News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 3-16-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 16 March 2023

Compiled Thurs. 16 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. Evening 13 March Two High Up Contacts: The new rates are locked in on Bank Screens; Tier 1 has already gone; Tier 2 is processing right now and Tier 4 (including Us, the Internet Group) will likely go within a couple of days.

Tues. 14 March Bruce: Sources say we may be looking at a Wed. 15 March, or Thurs. 16 March start for Tier4b to receive notification and set Foreign Currency Exchange and Zim Bond Redemption appointments.

Tues. 14 March Rod Steel: Iraqi Dinar is International IN COUNTRY-in other words Iraqis can use their Dinar internationally.

Wed. 15 March Wolverine: The Iraqi Dinar is now international and we should see that trading on Forex maybe at any hour. Remember the Iraqi Dinar is the lynchpin to start the RV. I don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep tonight.

Wed. 15 March MarkZ: Today they are scrambling and scrambling hard. Banks are tanking like we said they would….. They are already talking about the reset now all over the place in world news….….and the need to wipe debt and go back to an asset backed currency. …

My banking contacts are still of the mindset that we are going to see something around the 20th or so. …Lots of chatter kicked off today about Fines and Penalties….with some believed to start delivering possibly as early as tomorrow. ….

My DHS source thinks that they will start Friday night through Saturday. Fingers crossed and I am praying guys as I am expecting 2 different deliveries. I am hopeful this is accurate….Most of the chatter out of Iraq is looking at this weekend as well.

Remember we do not know the timing….but the chatter is exceptionally good. …A number of folks in the Reno crowd is calling for it this evening….I think that may be a little premature…but I hope they are right and I am wrong. …

I got permission to share this one today. A person who left a Credit Union and started working for a Regional bank. They were recently told about the “foreign currency exchange” and was told that right now the dinar was acting “funny” on all of their screens. Then they had a meeting with the “top dogs” and she asked if they were “Basel backed” The look on his face was very surprised that I knew about this. But he said “yes…we are Basel 3 backed” . Now we come to the bills. For some reason they have many 2017 crisp and new looking bills –they may have been expecting a bank run. Also they are having regular meetings on the wealth management side. Every two weeks. Also we had training on NDA’s and how seriously we would have to take the NDA’s. We have not yet been asked to sign any.  

Mon. 13 March RV Update, Okie (not OkieOilMan) via Twitter: This RV of 166 countries is happening now. The US Treasury received word that all systems are Green to Go. There are no more hold ups or delays.

As of Friday 10 March, banking systems were able to use the new Unified Payment Interface (UPI) on the QFS for foreign currency swaps. 


Last Hour Alert What NO ONE talks about: WE ARE LIVING A BLACK WEDNESDAY! The WORLD BANK COLLAPSE started and no one is reporting on this. In the US, Latin America and Europe, this is how things are:

A few days ago, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, which was named one of the safest banks in the US according to Forbes. It’s the biggest bank drop since Lehman Brothers in 2008. The 4 largest banks have lost 52 billion dollars of value on the stock market. Today, US banks are down.

First Republic Bank -6%

PacWest Bancorp -12%

American banks are collapsing at an incredible rate. The chain reaction that it generates highlights the serious situation that the European giant Credit Suisse is going through and its now historic collapse that is dragging down world banks and markets.

-Credit Suisse 21.5%

-BNP Paribas 11.5%

-Société Générale 12.5%

-Commerzbank 9.5%

Deutsche Bank 8.1%

-BBVA 9%

CREDIT SUISSE PLUMS 30%! They already call it the EUROPEAN LEHMAN BROTHERS and it has a PROBABILITY of BANKRUPTCY of 47%! JUST a few HOURS ago it was 36%! Your Credit Default Swaps SOAR to 875 POINTS from 430, that’s +104% IN A SINGLE DAY! The Latin American stock markets extend their losses, among the most affected the Merval of Buenos Aires. The main stock indices in Mexico now down. The share price of France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, is now down 10.8%.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  They didn't push these guys over the edge to get them off the dollar for no reason...they did it for them to get on the dinar...De-dollarization of the country - Everybody's got to go to the dinar...they're not going to be using the dollar.  They're getting them physically prepared to do that...they're going to an economy that's going to be able to be vibrant.  It's going to have transparency.  It's going to have less corruption.

Nader From The Mid East  Remember I told you the dinar gonna change rate not a lot?  I said to 1260 or 1160 and it changed to 1310...That rate is just to scare people to bring their dollars to the bank and it's gonna be another rate change like that just to scare people before reinstatement.  It's not going to be 1 to 1...not...$1.60 to 1.   There's gonna be $3.28 to 1...Maybe doesn't go more than $4...It's a little too early still.  A lot of processes they'll have to go through.  Be working. Keep's a waiting game.

BREAKING NEWS Q&A: Credit Suisse Crashes + SVB Collapse

Lynette Zang:  3-15-2023

LIVE! The Banking System Contagion Is NOT OVER... Expect Runs On Banks.

Greg Mannarino:  2-15-2023


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 3-16-2023


Thursday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 3-16-23