News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 7-15-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 July 2023

Compiled Fri. 14 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Thurs. 13 July it appeared from what Nadar, Frank26, MarkZ and Bruce said that the new Iraqi Dinar Rate would become public and the Global Currency Revaluation would complete, including Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group), beginning currency exchanges and Zim Bond redemption, sometime between Fri. 14 July and Tues. 18 July.

On Sat. 15 July US Inc’s Bankruptcy Grace Period ends. They pay US quadrillions owed or forfeit all assets.

Also on Sat. 15 July NESARA/GESARA Announcements could be made according to rumors.

All Global Currency financial changes would be complete by Sun. 23 July.

The last week of July US citizens would receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest paid to the Cabal. SS payments would increase.

Thurs. 13 July Putin Warns About US Banking System: Putin Issues Warning About US Banking System: ‘Look at what is now happening in the United States. This is virtually the largest financial and banking crisis since 2008, and it is already spreading to Europe. THIS WILL DESTROY NATO’! – American Media Group (

The Quantum Financial System – A Silent Revolution: CBDC: The Modern Day Trojan Horse – QFS: The Silent Revolution! – American Media Group (

Frank 26: The RV is expected before the Iraqi Budget is implemented and that budget is scheduled to be implemented starting Sun. 16 July.

Thurs. 13 July MarkZ:

Member: Walkingstick owns a bank in Iraq…said that big CBI meeting with the big three took place today or yesterday. They were given the timing of the release. Value, Note count and type of denominations.

MZ: That would certainly explain why there is a sudden flurry and conversations over the last couple of hours. Contacts are giddy about the 15th through the 18th. So this news would make sense. I can’t say if it’s accurate or not but it would explain all the chatter that has suddenly erupted within a short time.

Rumors started lighting up a little while ago that “a dam has broken” in a good way. It appears there is a lot of excitement for the 15th through the 18th.

Most of my sources feel implementation of the Iraqi Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it will happen on Sun. 16 July.

Heard European banks have collapsed.

We heard a banking story yesterday from California. Somebody went into a Wealth Management location where they were building separate private cubicles…the person straight up asked them if this was for the QFS. The bank manager knew all about the QFS and said “Yes-, we will be doing currency things here” and they are expecting a lot of new, wealthy people.

Read full post here:


Emailed to Recaps:

Very important breakdown! L👀K at this! I broke the news here on June 29th when this first happened. Federal Reserve VP (under the control of the White Hat United States Treasury) set XRP as the official "Fedcoin". Let this sink in.

XRP is the only gold-backed digital asset. With the XRP in play, we don't need no stinkin cabal-created CBDCs!! Period!

💢As of today, July 13, Ripple XRP wins the lawsuit over the SEC and it's now the ONLY digital asset in the entire world with legal clarity, confirmed. 💥 THIS is HUGE!! 💥

💢 Now, put these pieces together and see the process that's been painstakingly been playing out for all this to happen... And yes, the RV, now, on the heels of these colossal developments. ~ Ginger


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

yada   Interestingly, all the articles since last week pointed to 7-15-23 as the date the budget was to be implemented.  It was stated they, the CBI, gave the banks the instructions on implementing such as the rate, amount of notes, and timing of the release... And the people for the most part are expecting the implementation as well...Im expecting the implementation this weekend and surely not in Aug...

Frank26   Question:   "Does the USA have to wait 7 days after Iraq's rate change or all changes at once...?"  It will all happen at once.  You cannot have a duel exchange will be instant.  One day you're going to wake up and see on the CBI the new exchange rate.  It will be across every board, market, trading center soon as the button is pressed the numbers are adjusted. 

Good morning some Iraqi news CBI, IQD, economy and deficit

Nader:  7-15-2023

Gold, silver, oil could break out in U.S. soft-landing scenario - Kitco Market Analyst Jim Wyckoff

KitcoNews:  7-14-2023

A recession-free soft landing for the U.S. economy will boost commodities as global demand picks up, according to Jim Wyckoff, Kitco Senior Market Analyst. Wyckoff joined reporter Ernest Hoffman to look at the potential impact of a strengthening U.S. economy on gold, silver, oil, and other key commodities.

They also discuss how seasonal factors could impact the timing of commodity breakouts and the implications of a BRICS currency announcement for the U.S. dollar.

0:00 - Soft landing looks likely

2:26 - Impact on gold

5:16 - Silver breakout

 7:00 - Watch crude oil

7:47 - Gold-backed BRICS currency

10:37 - U.S. equities rally


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