News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 11-25-2023


Clare:  Sudanese Advisor: The Battle For The Dollar Is Almost Over


The media advisor to the Prime Minister, Hisham Al-Rikabi, confirmed today, Friday, that the dollar battle is nearing its end.

Al-Rikabi said in a post on the “X” platform, followed by Earth News: “The reform plans for the financial and banking system undertaken by the government and the Central Bank of Iraq aim to build strong foundations for the stability of the economy and pave the way for creating a suitable climate for investment, and end the eras of illegal trade, dollar smuggling, and speculative operations in market".

He added, "In short, the battle for the dollar is nearing its end."   LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  They're saying it's done.  I really like that.  I think you guys should be happy about it because if all the currency swaps are taken care of...I think it's a precursor to an exchange rate change in the future.

Nader From The Mid East   It has to revalue.  If you talk about the assets and how much Iraq has...Look at Kuwait doesn't have anything.  No agriculture.  They have a little bit of tourism.  When Kuwait hits your mind?  Almost never.  Here's the thing though, Iraq is more richer than Kuwait.  It's 100x, 1000x richer than Kuwait.  Of course because it's bigger than Kuwait... When you hear the head of state saying the dinar is stronger than the dollar you got to believe him.  It is stronger.


From Recaps Archives: 

What is Nesara????   Many sites are talking about it……here is some information

NESARA ...Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities..

Information about NESARA:


A law was (allegedly) passed in the United States in March 2000 and signed into law in October of 2000. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. – National Economic Security and Reformation Act.  All politicians and media members are under a gag order to not speak of it publicly until it is officially announced. This new law will first be enacted in the United States and eventually will be rolled out across the world. The law provides:

     ·  Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities

     ·  Dissolves the IRS and ends all income tax

     ·  Creates flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine and all used items will not be taxed)

     ·  Increases benefits to senior citizens

     ·  Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters – re-trains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law

     ·  Provides for new representational elections within Constitutional Law.

     ·  Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of billionaires and special interest groups

     ·  Ends the Federal Reserve System and begins a new US Treasury bank system  that follows Constitutional Law

     ·  Creates new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals,ending US Government bankruptcy. This will initiate global economic reform.

     ·  Restores financial privacy

     ·  Ceases all aggressive US Government military action worldwide

     ·  Leads to peace throughout the world

     ·  Enables release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies and enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

The provisions of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act have been composed by visionaries who wish to correct past wrongs against the people in the United States. It is supported and inspired by statesmen around the world, as well as off-world, as a vision for global peace, freedom and prosperity.

Further information about N.E.S.A.R.A. history at these sources:​/

RJ Talks  Nov 24, 2023

The new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, an economist and a libertarian pulled off a decisive victory, and has already begun causing volatility in markets. Bond markets specifically in Argentina began to react to the incoming president’s promised policies. Some of which include massive spending cuts, making the US dollar Argentina’s legal currency, and closing the Central Bank of Argentina.

Well what happens when Milei takes office? What are big money investors looking at as possible opportunities? What will the effect be on US markets? Well make sure to watch the video to find out!

UBS Cites it May Fail | Silver's New Fuel Cell Demand?

SD Silver:  11-24-2023

Currently, US banks are reported to be still sitting on over $1/2 trillion in unrealized losses on investment securities.

Of course, there is no current estimate of collective losses on commercial loans for failing sectors like office space in major city centers, at least not yet anyway.

The three-year rolling average losses for US long-term nominal bonds have been -25% this year, 2023 and -26% last year in 2022, respectively. One is left to wonder which of the major commercial banks may be closest to another outright failure.

Perhaps the Global Systemically Important Bank that swallowed up recently failed Swiss bank behemoth Credit Suisse?

Reports online today alleged that UBS, a tier-1 G-SIB cited delays in customer deposit withdrawals to its customers, explicitly citing 'unforeseen liquidity challenges'. The branch in this particular alleged correspondence is located in Basel, Switzerland.

Two days ago, the current CEO of UBS, Sergio Ermotti, while speaking at a Swiss Risk Association event, stated, "Even in the unlikely event of something going wrong at UBS, we have enough cushion before even speaking about a resolution of the bank and its very unlikely risk of a loss for the taxpayer."

Would UBS need to be rescued? Ermotti said a private buyer would continue to be preferable. Saying, "Of course, this would likely entail an international buyer."

This is yet another reminder that no matter how sophisticated are gigantic a bank portends to be, you do not actually own the fiat currency in your bank account with them, and at any point in time, the bank may not even have the fiat currency available to fulfill your IOU if and when you demand it withdrawn.


What is the Secret Power of Gold You Were Never Taught in School? Awake-In-3D


Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar - Dong Updates Late Friday Evening 11-24-23