News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 4-13-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 13 April 2023

Compiled Thurs. 13 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Keep Calm,   Babylon is Falling

Fiat Cabal Central Banking System Officially Dead, With Banks Across the Globe Closing – So They Have Created a Fiat Digital System Designed to Control Your Life called the One World Digital Currency Though It Is Too Late – the Bankrupt Cabal’s Central Banking System Has Already Been Replaced by a 209 Country Gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System Run Out of it’s Own StarLink Satellite System

Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation

The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash & essential items on hand.

Judy Note:

The old fiat Cabal Central Banking System is bankrupt, with banks across the Globe closing – so the Cabal created a fiat digital system designed to control your life: The End of All Freedom | A Central Bank Digital Currency Creates Unprecedented Possibilities for Tyranny – American Media Group (

However, the new gold/asset-backed Global Quantum Financial System was already up and running, with bank accounts of The People mirrored onto the new system.

Global Currency Reset:

None but a select few knew the exact timing, nor when Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive their exchange/ redemption appointments.

Wed. 12 April MarkZ:  Bond news…not much. Some say money started moving today…others disagree. But, they do expect it to happen this week…at any moment. The most excitement I’ve seen today is from west coast bankers….They believe everything is done in Iraq. And that we will see the new rate very soon. The bankers think we may see it over the weekend.”

“Re: Clarification on SS Payments?” by Danlboon – 4.12.23 | Dinar Chronicles

Bruce: On the fourth week of April restitution allowance would kick in.

Project Icebreaker: the beginning of a One World Digital Currency:

Ben Begin: To help diversify out of the US dollar, besides silver and gold, and besides stocking-up on non-perishable foods, consider buying other countries’ currencies. There are a handful that will shoot-up in value when the whole world’s currencies reset. The best currently available ones are: Venezuela, Indonesia, Philippines, and Uganda (just discovered $12 trillion of gold in ground). Other past popular currencies included Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Zimbabwe. Two good sources for currencies are (click on 3 bars at upper left) and, as well as the two large banks Chase and Wells Fargo. Chase shows Uganda on their list. Remember to order these ASAP, today or tomorrow.

Judy Note: There would be no advantage in buying these currencies if we have already received notification to set our exchange appointments as they wouldn’t be available at their old rates.

Don Bongino: Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Federal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted. Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/ Gesara is growing!

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East  All we need is 1000 to 1.  If we were 1000 to 1 believe me a week later we'll be 1 to 1.  So wait for 1000 to 1.  It's coming soon.

Frank26  You're going to see another rate change just before they get to the 1 to 1.  One to one is the mirror effect they are educating you about right now.  And then it enters the float at an international level.  Remember, Iraq will become a currency central hub...

LIVE! BE READY: The Fed. WILL Hit The Consumer HARDER, Crushing The Economy EVEN FASTER.

Greg Mannarino:  4-12-2023

Gold Experts on Digital Dollar, Great Rest and Debt in the New System

Lynette Zang and Eric Griffen:  4-12-2023

Question #1: 0:49

Question #2: 1:53

Question #3: 6:37

Question #4: 12:42

Question #5: 13:33

Question #6: 15:48

Question #7: 15:56

Question #8: 18:33


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 4-13-2023


Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Evening 4-12-23