More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 7-20-2023


Clare:  Kuwaiti Foreign Minister is on an official visit to Iraq


Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah will conduct an official visit to Iraq tomorrow, Sunday.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ahmed Al-Sahhaf, said in a brief statement: Al-Sabah will arrive tomorrow in Baghdad on an official visit.

Al-Sabah will meet his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, in addition to the three presidencies, and he will discuss with them a number of bilateral issues of common interest, including the issue of redrawing the borders between the two countries, according to information received by Shafaq News agency.   LINK

DoTalkToMe:  120 nations have applied to be a part of the BRICS trading block. BRICS meeting is on Aug. 22nd. This could be the biginning of the end of the USD's reign of power.
US Hegemony coming to an end. Hegemony is leadership or dominance


Clare:  A fire at a station and explosions targeting power transmission towers cause a complete blackout of electricity in Iraq


The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity confirmed, on Saturday, that a fire broke out at Al-Bakr substation (123 KV), in Basra, which caused the disconnection of the southern region lines, and the system was completely extinguished.

The ministry said in a statement, that the electrical system was exposed today, Saturday, at (twelve noon and forty minutes) to a complete extinguishment, due to a fire accident at the Al-Bakr secondary conversion station in Basra Governorate, which led to the disconnection of the transmission lines, such as the links of the southern region with the central region, and thus the rise of the system frequencies and the disconnection Generative units in production stations.

According to the statement, work is underway quickly from the National Control Center and coordination with control centers in the governorates to restore separate obstetric units and transmission lines, respectively, stressing that the system will be restored normally during the coming hours.

Meanwhile, a security source in Salah al-Din province revealed that 3 electrical towers were detonated with explosive devices on the outskirts of the province's borders adjacent to the borders of Anbar province.

The source told Shafaq News agency, that an act of sabotage targeted the Salah al-Din thermal transmission line - Haditha, with a voltage of 400 kV, and it was out of service in Salah al-Din Governorate.

And he indicated that the explosion was carried out with several explosive devices on a number of towers, which led to the fall of three towers, numbered (272/273/274), and severely damaged them in the Qanater area within the borders of Salah al-Din Governorate with Anbar.

The source noted that the site of the accident is located in sand dunes, outside the line of defense and is not protected by security, despite appeals and warnings to target the towers by vandal terrorist groups.

During the current summer season, Salah El-Din did not record any attacks against power towers in all administrative units, which is the first incident of its kind during the current summer.

Earlier in the day, an informed source reported that a fire broke out at a power station in Basra Governorate, which caused a power outage, in conjunction with a technical problem that caused several Iraqi governorates to go out of service.

The source told Shafaq News agency, that the fire broke out in Al-Bakr secondary station in Basra Governorate, which led to the collapse of loads in the southern regions, in conjunction with the collapse of the electric line linking the central and southern governorates.

Earlier in the day, a source told Shafaq News agency that the reason for the collapse of the electrical system was due to a technical defect in the Wasit 400 line, which links the central and southern governorates.

He pointed out that there is a "general alert for maintenance teams in order to find faults and restore electricity to all regions."    LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East  A very good article this morning came out talking about the history of dinar of gave me some hope.  That means they still talking about and thinking about the good day.  They want to go back to those good days.  They want to be involved in the world...

Mnt Goat  Am I going to...give you what I heard from the CBI myself this week. Nope!...Until I see stronger evidence of a move by the CBI and not just words I will keep it to myself. But I will say this – they told me it is soon not years away!

RED ALERT! Heartland Tri-State Bank Fails! Uninsured Depositors BAILED OUT by the FDIC!!

 (Bix Weir)  7-29-2023

The first failure of the 2023 Round 2 bank failures has hit and, as predicted, the FDIC is hiding the bailout of Uninsured Depositors!

This time it was declared by the Kansas Bank Examiner to be an "Isolated Event" and that the "Kansas banking industry is strong!" HA!

The FDIC is expecting a loss of 40% of their deposits and have guaranteed cover the losses for the takeover bank!! That's a Back-Door bailout of Uninsured Depositors!!

RFK Jr. Has A New Plan To Back The Dollar With This...

George Gammon:  7-29-2023


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 29, 2023


Awake-In-3D: China, Shanghai and Gold Manipulation – A BRICS Currency Strategy?