News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 12-1-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 1 Dec. 2023

Compiled Fri. 1 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 29 Nov. 2023 Wolverine: Updated information on International Transactions of Securities, Promissory Notes, Cash and Assets. Reno released the funds on Tues. 28 Nov. and were available at midnight Wed. 29 Nov. Payments in Reno began Thurs. 30 Nov. and will continue on Friday 1 Dec. All other platforms will start over the weekend. …It’s exciting times, guys. This is real and not a rumor, or BS. Reno has started. Tomorrow will be opera time and tomorrow is party time.

Thurs. 30 Nov. Mike Bara: Bond holders just got calls to verify their bank account information for payment.

Thurs. 30 Nov. MarkZ: “Bond people have been told to have all their information updated by 3pm EST Thurs. 30 Nov….The tip from Mike Bara RV was that his bond people told him the RV will arrive by Friday 1 Dec.”

Thurs. 30 Nov. Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) exchanges were supposed to start on Fri. 1 Dec. Notification to Bond Holders were going out Thurs. night 30 Nov. and they should have access tomorrow on Fri. 1 Dec. Yesterday Wed. 29 Dec. Rates on Dinar and Dong were put out on Redemption Center screens that were terrific and they were even higher today. It is important that you set your appointment through an 800 number and go to a Redemption Center to exchange. The rates at the Redemption Center were much higher (as many as four time higher) than they were at the bank.

Wed. 29 Nov. TNT Call: Iraqis were at banks opening accounts and getting electronic cards. The Three letter agencies are still saying the approval has been given and they are working it through the system and it could happen any minute between now and the end of the month Thurs. 30 Nov.

Tues. 28 Nov. Bruce: Currency dealers will be changing their currency rates Wed. 28 Nov. night after midnight. A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging by Thurs. 30 Nov. of this week. Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov. On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments. Restitution and Reclamation Allowances (in a lump sum payment) and a significant increase in Social Security starts the first week of Dec. for ages 62 and over. NESARA came in on Thanksgiving night 11-23-2023 at 11:11pm.

Thurs. 30 Nov. American Patriot on Telegram: QFS: Many of the major corporations around the world have already begun the process of interfacing their networks together on the QFS. As Protocol 20 continues to test its system with these new technologies connecting to one another, we will witness an explosion of new services available to us on January 30th, 2024 providing the vote to move forward with Protocol 20 is agreed upon.

Thurs. 30 Nov. Benjamin Fulford: This is HUGE, Folks! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (


Thurs. 30 Nov. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865

A couple of days ago 59 new satellites were sent up and that completed the formation of the Starlink Satellite System. The satellites were fully synchronized by Thurs. 30 Nov.

Tier3b (us, the Internet Group) exchanges were supposed to start on Fri. 1 Dec.

Notification to Bond Holders were going out tonight and they should have access tomorrow on Fri. 1 Dec.

Yesterday Wed. 29 Dec. Rates on Dinar and Dong were put out on Redemption Center screens that were terrific and they were higher today. It is important that you set your appointment through an 800 number and go to a Redemption Center to exchange. The rates at the Redemption Center were much higher (as many as four time higher) than they were on the bank screens.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Can the CBI, Alaq and the board of directors reduce the exchange rate of the American dollarNo, of course not.  They don't have jurisdiction to do that.  Who can do thatThe US Treasury.  Alaq and Sudani said to the citizens, 'Private banks will give support to the Iraqi citizens by reducing the dollar exchange rate. What that means is they're going to give value to the Iraqi dinar...It reduces the value of the American dollar in the country of Iraq.

Walkingstick    At this phase of the monetary reform they have to figure out the note count.  That's what the US Treasury is working with them about as well.  The note count that will be released into circulation with these lower denoms.  Why?  So as not to introduce currency inflation which is part of the experiment they're running [in Kurdistan with lower notes] IOO.  The monetary steps have put the lower denoms and the new exchange rate in position to come out and float strongly without failure because that would be a catastrophe.

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Lena Petrova:  11-30-2023

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Iraq and BRICS – The RV Writing is Now on the Wall: Awake-In-3D