Wed. 17 March afternoon.

If so, our appointments would begin on Thurs. 18 March.

The Iraqi HCL Agreement would be passed in next 24-36 hours, or by sometime Thurs, 18 March, giving them the new rate for the reset this week.

We would have until the end of March to exchange/ redeem at the special rates.

On Fri. 12 March late night liquidity payouts were released. Overnight Sun 14 March the QFS, which was fully integrated into the Forex, traded all gold/ asset-backed USN pegged global currencies. By Mon 15 March with gold-backed USN currency notes released to Redemption Centers, there were some exchanges and redemptions under NESARA protocols.

These three upcoming events could possibly relate to Wed. 17 March 2021:

1. The Global Currency Reset: Everything was pointing toward Tier 4B beginning exchanges/ redemption on Wed. 17 March. The government was sending out Stimulus monies that activated in accounts on Wed. 17 March.

Thurs. 25 March and no later than Wed. 31 March Tier 4B exchange appointments were expected to be FINISHED.

Thurs. April 1 was also the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note and the General Public Tier 5 foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates would go forward.


Tues. 16 March 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

A large tranche of monies started release at 4:30 am this morning Tues. 16 March and would complete early Wed. morning 17 March.

Bond Sellers were still awaiting liquidity in their accounts and would receive such at the same time as Tier 4B receives notification.

We should be looking for notification tomorrow afternoon Wed. 17 March.

If so, we could begin appointments on Thurs. 18 March.

We would have until the end of March to exchange/ redeem at the special rates.

Some Stimulus payments (a starting of NESARA) were to start today Tues. 16 March, but were told that it would happen tomorrow Wed. 17 March.

US Tax due date for 2020 was moved to June 15 2021.

Banks would become facilitators for us rather than the way they used to function. There would be no fees for any of our accounts. Banks had no control over what we do with our monies.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MarkZ   [via PDK]  [What ID's do we need to take to exchange. I was told take whatever you would usually take to open bank accounts…call your bank if you want to verify this…i am told a current picture ID like drivers license and passport. I would suggest bringing your SS card or whatever correlating ID you have in whatever country you are in as well. Basically call your bank and ask them what ID’s you need to bring to open an account.

Pimpy  Stay away from anybody that gives you a date, anybody who give you a rate.  The best anybody could do is speculate.  Some people take a more educated stab at that date and rate...some people are just farting in the wind hoping something sticks.  Don't get caught up in that stuff.  Stay grounded...does that mean that an RI or an RV won't be announced?  I didn't say that.  It could be announced any day.  But there's no guarantees out that that day is going to be here any day soon.


Dinar Investor:  Mar 17, 2021


Streamed live 16 hours ago

Lior’s is a global entrepreneur, co-creator of Wealth Research Group and a popular speaker, author and educator. I am so glad to have him here today because he brings a global view that we all need to see and his generation, the millennial generation, will be the generation to determine the adoption of the new, digital financial system that the global governments and central bankers have in mind for us.



"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 3-17-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 3-17-2021