News, Rumors and Humor Sunday Afternoon 3-7-2021


Samson:  Parliamentary Finance identifies four obstacles to voting on the budget

7th March, 2021\

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Sunday, that there are no taxes in the General Budget Law for 2021 on employees' salaries, while it indicated obstacles hindering voting on the law.

According to the official agency, the committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed al-Saffar, said, "There are four obstacles hindering the process of voting on the general budget law for the current year."

He added, "The first obstacle relates to political consensus, and the other relates to the shares of the provinces with regard to the third with job grades, and the fourth relates to the share of the Kurdistan region."

He pointed out that "what is rumored about including a paragraph in the 2021 budget related to imposing taxes on employees' salaries is incorrect," noting that "the Finance Committee deleted this paragraph and there were no taxes or deductions on employees' salaries in the budget."

It is noteworthy that Finance Minister Ali Allawi suggested earlier that the House of Representatives put an income tax on all salaries.  LINK


Zeeman:  i have a question.. with the continued bombings and attacks by irian based militia in irag does this change the security amd stability in iraq for the rv?  

GodLover:  Here is my opinion....if Iraq had to wait because of Iran's constant evil, they would be waiting for eternity. With that said, Iran will still be an issue long after Iraq is prospering. Certainly great wealth will give great power & this will enable Iraq to keep Iran at bay. 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Jeff   Article:   "Mazhar Saleh: Iraq is on the brink of economic recovery"  [2-20-2021] ...this is the new pattern of articles...putting an emphasis on changing Iraq's exchange rate.  This new pattern...started roughly in the last two weeks...after this article...Saleh is the number 2 guy at the Central Bank...when he or the CBI talks that's when you listen...since he brought this to you...that's when you have seen all the new articles talking about adjusting Iraq's exchange rate going forward.  It all started after this article almost exactly 30 days before March 21st.  Patterns are very important.  You want to pay attention...

Pimpy    People are asking me about the rate... Nobody knows...It's all speculation.  I know people like to equivocal what happened over there in Kuwait with Iraq...There's huge differences...One is the length of time in-between when Kuwait devalued their currency to when it was revalued...Also the amount of Iraqi dinar...out in circulation is way bigger than what was going on over there in Kuwait.  Having said that, that doesn't mean it's not going to happen.  I'm just saying, people go around saying this is the same exact thing.  I was one of those people.  There were a lot of similarities between them but then when you start taking other factors into consideration that all play a part in what the dinar rate is going to be...


Iraqi Dinar News for 03/07/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:   Mar 7, 2021


Mot:  ~~~ LOL --- Taped to Her Door This Morning!! ~~~

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