News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 8-14-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 14 Aug. 2023

Compiled Mon. 14 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Judy Note:

On Tues. 1 Aug. the first wave of liquidity started.

On Thurs. 3 Aug. evening FedNow was activated as the EBS merged with the Global Financial System.

On Sun. 6 Aug. Banks synched up with the Central Bank of Iraq

By Mon. 7 Aug. the Iraqi Parliament had approved their budget and published it in the Gazette the next day Tues. 8 Aug.

On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was believed to have revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then began trading up on the Forex back screens.

On Thurs. 10 Aug. the direct payment system was activated to send funds internationally person to person.

Tier 4b should be notified to receive appointments to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim bonds within 48 hours of Bond Holders.

The Gold/asset-backed USN was expected to be announced between Aug.18-21, or most certainly at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South African Aug. 22-24.

Russia will launch central bank digital currency tests with 13 banks next week.

David Wilcock:

Niger has cut off EIU control over it’s uranium that has been stolen for decades while European Elites and Wall Street banks get rich. Now Niger also stopped gas/oil pipe lines running through their country to Europe.

Muammar Gaddafi is a legend in African countries. They praise his legacy. He began the fight and united the country against World Banks, CIA, M16, UN, NATO and Bilderberger control. He created an African United banking system backed by gold and African natural resources.

Gaddafi was the first to free the country from debt, gave free education and Health care, paid for housing and schooling for his people to get College education abroad. This important move would have freed Africa from the enslavement of colonialism from the U.S./France. EU countries.

Gaddafi’s African banking system would have put the EU. China and U.S. into immediate banking COLLAPSE as these countries were robbing Africa of resources, minerals for hundreds of years and Gaddafi’s plan was to END the deep state operations. This is the reason the Rockefellers through Clintons CIA, Obama killed Gaddafi.

Read full post here:

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Courtesy if Dinar Guru

Frank26  It sure seems like the key to everything is in the relationship between Baghdad and Kurdistan because that relationship agreed to open up the budget, agrees on HCL, agrees on Article 140, agrees on the oil right and without a doubt agrees with everything concerning monetary reform.  They have exemplified that to Sudani.

Militia Man  Article:   "The dinar is in the central recovery rooms.. and accusations against the Americans of creating crises"  Quote:  "...The National Currency requires elaborate measures to maintain strength in value internally and externally, on the basis of the measures to be taken will activate the private sector and expand the import and reduce exports."  I may have this wrong, but, to build out the country, they need to do just as it is being stated. They need to take extreme measures to get the imports increased and the exports reduced. Why? Because, it is far cheaper to re-build the country with strength in the national currency. It is the foremost item that is now needed.

MUST WATCH! Is the World Returning to the Gold Standard in 2023? Jim Rogers

FinanceLog:  8-14-2023

According to Veteran investor Jim Rogers, Throughout history, countries and civilizations have used their available resources to create their monetary systems.

 This is because money is essentially a medium of exchange, and it needs to be universally accepted and have a relatively stable value.

He believes there have been attempts to establish metal-backed currencies like gold or silver standards, but they often face challenges and only last for a short time.

 Gold and silver-backed currencies bring forth notable advantages due to their reliance on tangible assets to uphold the value of a country's currency. Nevertheless, these currencies have their drawbacks.

A significant concern arises from politicians' frequent reluctance to conform to the strictures imposed by such standards. This resistance intensifies when faced with adverse circumstances, compelling politicians to amend established rules.

 Rogers believes this historical pattern of altering regulations during difficult situations has consistently eroded the viability of gold or silver-backed currencies as stable and dependable systems.


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 8-14-2023


Iraqi News Highlights Monday Morning 8-14-23