News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 7-23-2024

Note From Dinar Recaps:

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If you are new to the Dinar and Currency investment and wish to educate yourself further please go to Dinarrecaps .com . At the top of our blog page click on the categories button and go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Categories for all our past posts on history of past RV’s, Exchange tips, Security and other valuable information.

We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.

Your Dinar Recaps Team

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 23 July 2024

Compiled Tues. 23 July 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

Greatest Financial Bubble in Human History was about to pop.

One month left of US Petroleum Reserves.

Global Currency Reset Funds (allegedly)  Due Liquid on Tues. 23 July 2024.

Global Currency Reset: (Opinions/Rumors)

Mon. 22 July 2024 Wolverine (his Tues. 23 July):

“It is Tuesday afternoon here, and it is very cold. I am letting you know the Precatorios has started today from 3 o’clock onward and will actually be releasing their opera. They sent a note saying, “Tomorrow we will have a wonderful complete opera concert.”

“They will send me their opera so their people can celebrate. Finally a huge platform is going to be releasing funds to many people with billions of dollars involved. A lot of people will be astronomically blessed.

“Reno and Zurich are moving. Some whales are flying to Zurich, one huge Whale is now purchasing his airline ticket to fly down there.

“We are waiting to hear more news from bond holders. Waiting to get the miracle call this week.

“Nothing for 4B group – this is a letdown. I was told that some 4A groups have received payments, but not liquid money yet.  It is a start. Hopefully, those accounts will become liquid this week. 

“That is about it. The big news is that the Precatorios have started. I talked to the owner and he said “Wolvie, I am at the bank at the moment.” They have their green light and they will be released by tomorrow.

“I am waiting to receive the call so I can fly out. When that happens Carpathia and Shelby will be looking after the channel. I hope to have better news for all of you tomorrow.   

“Story about a couple I just received: This couple was just about to hand over their house as they could not afford the mortgage, and that same day they saw the figures for their mortgage and they had zero balance. Their account has actually been cleared, so maybe Nesara is working and people are getting their accounts cleared. This was the same day they were to lose their home and this miracle occurred.   

“I received a call this morning. Funds will be released tomorrow Tues. 23 July (later he changed it to Wed.) They will be liquid. I received an email saying the RV was imminent and about to commence. It’s official. Keep an eye on your emails.”

Mon. 22 July 2024: ALERT: Imminent Great Reset Exposed – Bank Crash and the Rise of XLM, XRP, ALGO, and XDC in the New Quantum Financial System (QFS) – – American Media Group

Gold Backed Currency Exchange Rates Revealed:


Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 22 July 2024 Report from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency finds that half of large U.S. Banks are failing on operational risk.

This year interest on the US National debt will eat up 76% of the taxes collected. America is going bankrupt.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   Once they remove these 3 zeros from the exchange's going to gain in the new value.  But that's not where they wanted at the RI.  They will float it and they will re-denominate and then it will hit an RV as it floats from an RI back to the RV.  

SkyWalker  Currency value and an exchange rate are two totally different things and are determined differently. Changing the exchange rate does not make value. Value is made by the monetary policies that CBI and Iraqi government have put in place...Now, the inflationary zeros will be removed because the government has met the requirements of the CBI and made an economic environment that will support both the value of the dinar and keep the economy humming along. Value through policies must be restored first which will be represented with new notes being lower denominations... Meaning the three zero notes will be physically removed from circulation and the lower notes without the extra zeros will be issued. Then and only then the exchange rate reflects an increase in the relative price of the Iraqi dinar compared to the price of another currency.

Iraq bank sector

Nader:  7-22-2024

CBI Sells $274 Million Sundays Trading; Iraqi PM Fights for Iraq's Sovereignty

Edu Matrix:  7-23-2024

CBI Sells $274 million in Sundays Trading… Military Growth… Iraqi PM Fights for Iraq's Sovereignty.



Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Tuesday AM 7-23-24


MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar-Prime Minister Advisors-Saleh-Al-Nusairi-Facts bringng facts-Reforms Economic & Financial