News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 8-26-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 26 Aug. 2023

Compiled Sat. 26 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Global Currency Reset:

The Global Currency Reset appeared to be announced on Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 when the BRICS Summit launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system.

Fri. 25 Aug. TNT Call: The three letter agencies are at the highest level of alert possible for the RV. The majority that it will be this weekend or sooner. The Iraqi government has until tomorrow to open the budget. Many people in powerful positions were arrested in Iraq this week.

Fri. 25 Aug. MarkZ said tonight that he has heard that a couple of humanitarian projects have received full funding and are slowly rolling out.

Thurs. 24 Aug. Bruce: Bond Holders were told by authorities in Switzerland that they would be notified Friday 25 Aug. and get access to funds on Saturday 26 Aug. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified to set exchange/redemption appointments Saturday 26 Aug. or Monday 28 Aug. at the very latest.

Charlie Ward said that Tier4b would be able to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds after that Global Currency Reset was announced.

Shelton Levert said that Paymasters would start paying Tier3 after the BRICS Summit ended on Thurs. 24 Aug.

Wolverine claimed that on Fri. 18 Aug. Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the Planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.


Fri. 24 Aug. It’s Official: The “BRICS” Group Now Includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates; They Will Control 80% of the World’s Oil – American Media Group (

Thurs. 24 Aug. BRICS’s Blood Move: Bidding Goodbye to the US Dollar in Trade – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:   We seeing we rank 5th in the world in oil reserves and yet we have a program rate?

Bruce  [via WiserNow]  The information that we are that we should be notified Saturday, or...another source that either Saturday or Monday at the very latest...But the good news is, this looks like it is imminent and it is coming in a matter of days...So let's see where this takes us through the weekend.   

BRICS Threatens The Dollar And The West With This | Over 50 Countries Set To Hop On Board

Tech Revolution:  8-26-2023

(Note: Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia  were just accepted into the BRICS coalition as of Jan1, 2024).

The stage was set, and the world watched with bated breath as the BRICS summit of 2023 commenced. Little did anyone expect that the echoes of this summit would resonate far beyond its intended reach.

In a world where alliances define the global stage, a seismic shift has rocked the international community. As the doors of diplomacy swung open, a whirlwind of enthusiasm engulfed the corridors of power. Reports came rushing in, like wildfire sweeping through a parched forest.

Over 50 countries, spanning continents, had quietly formed a queue, eagerly vying to join the ranks of this formidable alliance. It was a diplomatic spectacle like no other, a saga that blurred the lines between ambition and alliance. Nations, big and small, had cast their dice into the arena of geopolitics, hoping to secure a seat at the coveted BRICS table.

Indonesia. Yep, they're one of the many countries that are considering hopping on board. President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa has thrown out a whopping 69 invitations to heads of state and government for the BRICS Summit.

 And here's the twist: not only are leaders from Africa, Asia, and Latin America coming to the party, but also folks from all around the globe. Heads up because we've got a star-studded event on our hands.

The whole BRICS thing started from a chat between foreign ministers of Brazil, China, India, and Russia. Later, South Africa got the nod and became a member back in 2010. Now, get this, Indonesian President Joko Widodo is making his way to the event and will be hanging around until Thursday, August 24.

 It's not just Indonesia; Saudi Arabia and Argentina are also contenders to become new members of the BRICS club. People in the know say that Indonesia's been doing some serious thinking about joining BRICS. President Jokowi's got his thinking cap on, but as of his departure on Sunday, August 20, he's still keeping the official stance under wraps.

 Hey, here's a cool nugget, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is rooting for Indonesia to join BRICS. And he's not stopping there, he's also giving a shout-out to Argentina, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, hoping they'll all join the club too. And wait for it, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Iran, Nigeria, and Egypt are waving their hands and saying, "We want in."

According to South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor, a whopping 40 countries have shown an interest in joining BRICS, and around 23 of them are getting serious about it. And that is just in the African continent. Even more have expressed their wills. Pandor says that the global scene these days has countries all intrigued about BRICS as an alternative in our diverse world.

Pandor, the South African Foreign Minister, really wants to make it clear that BRICS isn't about being against the West. Instead, this group is all about being a diplomatic tool for developing countries to shine. And guess what? The club's getting bigger, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Bangladesh are also part of the gang.

Plus, Uruguay's knocking on the door, and Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Honduras, and Zimbabwe are peeking in too.

Imagine this: Alongside the familiar names, the likes of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Bangladesh have also eagerly stepped into the spotlight, officially becoming part of the gang. It's like a canvas of cultures, colors, and ideas all blending together.

But wait, there's a plot twist that adds to the intrigue. Uruguay, with excitement brimming, is gently tapping on the door of the BRICS club, eagerly hoping to secure its place. It's like that moment when someone's knocking, and you can't help but wonder what's on the other side.

And let's not forget the curious observers – Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Honduras, and Zimbabwe, they're all on the sidelines, casting curious glances through the window of opportunity.

You can almost feel the excitement and anticipation as these countries contemplate stepping into the limelight that BRICS offers.

Now, let's chat about the summit in Johannesburg. They're looking at expanding the BRICS gang, and that's a hot topic. Dammu Ravi, the Economic Secretary at the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, chimed in, saying that they need some strict rules for anyone wanting to join the party.


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