News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 8-13-2023

It might be worse for the US if BRICS doesn't create a new currency

Three weeks ago, Russia’s state-backed RT news network stirred some excitement when it announced that BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa - will announce the creation of a gold-backed currency. 

However, South Africa’s ambassador to BRICS, Anil Sooklal, clarified that a new currency is not on the agenda.  Instead, they are slated to talk about how to enhance trading using local currencies. 

Many think this keeps the status of the US dollar a little safer. 

It doesn’t. More than 40 countries are applying for membership. BRICS will not accept everyone, but if even just a quarter of the interested countries join, they would be able to trade amongst themselves more easily. 

If they trade using their own currencies, their economies will strengthen. Their newly developed network could solidify them as a group of developed countries while the IMF and World Bank’s most influential countries, like the US, struggle economically. 

In the meantime, all these countries will continue to hold an asset that is truly global to safely back their currency and set common standards between countries. 

It comes back to gold. The precious metal has no counterparty risks, it is not beholden to any one government or entity, and it is a reliable safe-haven asset. If the world is genuinely starting to witness the demise of the U.S. dollar, countries will have to hold more gold in their reserves to give their currencies value and stability.

In recent years, Russia, China, and many other countries have been stocking up on gold in an unprecedented buying spree. It’s becoming clear why. 

Gold is still the global currency.

It is in America’s best interest to maintain the position of the US Dollar but you should never rely on it alone. 

Gold is the only asset class in the world that has remained consistent. It has an innate value and its industrial uses continue to grow. Gold is not only the preferred jewelry material, but it’s also being studied as a potential treatment for cancer and it's helping NASA produce oxygen on Mars. 

That is why it has remained the best hedge against any kind of economic distress and there is nobody that knows this better than Central Banks.

Full Faith & Credit of a Bankrupt Insolvent Government – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter says there is a long list of financial trouble coming to America sooner than later.  There is the commercial real estate implosion, rising interest rates, an exploding federal budget, banana republic political problems, but the at the top of the list is the monster unpayable debt problem and the soon-to-be failing U.S. dollar. 

 Holter says, “You can’t have a third of the federal taxes paid out in interest, and that number is only going to grow over time. . . . If the markets would not collapse ahead of time, which they certainly will, but if they did not, we would get to the point where the interest would eat up all the tax receipts.  That is a mathematical impossibility.  We’re broke. 

On the other side of it, we have two rules of law.  We have one rule of law if you are a liar from the left and another rule of law if you are a conservative and you don’t support the bull crap rules they are putting out there. . . . This is an illustration that this country has already become a banana republic. 

The problem with that is the dollar issued by this country is the world’s reserve currency.  It’s a huge problem.”

Holter says the dollar is going to take a big hit in the next financial crisis that has already started.  When it hits, Holter predicts, “The actual bottom line is dollars are just pieces of paper backed by our government.  The dollar is backed by the full faith and credit of a bankrupt insolvent government, and people will figure that out very quickly. 

 When it comes to survival, people are not going to give up something real for nothing. . . . We are in the weeds right now because of interest rates . . . look at mortgage rates, they are well over 7% for a 30-year mortgage.  So, that’s going to hurt housing.  Commercial real estate has already been destroyed. . . . I think we are in the weeds because interest rates are at a point that nothing can be refinanced and rolled over.”

In closing, Holter says, “This is not my opinion, it’s a mathematical equation.  The debt cannot be paid back.  It’s not possible.  We will default one way or another.  We will print the crap out of the dollar and devalue it, or outright nonpayment.”

Holter predicted years ago we would end up in a “Mad Max” scenario when credit dries up and store shelves empty.  Holter contends that credit is drying up with the money supply shrinking for eight straight months.  The “Mad Max” world Holter is still predicting is now looking like it’s going to come true sooner than later.

There is much more in the 42-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 8.12.23.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling  Look at all the countries surrounding Iraq and you look at the values of the currencies and you average it out.  They don't want to be below that average.  They don't want to be too far above that average because they'd be too expensive to do business with them.

Frank26  The HCL is not's in the budget and it waits for the new exchange rate...HCL is a vital key in releasing the new exchange rate...Once you see the HCL you will also automatically see the new exchange rate.  They go hand in hand.


Iraqi dinar currency RV news dinner exchange rate update economy investment dollar iqd forex

Daily Updates:  8-13-2023

Iraqi dinar currency RV news dinner exchange rate update economy investment dollar iqd forex

A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, accused the US treasury of manipulating the fate of the people by deepening the crisis of the dollar’s ​​high exchange rate in the local market, while stressing that Iraq needs to achieve economic independence away from US hegemony.

Al-Zubaidi said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that “there is no fairness in continuing to deposit the country’s money in the US Federal Bank,” noting that “Washington lacks a lot of credibility in the treaties and charters that are agreed upon.”

And he continued, “Iraq will end the dollar crisis if it gets rid of the hegemony imposed by the United States of America on the money for selling oil,” pointing out that “the American treasury continues to manipulate the fate of the people by deepening the crisis of the high exchange rate of the dollar in the local markets.”

Al-Zubaidi went on: “Washington verbally imposes Chapter VII restrictions on Iraq in order to achieve its own interests,” adding that “the country needs to achieve economic independence away from the American hegemony perched on Iraq’s chest in many files.”

Member of Parliament Kazem Al-Touki said, in an interview with Al-Information Agency, that “the measures taken by the Central Bank did not withstand the decisions of the US Treasury regarding the dollar, while he stressed that the sanctions that the US Treasury continues to impose will not allow the stability of the exchange rates of the dollar in the local markets.”

And the Iraqi Ministry of Finance issued a clarification regarding the news circulating on communication platforms and media channels related to opening outlets for selling US dollars with a ceiling of one thousand dollars per month for each citizen. In a statement today, the Ministry confirmed that it had not received any directives in this regard until the date of preparing this statement, and the Ministry did not issue any directives in this regard.

She also stressed that if any instructions or directives are issued by the Council of Ministers in this regard, they will be announced through the official websites and platforms of the ministry.

It's time to return the Iraqi dinar to its original value, and the actual value of the Iraqi dinar before War was $2.80 dollar.

 I appeal to the Central Bank of iraq and the Government of Iraq that Iraqi dinar should be valued as soon as possible to bring Iraq to the international level.


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