News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 8-7-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 7 Aug. 2023

Compiled Mon. 7 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: So, what’s next in their strategy?

Well, they have already set us up for Global Food Shortages, along with the biggest Financial Collapse in history. Such would devastate the World’s economy – if not for the BRICS Alliance’s Global Currency Revaluation that kicked off way last Tues. 1 August 2023.

BRICS’ original five members – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – were due to convene in Johannesburg on Aug. 22-24. A potential expansion will be high on the agenda according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Among those US states reported to have already joined BRICS was Texas, plus another 19 Federal States.

The Cabal’s Great Reset – a digital fiat currency designed to control your bank account and even what food and other items you could or could not buy – was set to go live very soon – except that the well laid out plan was in failure mode. Many countries and most US states have refused the offer to join.

Global Currency Revaluation:

Sat. 5 Aug. Financial Update, Charlie Ward: “We are coming into the biggest financial collapse you have ever seen. The bad guys want to usher in a New World Order One World Government World Economic Forum. They wish to collapse the World’s economy. This has been planned for a long time. It’s time to wake up. If they win they will completely control you.”

The Federal Reserve is technically bankrupt. In 2023 the Fed will post it’s first annual operating loss since 1915 – $80 Billion, with a negative capital of $38 Billion. This loss does not count the 1.3 trillion unrealized loss on it’s portfolio.

All BRICS Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa – plus 104 others) were releasing from the fiat US Dollar and no longer accepting it for international trade.

The Iraqi Parliament was in receipt of their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it.

On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was expected to be revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then begin trading up on the Forex – after that it cannot go down in value.

Last Fri. 4 Aug. the BRICS nations set a Back Wall for the RV at Sat. 12 Aug.

On the Banking side, Bank of America was closing US branches in August. Banks had until Sun. 6 Aug. to synch up with the Central Bank of Iraq and it’s new Iraqi Dinar Rate; Wells Fargo customers were reporting that their deposits were disappearing from their accounts, plus on Mon. 7 Aug. the World’s largest bank, the United Bank of Switzerland (American Group), has announced they were making sweeping changes and restructuring the bank.

Fri. 4 Aug. Wolverine: “The head of the Humanitarian financial instruments in Colombia just announced that all protocols are ready and that letter of exit to release the funds are ready and to thank everyone for this incredible blessing.”

Fri. 4 Aug. TNT Call: The banks are saying the RV could start at any time. FedNow was activated on Thurs. 3 Aug. Iraq is saying the budget instructions will be made public in the next 10 days, which could mean any time. The back wall is the 12th. It was agreed to be done by then.

Bearded Patriot confirmed that the first wave of liquidity started on Tues. 1 Aug.

MarkZ said that a number of very connected people to the RV had to be in place by Fri. 4 Aug. and on that Fri. 4 Aug. he again said, “A lot of people are traveling today.” He had received mixed reports of this going Sat. 5 Aug, Tues. 8 Aug. or Wed. 9 Aug.

On Sun. 30 July Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the Global Currency Reset and on Mon. 31 July, signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug. 1, 2023.

The BRICS Alliance has finally abandoned the USD for a global trade settlement – Cryptopolitan. The line has been drawn in the sand and BRICS nations have made a stand that could shake the global financial landscape.

Sat. 5 Aug. Rumtel Update:

CBI has the budget. Banks have until Sunday to “synch up” with the Central Bank of Iraq.

Action on Sunday will drive the Dinar rate DOWN to 1,300 to 1 US Dollar. This will match the rate on the street and the budget.

CBI will then “revalue” to 1,000 to 1. Target date is Wednesday.

CBI will then “drop the 3 zeros” to 1-$1 with the US dollar, at which point the Dinar will be tradable and “floating” on the Forex. It will NOT float down.

Political hurdles have been cleared.

“Health crisis” of a major figure was an assassination attempt. Failed.

No moves left.

First major figure to “leave the stage” on Thursday 10 Aug.

This is the plan as of today Sat. 5 Aug, as I understand it from separate sources. We’ll see. All we can do is wait and hope that events unfold along these lines. Enjoy your weekend. Watch some sports and pray this in.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  The Central Securities Deposit System has a time frame on it that's going to start as early as, as they say specifically on the CBI's website...August 7th...All banks in the country were notified 14 days prior to the first of August to be set up and ready to go on this new system and they have until implementation day.  Their words not mine - August 7, 2023.   [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Militia Man   What this could mean is that that sets the stage for them to be able to have the ability to funnel money into the Iraqi Stock Exchange from international circumstances...That's really really big because going international, the amount of money that will flow through their stock exchange is going to probably be astronomical.  It's going to be good for them...Iraqi and I.  It's a powerful thing.  Take it seriously.  It's coming to us now.  [Post 2 of 2]


ALERT! Heartland Bank Failure Was a FDIC Regulated SCAM to Bail Out Uninsured Depositors!

(Bix Weir)  8-7-2023

So it's taken me a while but I think I've figured out what happened to Heartland Tri-State bank when it failed last Friday. IT WAS AN FDIC SCAM!!

The "Official Reason" that the bank failed was... “We declared the bank insolvent because of a scam that they fell victim to. I can’t speak to the particulars of that. Investigations are ongoing. But it had nothing to do with interest rate increases. Nothing to do with balance sheet asset quality. Nothing to do with the Fed.” WOW!

Why not tell the world so we can make sure it doesn't happen to ANOTHER BANK? And WHY list those 3 items that it had "NOTHING" to do with: increased interest rates, asset quality & THE FED?!

 All I can say is that Government officials make TERRIBLE LIARS!

 The truth is that Heartland Tri-State Bank had been under a secret "restructuring" for the past 3 years and the losses were just too big to hide any longer forcing the bank to be shutdown. The FDIC had to structure a secret bailout of over $40M for the Uninsured Depositors!


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 8-7-2023


Monday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 8-7-23