News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 11-2-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 2 Nov. 2023

Compiled Thurs. 2 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Wed. 1 Nov. Tina: “My son in law works for Wells Fargo in Charlotte, NC area and spends most of his time on zoom calls with others at Wells including big wigs like CFO’s. Today on the call they were told that the FBI had contacted them and were told to tell their people to stock up on enough provisions for a month that something was going to happen soon.”

In Australia the banks are refusing customer withdrawals from their bank accounts.

The Rothchild  Mafia Empire’s wealth was based upon the Middle East acceptance of the US Petro Dollar for oil payments.

By 2008 that US Petro Dollar was declared bankrupt. The Rothchild  Mafia was unable to pay even the interest on gold they borrowed from the Chinese Elders used to set up the US Financial System in 1913.

In that same 2008 when the US Dollar was declared bankrupt, the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed the BRICS Alliance. They were concerned about the demise of the fiat US Petro Dollar that was being used as a basis for international trade.

BRICS proceeded to calculate the worth of 209 countries natural resources including gold deposits. BRICS was planning a Global Currency Reset where each country would have it’s own currency, with those currencies being at a 1:1 to each other for the purpose of international trade.

As of that same Tues. 31 Oct. when Israel Inc. became defunct, over 200 countries would no longer accept the fiat US Petro Dollar for oil transactions, plus refused to buy any more US Bonds, while China would no longer purchase US Debt.

The rejection of the US Petro Dollar, refusal of countries to buy US Bonds, with the US debt limit reached and with China no longer willing to purchase that US Debt meant that the fiat US Dollar no longer had power over the Global Financial System.

The impending catastrophe of the fall of the useless fiat US Petro Dollar was bound to soon cause a massive Stock Market Crash, catching many unaware of its potential magnitude.

Once a Stock Market Correction occurred precious metals that the Rothschilds worked so hard to suppress, would rise unabated, opening the door to the new gold/ asset-backed Global Currency Reset.

The US Treasury is officially Bankrupt, will borrow a Trillion $ from the Fed.

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 1 Nov. TNT: “The RV was supposed to go last night, so we are just waiting.”

Wed. 1 Nov. MarkZ: “A number of contacts both in and outside of Iraq said it did go very well this past weekend and they are expecting an announcement within days.”

Tues. 31 Oct. Bruce  Bank rates were connected to the Forex, while Redemption Center screens showed higher rates, so it would benefit to do your exchange/ redemption at a Redemption Center rather than a bank. All Zim Holders must go to Redemption Centers.

Tues. 31 Oct. Mr. Salvage on Telegram: There was a report that “The Paymaster of New York Michael J. Rubin said that everything was done. All money was in all banks and ready to go. All codes were in. The nation of Colombia was already liquid. Just have patience. We are there.”

Kurdistan: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced its decision to exclusively adopt the Iraqi Dinar for all transactions at border crossings and airports, effective on Wed. 1 Nov.

Tues. 31 Oct. P Arte on Telegram: “Ok guys I sat down with one of my banks branch managers today. They are Basel 3 and 4 compliant. I asked her about the RV and she said she just got an email coming through that said the Tues. 7 Nov. She’s checking in with her higher ups getting back to me. Her response was, how do you know all this? Lol hooowhooo let’s go!”

Craig Wilson: “Folks, It is being reported tonight Mon. 30 Oct, that about a week ago, the Iraqi GOI and the CBI, released to the US Treasury, the NEW International Exchange Rate! This came from an Iraqi Bank Partner of a bank here in the USA! It is also believed that the US Treasury has started some exchange steps with the CBI of some of the Iraqi Dinar that the US Treasury holds in its reserves! Sorry it’s not on ABC or NBC or any Fake Stream News yet, but it is from a source that IMO has credible information! That is all, carry on!!

Mon. 30 Oct. MarkZ: “Bond folks are still saying they expect theirs on Nov 4th right now. I hear the 5th is huge from a number of sources. That would make sense if they go late on the 4th and unleash us on the 5th…..but who knows?

Mon. 30 Oct. Wolverine: “We are still going, guys. Colombia is a good example. On Sun. 29 Oct. they had a meeting with leaders all over the World. They are ready to go.”

Tues. 31 Oct. The Power of the Groundbreaking QFS Ledger Account: ISO 20022 Coins, XRP and XLM , The Impending GCR, and Why The Traditional Banking System’s Days are Numbered – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   Article:  "New statement from Oil on the draft oil and gas law"  REMEMBER... IMO...THE NANO SECOND YOU SEE THE HCL, SECONDS LATER YOU WILL SEE THE NEW EXCHANGE RATE OF THE IQD.

Walkingstick  Question:  "It seems to me the United Staes Treasury wants a new exchange rate for the dinar. Do you think they want the exchange rate not so much to benefit Iraq but for all the Iraqi dinars that we have in our Federal reserves?"  Yes...And the new exchange rate they agreed upon through the RV they gave it to the US Treasury when they went over there last week.  That's why they're all excited.  They know it's about to happen...Our Feds are pushing for its release to happen now because they got what they wanted...

LIVE! What Happens When The Debt Market Goes NO BID?! Important Updates.

Greg Mannarino:  11-1-2023

‘RATS’ Flee Sinking Ship as Markets Teeter

Lynette Zang:  11-1-2023

Like rats abandoning a doomed vessel, the wealthy and powerful are cashing out of risky assets before the inevitable collapse.



1:19 Question 1

6:40 Question 2

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11:53 Question 4

16:55 Question 5

20:38 Question 6


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"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 11-2-2023