News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 2-26-2020

Thank you DinarAngel

From DinarAngel, sent to Recaps - Intel Release On RV Date For Tier 4

Just received this urgent email from my contact this morning. The message reflects actions for those levels above us but it also gives us information that our Tier 4 could indeed be scheduled for release this Friday.

We can only hope that it is just not another ploy to lure out the ones to be arrested. The intel from this source has always been honest & accurate before, but schedules can still change depending on unknown circumstances. Let's hope this time it follows through for us. Keep the faith. DinarAngel

Direct from XXXXXX:

We finally have a UST Schedule!!!

Release algorithms were not entered last night but will be processed tonight after forex close.

Tomorrow set as full release of programs. (Farmers, native Americans, CMKX, other adjudicated funds).

What we really care about, Internet tier 4 individuals to go this Friday!!!

General unaware public slated for 3/14.

Time to get this party started.

Best Regards,


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Question] From what I understand the new Prime Minister will have 30 days to reinstate the currency.  No no no.  the Central Bank of Iraq reinstates the currency.  The prime minister announce it along with the governor.  But the CBI's gonna do all the talking..

Vital Brad  In the whole 10 years that I've been following this there's more happening in Iraq than I've ever seen.  Do I feel we're closer than ever?  Absolutely.  Do I feel like Iraq deserves to have their currency internationally recognized again - to be included with everybody else?  Absolutely.  There's no reason a country like Iraq that has so much...value should be excluded from the rest of the world.  Am I happy that I personally am holding some Iraqi dinar?  I am.  I absolutely am...



Tishwash:  Bankers seek 40% salary hike (Zimbabwe)

ZIMBABWE’S banking sector workers are pushing for a 37,6% salary hike as salaries continue to be wiped out by rising inflation.

Currency volatility and inflation, which closed 2019 at 521%, remain an impediment to economic stability.

Banking employees now want to get a minimum of $5 800 from the current $4 214,25.

Government last June reintroduced the inflation-prone Zimbabwe dollar ending a 10-year dalliance with the multi-currency system.

Bank workers through their union, Zimbabwe Bank and Allied Workers Union (Zibawu) are set to meet with the employer’s umbrella body, Banking Employers Association of Zimbabwe (BEAZ).

Zibawu secretary-general Shepherd Ngandu confirmed the development saying workers in the banking sector were not spared from the tough environment obtaining in the country, adding the Banking National Employment Council consisting of Zibawu and BEAZ were set to convene a meeting to deliberate on salary hikes next week.

“Banking sector workers are finding the going tough as their incomes are hardly enough to meet day-to-day cost of leaving. Our current interim minimum salary is $4 214,25.

At banking industry level we will be meeting in the next week or two to conclude 2020 negotiations to raise our minimum to around $5 800. The agreement between parties was to conclude within this February, but maybe we may spill into the first week of March,” Ngandu said  link

Tishwash:  Al-Kaabi: Thursday's session will be public and will be the most democratic

On Thursday, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hassan Al-Kaabi confirmed that tomorrow’s session to vote on the ministerial cabinet will be public, during which freedom to vote on Allawi’s cabin will be free.

Al-Kaabi said in a statement that followed him / information, /, that "Allawi sent the government curriculum and CVs for the candidates in the ministerial cabinet before the session to give confidence to the new government," noting that "this happens for the first time in the history of Iraqi governments."

He added that "all members of the House of Representatives were briefed on the biographies of the candidates, explaining that the committee formed under his chairmanship discussed the government curriculum and expressed its observations and recommendations to the designated president, who on his part expressed his readiness to include and adhere to it within the ministerial curriculum of his government."

Al-Kaabi described the parliament session to be held Thursday, "as a democracy, 100 percent, indicating that the vote will be public to inform the Iraqi people of their representatives in choosing his cabinet, and the voting options will be completely free."

Al-Kaabi expressed his hope that "the designated president and his government in Yehil who obtained the confidence of parliament will pledge to restore the state’s identity and achieve the demands of the Iraqi people by holding early and fair elections."   link


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