News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 1-20-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 20 Jan. 2024

Compiled Sat. 20 Jan. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 18 Jan. MarkZ: We have articles that say Iraq’s ascension to the World Trade Organization was approved back in Feb of 2023. My contracting sources in Iraq say the valuation has been determined and we are just waiting on the release.

Thurs. 18 Jan. Bruce: One of our strongest sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Sat. 20 Jan, or they could start on Mon. 22 Jan as that is what the Redemption Centers are preparing for. We heard from our source in Iraq that not only do we have an Intl and In-country rate but we also have Iraq trading that rate internationally about when markets close tomorrow Fri. 19 Jan. About 5 – 6 pm EST we should see it in the US.

Bruce cont……Some time Sat. 20 Jan. Bond Holders should receive access to funds – in about 48 hours time Bond Holders will be able to see what is in their accounts and get access to 10%. So today we heard that there was an Iraqi Dinar In-Country Rate of a little over $3. But our rate is going to be higher. Back in 2012 Dr. Shabibbi said it would be well over sixteen.

Fri. 19 Jan. Wolverine: Hope you guys are excited as I am. We are definitely close. I received incredible info from various platforms saying they are just waiting to get the Green Light to receive funds. We will be celebrating any time!  If we should go today, we will not get funds released till next week. D1 is done. D2 hoping to get done today. Nesara should be happening around Sun. 21 Jan, and hopefully we will get announcement at that time of the Medbeds! Mauricio is under NDA. Lawyer said the funds are to be released in Reno.  I want you to remain in faith. This is going to happen! A lot of Whales are now under NDA. Certain platforms are now getting ready. The Pentecostal group is now getting ready to release the funds. The owner has apologized profusely and wanted to tell everyone that this was never scam and to thank everyone for believing in her. It been 24 years since she started this and finally this is ready. Everything is ready to go and just waiting for the Green Light. The RV is definitely coming. God bless you all. Wolverine 

Wed. 17 Jan. TNT Tony Call: “It will be happening at a moment’s notice – the next couple of days is the target.”

Fri. 19 Jan. JUST IN: Shockwaves on January 23! Basel III Deadline – The Global Financial Crisis and the Urgent Call for a Currency Reset – American Media Group (

Global Economic Crisis:

Fri. 19 Jan. The US Debt Clock Secret Window: The Kennedy Factor: Challenging the Federal Reserve – The Emergency Banking Act of 1933: A Historical Parallel – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   Question:   "Do you think Iraq will depose current currency once revalued?"  Once they revalue of course they're going to get rid of the currency...the 3-zero notes.  They will introduce the lower denominations and the fils to the citizens.  But it needs a different exchange rate that would match it to give it value.  The exchange rate right now is so low there is no value...

Paulette   The CBI has clearly stated to the Citizens that they should not fear the implementation of the Delete the Zeros Project as they plan to do it in a manner to minimize confusion and the 3 zero series currency will co-exist for a period of 2 years in the marketplace and up to ten years through the Banks.

SHOCKING: 14% Gain In Americans' Finances Reported As Debt Distress Hits Record High

Lena Petrova:  1-19-2024

Financial Crisis Is Imminent, As 30% Of Americans Just Missed Payments

Atlantis Report:  1-19-2024

The ongoing cost of living crisis has pushed millions of Americans to the brink of financial hardship. More than 16 million people have missed payments on their household bills this year, and 30% of households will fall behind on at least one payment in 2024. Moreover, two million people, that is 14% of the population, have missed a payment for the first time this year, indicating a worsening situation for many families.


Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar - Dong Updates Saturday AM 1-20-24


Weekend News With MarkZ 1-20-2024