News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 1-1-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 1 Jan. 2024

Compiled Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors) 

BRICS: The U.S Dollar will (allegedly) collapse on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024.

On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat Petro US Dollar will (allegedly) no longer be used for international trade and from here on out the BRICS nations (which represent over half of the World population) will only be using their own sovereign nations gold/asset-backed currency for in country and international trade.

On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the Global Currency Reset was (allegedly) scheduled to take place; the new gold asset/backed US Notes will be put in US ATMs and Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could receive email notification to set appointments.

On Tues. 2 Jan. the new gold/asset-backed US Note would(allegedly)  be available to the general public and Tier4b might possibly begin exchange/redemption appointments.

Sat. 30 Dec. Captain Marvel Jr. on Telegram: Everything is pointing to the RV happening on Jan. 1. The Dinar will go public on Jan. 1. Vietnam has joined BRICS – the Dong is gold backed. The next two weeks will see a lot of booms. We will see declass.

Sat. 30 Dec. Wolverine’s Chat:
1) Pentecostal group is now totally silent, off grid, (Wolverine believes them to be silent due to receiving their blessing);

2) There is mention of the EBS going off before the RV. He does not believe the electricity will be cut.

3) He believes it will begin first week of January. His sources said the gold backed currency needed to be in place, which happened on Jan. 1 2024.

4) A very high source has said all is done. He said he knows how difficult this is for us, and for him, but that the RV is A Trillion percent real and will be happening.

2024 will go down in history as the year Market Corrections took place across the globe.

The new currency rates were presently trading on the Forex and going up and down in value.

Those new rates were International Rates that the general public would be given if they exchanged foreign currency at a bank.

If those in Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) obtained an appointment to exchange at an official Redemption Center they will be offered higher exchange rates.

Early 2023 Tucker Carlson: Congress had until the end of last June to finish the currency reset protocols. This allowed interfacing quantum computers around the world in the first part of July as the new Quantum Financial System was utilized. Bridges were built between different countries’ computer systems that allowed cooperation and coordination of currency transactions through an International Payment System (ISO20022) creating more money flow and more money velocity. The demand for each country’s National Currencies began to increase in value and purchasing power around the world. The second half of this year brought in a Global Currency Reset in ways none of us can even imagine.

The Federal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.

The Cabal planned for expiration of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) by the Federal Reserve on March 12th, 2024. At that point they would have created a major banking crisis that would lead to big banks acquiring smaller banks. They also would have created ideal conditions for quick implementation of a US Central Bank fiat Digital Currency where they could control everyone’s bank accounts, and lives. The Global Currency Reset on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 changed all that as major countries of the World stopped use of the fiat US Petro Dollar and traded such for gold/asset backed currencies of their own sovereign countries.


Global Financial Crisis:

China and Russia Test Hack Proof Quantum Communication Link for BRICS Countries:

As of Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 Russia and Iran will no longer use the fiat US Dollar in international trade:

Sun. 31 Dec. 2024 is The Year of the Black Swan Financial Events: The expiration of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) by the Federal Reserve on March 12th, 2024 will lead to a major banking crisis. Consequences include a decline in bank loans, impacting economic activity and reducing persistent inflation. Big banks stand to benefit by acquiring distressed banks, consolidating the financial landscape. The planned banking crisis would create ideal conditions for quick implementation of a US Central Bank Digital Currency, small and medium bank consolidation and elimination of regional bank competition.

Europe would accept BRICS in 2024:


Sun. 31 Dec. Michael J on Telegram: The liability side of the U.S. bank balance sheet has collapsed (in the trillions), along with all other financial institutions (Think corporate bonds).

The liability side of a bank balance sheet is probably worth 5-10 cents on the dollar as the bond values have collapsed, which is now systemic in the G7.

Central banks are NOT going to rescue that. We are talking $10’s of trillions that’s not worth the paper it was printed on.

G7 inflated financial assets because of the dollar carry trade,

The fiat US Dollar was no longer anchored to Saudi oil, which then unwound the demand for dollars.

Japan sold UST’s this morning, as to why the US10Y yield suddenly spiked.

Remember how Nixon ended the gold standard (Aug 1971) and no one wanted dollars, then in 1973, Kissinger does the Saudi oil dollar peg that created demand for dollars? Remove the Saudi oil peg and the G7 inflated financial assets (bonds) collapse.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Iraq is going to be interconnecting with international countries and they're going to be doing it by International standards and guess what they're not going to be doing that with a 1310 program, or I call it, a  punishment rate...  

Angel1  People are asking are they international Are they gonna go international?  ...They have two currencies trading in dinar...pegged to the dinar...They are already operating internationally in a controlled environment...It's not going to shock the market when they go on Forex and peg to six different currencies.  They're already doing that now.  The roll out has already begun.  The markets are already accepting them.  The markets are warming up for them to go on Forex officially.  They are already doing what we want them to do on a small controlled scale...They've proven that they can do it.  


Brace For 'Ultimate Reckoning' Once Inflation's Second Wave Strikes | Bill Smead

David Lin:  12-31-2023

Inflation will not stay low forever, and the economy gets closer everyday to an "ultimate reckoning", according to Bill Smead, CIO and Chairman of Smead Capital Management.

0:00 - Intro

2:42 - New highs for stocks in 2024?

6:30 - Economic outlook

8:55 - Ultimate reckoning

10:00 - Inflation

15:00 - Labor

17:24 - Fed pivot

19:50 - Real estate

23:20 - Stock market outlook

25:00 - Rising wealth of millennials

27:35 - Homebuilders

31:05 - Bitcoin

33:35 - Value investing

36:50 - Inflation hedge


Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Sunday Evening 12-31-23


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Sunday Evening 12-31-23