News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 11-30-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 30 Nov. 2023

Compiled Thurs. 30 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 29 Nov. Wolverine: “The tip from Mike Bara RV, on MarkZ Whiskey and Wisdom, tonight was that his bond people told him the RV will arrive this Thursday 30 Nov. or Friday 1 Dec.”

Tues. 28 Nov. Bruce:. A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging either Wed. or Thurs. of this week. Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov. On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments. One Source said that notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will come after midnight Wed. night, early Thurs. morning 30 Nov.

Wed. 29 Nov. (Banker)  It could happen at any moment, banks and exchange centers are trained and ready, it is mostly political at this point with the number on nations involved. He has 5 states he is responsible for with about 40 centers. They are prepared. “We cannot have two US currencies at the same time, so how do they cover this situation?  They create a meltdown in banking and the Securities Markets. They suspend trading and access to your funds. Then they announce the return to asset backed currencies and direct you to take your currency to your bank to exchange for the new Treasury backed currency. We foreign currency holders will be exchanging at the same time, so not to panic.”

Wed. 29 Nov. MarkZ: “Dinar rate announcement is likely in the next couple days. A Wells Fargo high up contact said it’s likely within the next couple of days. A Military Contact said it’s within a week.”

Wed. 29 Nov. TNT Call: Our wait is almost over. Iraq has a bunch of articles out today about the dollar crisis ending really soon. They are showing people at the bank opening accounts and getting electronic cards. The Three letter agencies are still saying the approval has been given and they are working it through the system and it could happen any minute between now and the end of the month (tomorrow 30 Nov). Bank Story: A member talked to the district manager of his bank this morning, who checked the Dinar Rate on his computer and it said, $4.51 and had a pending rate change. The bank manager was excited and said he had never seen that message before.

Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 28 Nov. London Stock Exchange closed for second time. Germany’s economy collapsing.

64 US Bank Branches File to Shut Down in a Single Week:

Tues. 27 Nov. US Debt Clock Image Reflects Gold Standard:

Wed. 28 Nov. One Of America’s Largest Banks To Close Branches (

Wed. 28 Nov. Scary Gold and Silver Price Manipulation:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  All the data we've had in the last two weeks has been pretty much phenomenal because it sets the stage of so many things that converge on one another.

Mnt Goat   What will 2024 look like? I will say one thing for sure as it will not be business as usual in Iraq...I will also dismiss this silly notion once again that Iraq must first rebuilt their economy and then watch the value of the dinar grow with it from 1/6 of a penny upwards...the very basis of the economy now is generating billions each month in oil revenues ...So why not reflect this value of the oil reserves alone in the rate of the dinar. If nothing else this wealth should be reflected into the equation of the rate of the dinar...I mean right now, NOT five or ten years from now... we can see the current rate does not reflect the currency value...Oh…but there is much more growth already than just oil too...We know for a FACT the dinar is being “artificially suppressed”.

Dollar Is On It's Last Days | David Morgan

Liberty and Finance:  11-29-2023

David Morgan, founder of The Morgan Report, gives us a year-end review of market movements and what to expect for precious metals going into 2024. As for the economy, he says it is clear an economic contraction has started, and it will likely get worse.

The foundation of the U.S. financial system - the U.S. dollar - is showing signs of weakness. “The Dollar is on its last days,” he says.


 0:00 Intro

2:00 Year-end review

 6:36 Economic contraction

17:21 Banking crisis

26:17 Preparedness

33:15 The Morgan Report

Shocking 30% SURGE In China-Russia Trade Signals The Two Countries Are Closer Than Ever

Lena Petrova:  11-29-2023


"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 11-30-2023


Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 11-30-23