More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday PM 8-15-2023


Clare: In the document.. The Central Bank issues directives to electronic payment providers after fraud and fraud


 The Central Bank of Iraq directed electronic payment service providers to warn citizens of fraud and fraud they have fallen into.

A book by the bank referred to electronic payment providers, a copy of which {Euphrates News} received, "to several complaints from citizens who have been subjected to fraud and deception from parties that impersonate the central bank or a bank and request information on their electronic cards, and then they steal the amounts deposited in their account through them."

The Central Bank called on electronic payment providers to "send text messages to customers who hold electronic cards to educate them to take caution and not share their data with any party."  LINK

Clare:  Documents .. Iraq requests "Interpol" to arrest members of the Al-Kazemi government team


The Iraqi Public Prosecution sent four arrest warrants to the International Police "Interpol" to arrest former senior officials in the former federal government on charges related to the case of theft of tax secretariats, what is known in the media as "theft of the century".

According to the four notes signed by the Chief Public Prosecutor, Judge Najm Abdullah Ahmed, on August 8, the defendants are: the former head of the National Intelligence Service, Judge Raed Johi Hammadi Al-Saadi, the director of the private office of the former Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and his advisor, Mashreq. Abbas Hassan Hussein Al-Janabi, and the former Minister of Finance, Abdul Amir Hassoun Ali Taha.

The arrest warrants were based on the book of the Federal Integrity Commission to pursue them outside Iraq on the charges attributed to them in accordance with the provisions of Article 316 BC.

The Public Prosecution asked the international police to confirm the receipt, and to notify him in the event that they were arrested, so that he could direct his procedures according to the law.

On Sunday, the sixth of August, the head of the Iraqi Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, called on the United States of America and the United Kingdom to hand over the director of the office of the former Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, the head of the intelligence service, and the former Minister of Finance for their involvement in the known case of theft of tax secretariats. Media with "theft of the century".

In a press conference held in the capital, Baghdad, the Iraqi judge indicated that the red notices were organized for those wanted: the director of the office of the Prime Minister, the head of the intelligence service in the previous government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi, as well as the private secretary in the previous government, and they hold American citizenship.

He also noted the organization of the red notice for the wanted, the Minister of Finance in the previous government that was headed by Al-Kazemi, and he holds British citizenship, stressing that these are among the main suspects in the case.

The head of the Integrity Commission called on the relevant authorities in the United States of America and the United Kingdom to implement the arrest warrants issued against them in accordance with the provisions of Article 316 of the amended Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

Judge Hanoun expressed his hope that the two countries would cooperate in extraditing the aforementioned wanted and accused, and would prove their support for the Republic of Iraq in the field of combating corruption and preventing its spread, and recovering the wanted persons and the stolen money in word and deed.

The head of the Integrity Commission called on the United Arab Emirates to hand over the political advisor to the Prime Minister in the previous government who is currently residing on its territory, saying: It has not been proven to us that he has a foreign nationality.

Judge Hanoun called on the State of Turkey to extradite a wanted man and his wife, who are former employees of the Federal Integrity Commission, and they hold Turkish citizenship.

And last October, the "theft of the century" case was revealed for the first time, in which former senior officials and businessmen were involved, and it sparked great discontent in Iraq, which in recent years has witnessed massive protests calling for an end to corruption.

The "theft of the century" became the talk of the Iraqi street, political circles, and others, until its echo spread outside Iraq and was covered by Arab and Western media.

The "theft of the century" is represented by the disappearance of 3.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (about two and a half billion dollars) from tax secretariat funds, and it was revealed by several concerned parties about two months before the end of the term of the previous government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  There is no issue with the HCL and the Kurds and Baghdad.  IOO ( in our opinion) the budget equals the HCL and the HCL equals the new exchange rate.  

Militia Man  ...Alaq, the Central Bank Governor, he's not new to Iraq.  This man's been involved for many many years.  He led the Arab Monetary Fund.  He spent time there as the head honcho and now he's back here to do what To finish this process.  He recently stated the Iraqi dinar and/or subsequently the project to delete the zeros from the exchange rate still exists.  If anybody's telling you this is a joke you really got to think about it and say did he really say that?


Greg  Mannarino:  8-15-2023

The $92 Billion Office Meltdown Crisis Unveiled

Mike Maloney:  8-15-2023

You see, there’s an alarming trend of empty office buildings in cities like San Francisco and rising number of mortgage defaults, signaling a potential $92 billion crisis in the making. Here's the deal: Interest rates are going up.

While some might shrug it off, it's wreaking havoc in the commercial real estate world. Office landlords in major cities are struggling with vast, vacant spaces. And on the home front? More folks are finding it tough to keep up with their mortgages.

According to Mike, crossing the 4% mark on the 10-year treasury rate is a game-changer. It affects our home payments and influences where people invest. Mike breaks it all down in his video.

It’s a must watch to stay ahead of this potential developing crisis in commercial real estate.


Tuesday Evening Chat with MarkZ 8-15-2023


3 Ways to Pass Down a Home