News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 11-28-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 28 Nov. 2023

Compiled Tues. 28 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

A new website, registered on 11-17-2023 has popped up with a countdown that ends 10am EST on Wed. 29 Nov. Who knows what this might lead to – but the US Debt Clock countdown also appears to end this coming Sun. 3 Dec.

Mon. 27 Nov. TNT Call: Everyone this morning is saying this is our final week of waiting. Iraq is saying to the citizens that the dollar crisis is about to be over. The RV was expected before sunrise today. The times for the next 3 attempts have been set up. It could be at any moment in the next 24 hours.

TNT Cont……Banks have scheduled people (that they have a relationship with) to come in on Wednesday. Everyone believes it will happen before Friday, which makes sense because a lot of US government employees go on holiday starting in mid-December. Tony said to ask for the highest rate for the dinar and dong. $28.50 is the highest they’ll give for the dinar. He knows someone who got $12 for the dong a while back.

Sat. 25 Nov. Thomas: If you don’t  receive an email  then you will call an 800# and they will ask you for your email address send it to you and your on your way. Very safe and secure.  Process millions in hours.

Sat. 25 Nov. Bearded Patriot: The ONLY exception regarding the currency being paid in full at your appointment is that if your currency is an “extreme amount” they MAY traunch your currency funds over a small period of time (over a few months is what I have been told). What that “extreme amount” is will be up to the exchange center

Mon. 27 Nov. The QFS Revolution: SWIFT –> AIIB –> CIPS = QFS – American Media Group (

Mon. 27 Nov. Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Exposing the Quantum Finance Structure (QFS) and GESARA’s New Era – Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State – American Media Group (

Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 27 Nov. Situation Update – NOV 27, 2023 – China Financial Giant Collapses! – Mike Adams | China | Before It’s News (

Mon. 27 Nov. Epic Economist: More Problems With The Banks: Wells Fargo, Bank of America Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded – American Media Group (

Sun. 26 Nov. Close to 100 Bank Branches closed last week. Both JP Morgan Chase and PNC Banks have filed to close over a dozen branches each, with 64 other US Bank Branches having filed to shut down in a Single Week—Are You Affected?

Mon. 27 Nov.: A family in Atlanta says thousands of dollars in their Wells Fargo account has vanished – and the banking giant says reimbursement is not happening.

List of Bank of America Branch closures in 2023:

List of PNC Branch closures (PNC is America’s sixth largest bank):

List of Nat West, RBS Branch closures:

Lloyds Banking Group, Halifax and Bank of Scotland 155 + 75 Branch Closures:

Barclay Branch Closure:

Banks abruptly closing accounts nationwide, Bank runs.

Brits could lose access to bank branch:

BRICS plans to ditch US dollar:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  The transition away from the dollar is underway.  Now there's room for a new exchange rate to come because they're going to finally [pass] this Oil and Gas Law at some point, the distribution of allocations for the 2023 budget, investment projects are all going to need the same thing...I think it's going to be the exchange rate, the newest one, the Article VIII compliant one.  They're focusing in on this...

Frank26    JP Morgan Chase is now actively involved with the Iraqi dinar.  They may doubt it half the time but the other half they guide you.  The Chief Executive Office of Chase Mr. Diamond released a document last month saying his bank is now supporting the Iraqi dinar 100% and he's building Chase Banks in Iraq.  The employees of Chase do not know what's going on in order to protect the corporation that will soon be exchanging the Iraqi dinar in America...

Why Saving Fiat Money is a Terrible Idea

BAE Connect:  11-27-2023

In "The Fiat Money Trap: Why Saving Will Secure Your Financial Future", we delve into the reasons why holding onto fiat currency can be a disastrous decision.

Throughout this eye-opening video, we expose the pitfalls of relying on printed money and demonstrate how your financial well-being can be jeopardized in the long run.

By questioning the conventional wisdom surrounding saving and encouraging viewers to explore alternative options, we aim to empower individuals to take control of their financial destiny. From uncovering the flaws in the fiat money system to highlighting the potential consequences of excessive debt, we break down the inherent risks associated with traditional savings methods.

Additionally, we discuss the importance of seeking out alternative means of preserving wealth, such as investing in tangible assets like precious metals, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies. We shed light on how these alternative investments can serve as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties, providing a greater chance of securing a prosperous future.

 Our expert analysis and comprehensive insights are complemented by engaging visuals, compelling examples, and easy-to-understand explanations.

We strive to equip viewers with the knowledge and confidence to make educated decisions about their financial well-being. In today's volatile and ever-changing financial landscape, it's crucial to reassess conventional savings strategies. Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of fiat money and discover practical alternatives that can safeguard your financial future.


"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 11-28-2023


How Would the Price of Gold RV in a New “Gold Standard” Today? This Chart Will Surprise You