News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 2-1-7-2024

Ariel (@Prolotario1): Basel III Empowers the Citizens, Not the Banks

I Guess This Is The End:

The Fall of Baal Info came out via Militia-Man & Crew that confirm what I shared with you all about Texas when redeeming currency for precious metals that once the Iraqi Dinar is on the Forex anyone will be able to convert into Gold & Silver. 

Do you all know how monumental this is?

Remember the 43 states that pass bills to make metals legal tender? This means your money will be 100% tax-free. This means that if you purchase property with gold mortgage, taxes, liens, etc, it will not be a factor in any capacity. 

Why do you think bankers fear Basel 3? 

Remember what the MBA stated a few days ago? That the entire model of real estate will change because of B-3. “The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has voiced strong opposition to the Basel capital rule changes, pointing out seven key areas that could affect major banks and regional banks, lenders, servicers, and borrowers within the housing finance ecosystem. Here’s a closer look at these crucial concerns”. End quote. 

Basel 3 empowers the citizens. Not the banking industry. This is why they are now trying to double down on the Dodd Frank Act. Which allows the bank to legally confiscate your money making them impervious to lawsuits.

You all have to understand. In the 1970s, boomers bought houses for 10k-20k. Now do you all see why bankers were crying to Congress about Basel 3 on Capitol Hill a couple of months ago? 

The days of writing up mortgages with interest rates that only exist on a computer screen with nothing in the bank vaults to support the contract written out homebuyers that agree to honor that over decades on a monthly basis.

Not knowing they financially entrapped themselves by signing off on a document that allows the bank to seize or confiscate your property due to delinquency in payments for money they never physically possessed themselves to underwrite a contract based on nothing but a promise and not assets are over.

The incentive to make money in the mortgage market will be taken away once Basel 3 is implemented. Which is wonderful for citizens.




Tishwash:  Currency speculators make confessions via INA 

The Directorate of Combating Organized Crime of the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency at the Ministry of Interior detained individuals who were involved in dollar speculating, bank card smuggling, and gambling. The confessions of these individuals are published by the Iraqi News Agency (INA).


During his confession of engaging in dollar price speculation, one of the accused stated, "What we are doing is withdrawing the dollar from the market, and when its prices rise, it is resold again." 

"Some offices of currency exchange businesses or Qi companies operate in buying and selling dollars and making transfers without official permission," he said.

Trafficking in bank cards

"We load the card in Iraq at the official exchange rate, then withdraw money in the UAE through an ATM, and then transfer it to Iraq at the parallel market price," stated a second person charged with bank card trafficking.  

He declared: "I obtained 34 cards through illicit means. I obtained citizens' documents by using them to issue cards while posing as a seller of electrical devices that I planned to sell in installments.

Gambling through (Forex) 

Although "the Forex site is speculating in global currencies, whether the dollar against the euro or the euro against the yen and enters the gambling field," another accused who engaged in gambling on the website acknowledged this. 

"The Central Bank and the Iraq Securities Commission have not granted a license to the company we work for," he said, adding that "the mechanism of work in Forex includes the introduction of citizen courses through targeting them on Instagram or Facebook, where the citizen enters a course in this work and we educate him in this field." 

"Not to be drawn into these things because they are illegal," he urged the people.

In an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA), Colonel Ahmed Mohammed, the Director of media for the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency, reaffirmed that the arrests of those responsible for these acts are being carried out in compliance with the law under Article No. (2) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law No. (39) of 2015.  link 

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  What they are giving the banks we're calling them specimen sheets.  The specimen sheets are of high quality...If I was the CBI I would be giving all my banks inside of Iraq specimen sheets of high quality - samples of the lower notes that I'm about to give to the citizens of Iraq...If I was the CBI I would not have these specimen sheets for the citizens... They'd be using them, the bank employees, to learn about the new lower notes and to learn about the security features...These HIGH quality sample sheets are only for the bank employees...

Militia Man  Article: "Minister of Commerce: International welcome and desire to increase investments in Iraq"  Article quote: "the meeting came out with many decision that were approved including ... welcoming Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization."  That's awesome...Are we waiting for a major announcement Remember Salih said there was going to be a major announcement and we haven't heard it yet.  This right here is that this major announcement?  I don't think so.  It's almost like leakage...


A Major Economy Enters Recession Signaling No Escape For America & The World

Sean Foo:  2-16-2024

The third-largest economy has officially entered a recession. Japan, the manufacturing giant has crashed and this signals a collapse in global demand.

 In addition, the other major economies in the world are starting to pull away consumption. Not even the US economy is invincible under this backdrop of crashing demand. Here's what you must know.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Third Largest Economy Contracts

2:53 Global Consumption Crashing Hard

5:17 EU & China Demand Collapse

8:15 US Economy In Big Trouble

11:42 Recession Or Crazy Deficit Spending


Weekend News With MarkZ 2-17-2024


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 2-16-24