News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 2-14-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 14 Feb. 2025

Compiled Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

What We Think We Know as of  Fri. 14 Feb. 2025:

Possible Timing:

Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION: Leaders in the Global Currency Reset (allegedly) received signal payments authorized by the Quantum Network

Since Friday 3 Feb. 2023 all Basel 4 Compliant banks were expected to go public with the new Gold / Commodity-backed currency International Rates as required by the GESARA Law, this is the Re-evaluation of all the global currencies (meaning the global currency reset).

The use of the FIAT US Dollar will be (allegedly) used for up to 90 days Feb. / March / April parallel with the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off of by April 30th or soon thereafter.


The Real News for Thurs. 13  Feb. 2025:

Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025 President Trump welcomes the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi to the White House. Modi is one of the five original founders of the BRICS Alliance, which has (allegedly)  instigated the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations.


Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025: Your Quantum Financial System (QFS) Account …QFS on Telegram

Your personal QFS account is (allegedly) already set up, holding all your personal data You do not have to set it up. THERE’S NOTHING LEFT TO CONFIGURE!

Beware, scammers are out there, trying to trick you into configuring your QFS account. Don’t be fooled when people tell you to configure your QFS account. There’s nothing left to configure. What they really want is to steal your personal data and rob you of your wealth.

Your account already (allegedly) contains funds, money tied to your birth certificate, past loans, mortgages, and more. This is YOUR money, earned over your lifetime, securely stored in your QFS account.

The system is in place, and soon, after the bonuses are collected, the general public will be summoned to Redemption Centers. There, you’ll receive your QFS card and finally access the wealth that’s rightfully yours.

When the time comes, you’ll be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and then, you won’t be able to talk about any of this. So, GET READY. Even if you don’t believe it now, you have an account with a lot of money waiting for you, and once this kicks off, there’s no turning back. Stay vigilant, your future depends on it!

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:
Mr Sammy still says those budget tables are rate related and they are the key.  That's why they've been hiding them. FRANK:  We know it's been hidden.  We now understand and know where it is hidden - In the budget.

” and ” TARGETING IRAN, US TIGHTENS IRAQ’S DOLLAR FLOW, CAUSING PAIN“. These are my favorite articles in the news... It may at first seem imposing, but it will lead us to what we have been looking for all along...this move by the US is supported by the CBI and is in the plan as the next move that had to be made...It is going to set up the dinar for the future value...

Insiders Scramble To Get Their Gold Back | Andy Schectman

Liberty and Finance:  2-13-2024

Join us for an exclusive livestream Q&A with Andy Schectman, CEO & President of Miles Franklin Precious Metals.

Schectman will delve into the recent draining of London's gold vaults and the current dynamics of the retail gold market.

 Despite gold prices soaring to all-time highs, retail demand for physical gold remains surprisingly low, and premiums are staying low as well.

Tune in for expert insights on these paradoxical trends and what they mean for the future of gold investing.


20 Tips for Managing Stress in 2025


“Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 2-14-2025