News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 11-15-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 15 Nov. 2023

Compiled Wed. 15 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 14 Nov. Wolverine: “I have word that this may happen tonight at midnight Reno time. Today my contact, who is a very high up Bond Holder, was adamant that this will happen this week. Yesterday (Mon. 13 Nov.) he was told it would happen before midnight Reno time last night. Of course, that didn’t happen, but it needs to happen soon because the World is in a complete financial chaos.”

Tues. 14 Nov. TNT: “They’re supposed to announce sometime this week that Iraq is an active member of the World Trade Organization, and they have to have an international currency to do that. Their guy in Iraq said that the new rate was supposed to show up on Forex today, but it didn’t. The banks had meetings today at the branch level and were told that the RV is happening right now. It could be at any moment.”

Tues. 14 Nov. Bruce: On Tues. 14 Nov. a Military source said this could happen at any min., or by this weekend. The US Treasury wants the Zim redemption done by Wed. 22 Nov. before Thanksgiving. Redemption Center heads want the exchanges done and 90% of the Centers closed by that same Wed. 22 Nov.

Tues. 14 Nov. MarkZ: “I have gotten from three different banking sources that they are expecting instructions for foreign currency exchanges very soon. Nobody knows the exact date. Banking people from mid-level up know it’s coming. It could go any day. They want things completed, fully active and everything done by Jan. For that to happen it could go any day. I heard one banking story from a local bank. After telling a person that investing in currencies was not a good thing….yesterday the teller asked if he still had those currencies as he just heard they will be exchanging them soon.”

On Sun. 19 Nov. all banks must be compliant with Basel 3 and ISO20022, the global standard for financial information over the new Global Financial System on the new Star Link Satellite System. If not, they cannot function as a bank. ISO2002 was set to revolutionize the way financial transactions were communicated, enhancing efficiency and reducing risk. JP Morgan and the Banking Giants: Racing Against Time to Meet Basel 3 & ISO-20022 Compliance Deadline – American Media Group (

Tues. 14 Nov. BRICS Power Play: Russia Gears Up for the Grandest Summit Yet – The BRICS Currency Note – A Game-Changer in the Global Financial Arena! – American Media Group (

The debt crisis was literally a ticking time bomb. The majority of the ppl with high balances on their credit cards will never be able to pay it off. Collapse imminent!


Tues. 14 Nov. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865

The Iraqi Dinar has a new rate in-country and their ATM machines have put out the lower denominations of the new Dinar.

Iraq needs to publish their new international rate in order to become fully compliant and a member of the World Trade Organization and to be part of ISO20022. ISO20022 allows for all currencies to exchange for international trade is connected to Star Link Satellite System.

A Military source said this could happen at any min., or by this weekend.

The US Treasury wants the Zim redemption done by Thanksgiving.

Redemption Center heads want the exchanges done and 90% of the Centers closed by Wed. 22 Nov.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Dinar Story]   JAMES ONE:   A gentleman came up, definitely someone that had it all together and in a bit of conversation he told us his job.  I don't want to speak of the agency.  FRANK: Let's say this is a banking agency that is one of the top three agencies banks need in order to function.  JAMES ONE:  Very good...This man was former special ops, has
retired and is doing a lot of work with a US agency that all banks around the world have to coordinate with.  There was some small talk and conversation and then it was what do you know about the Iraqi dinar?
  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Frank26   He smiled and he said well I know quite a bit about's no secret in the banking world. The Iraqi dinar is about to reinstate.  He gave me the rate.  You want me to give the rate?  FRANK:   No.  JAMES ONE:  He said any day has potential but he said definitely before 2024.  He said everything is done and there is a date.  Now he didn't say what it was but he was very forthcoming.  He said it's no secret.  This is about to happen...He was so confident of the rate...I come from a military background too, when someone from the special ops says something you don't question... FRANK:  There's no doubting this guy's information...we're presenting it as a rumor but I'm not doubting his rumor.   [Post 2 of 2]

Inflation, the Fed, and the Economy: Is the Soft Landing Dream Dead?

Lynette Zang:   11-14-2023

Is the U.S. banking system truly secure, or are there lurking vulnerabilities? 🤔 Let's expose the potential risks that could compromise capital levels, particularly concerning losses in security portfolios.

 We unravel the concept of fire sale vulnerability— a scenario where banks might be compelled to sell underwater bonds at a loss.

 Don't be fooled by assurances that these bonds will be held to maturity. The truth is, if a run on the bank occurs, they may be forced to liquidate, putting their financial stability at risk.

Don't miss out on understanding the intricacies of the current banking landscape. Hit play now and stay ahead of the financial curve!


0:00 Where is Inflation?

4:15 The US Banking Is Vulnerable

9:49 The System Is Out Of Control

10:51 The Economy Is Showing Cracks

 13:03 Don't Trust Stock Rally

 14:01 Pattern Shift

15:53 US Money Supply Is Doing Something Odd

17:45 M2 Money Supply

23:25 China Extends Run


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 11-15-2023


Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar - Dong Updates Tuesday Afternoon 11-14-23