News,, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 12-16-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 16 Dec. 2023

Compiled Sat. 16 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

130 Countries No Longer Accept US Treasury Bonds

The Fiat US Petro Dollar Has Been Dropped as a Basis for International Trade
Broke US Inc. & The Federal Reserve Plan To Release Trillions In Digital Non-Asset Backed Currencies With No Value!

Global Currency Reset to Gold/Asset-Backed Digital & Hard Currency Was Imminent!

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Sat. 15 Dec. 2023:

On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Global Currency Reset will officially (allegedly) launch for BRICS participating nation’s gold/asset-backed currencies on the Star Link Satellite System.

On that same Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the BRICS Gold/Asset-backed XRP Digital Currency would officially (allegedly) be considered the Global Standard for international trade, with all participating nations’ currencies trading at a 1:1 with each other.

Bank Accounts of The People of all participating BRICS Nations have been (allegedly) mirrored onto the QFS. The People will gain access to their accounts by going to an official Redemption Center to obtain cards, phones and computers that work on this fully secure system that will only allow the owner of the account to have access.

The Iraqi Dinar, Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, (allegedly) revalued in-country some time ago; has been trading on the back screens of the Forex for weeks and exchanging the new Iraqi Dinar rate at a 1:1 with several countries currencies in their exports and imports.

On Wed. 6 Dec. 2023 the fiat US Petro Dollar was (allegedly) officially removed from the trade of OPEC Oil. Over 130 countries including OPEC members no longer would use the fiat US Dollar for oil and gas purchases, challenging the long standing dominance of the US Dollar as the basis for international trade.

Since then US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that, “US Treasury Bonds are not being accepted by anyone and $26 Trillion in US Treasury Bonds were about to be dropped.” The US Dollar value began to tank.

Fri. 15 Dec: Iraq has completed all of their banking competencies required of the CBI in Iraq to meet International Banking Standards. And tomorrow Sat. 16 Dec, they are expected to finish their banking reforms with their managers per a recent article. At this time, they will have two weeks to do logistics training with their employees to prepare them for working with International Exchange going forward and only using the Iraqi Dinar locally. Iraq has signed a number of agreements around the world to begin trading beyond their borders, and they have exchanged currencies with several countries to enable them to move forward with exports and imports. The article below is a confirmation regarding a completion of a year-long set of economic reforms. It celebrates the work that they have done to achieve International standing in the banking system. …Goldilocks

  Fri. 15 Dec. Goldilocks: How Are International Exchange Rates Set?,and%20the%20balance%20of%20trade.

Read full post here:


Pay Attention” – RV/GCR Update(s) from MikeCristo8 12-15-23     

Pay attention to what’s about to play out here. The G7 Central Banks Are now frenemies.

They will stab each other in the back to save their own credit spreads, now that the dollar is not anchored to oil. 

It’s going to get ugly!

Pay attention to capital flows, ALL the G7 currencies are now on same parity. The Fed is attempting to harvest other G7 Central Banks to save themselves. 

Why did Lagarde say she may raise rates? Because the dollar is no longer anchored to oil. For the G7, it’s cutthroat to save their own credit spreads.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  The monetary reform is not a secret and the Venturi effect of the monetary reform is causing so much pressure with so little time left to accomplish what they need to accomplish.  What do they need to accomplishThey need to help their citizens of Iraq, to add value to their currency...

Frank26  Question:  "Are we at the point in this journey where the rate could be changed at any time?"   Yes.

Goldilocks  Iraq has completed all of their banking competencies required by the CBI in Iraq to meet International Banking Standards. And tomorrow, they are expected to finish their banking reforms with their managers per a recent article.

The Great Monetary Pivot: Don’t Let The Fed Control How Much You Win in 2024 - E.B. Tucker

Daniella Cambone:  12-15-2023

"The gameplay is to control the growth rate," explains E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of "Why Gold, Why Now?"

in our recent interview with Daniela Cambone. Tucker delves into how the actions of the Federal Reserve are averting a deflationary scenario for 2024. "If you don’t manage it up, things deflate. If things deflate, the whole system breaks.

That’s not going to happen," Tucker emphasizes. He also underscores the importance of maintaining objectivity in investing.

"You have to be able to change your mind when the facts change" to avoid falling into bear traps, Tucker advises. Additionally, he notes that private credit companies are increasingly taking on the role of traditional banks in lending money.

As we approach the New Year, Tucker urges people to take action promptly instead of waiting around. "If you want to change your life, do it today," he concludes.


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 12-16-2023


Weekend News with MarkZ 12-16-2023