More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 8-1-2023

China’s yuan expands its growing foothold in South America as Bolivia reduces reliance on US dollar

Jul 31, 2023, 2:09 PM EDT

China’s yuan is expanding its foothold in South America as Bolivia reduces its reliance on the dollar.

The country’s yuan transactions from May to July accounted for about 10% of its foreign trade in that span.

Bolivia has been hit by dollar shortages recently as lower natural gas production hit exports.

Bolivia is reducing its reliance on the US dollar and turning to the yuan, marking the latest sign that China’s currency is expanding its growing foothold in South America.

The country made financial transactions totaling 278 million Chinese yuan ($39 million) from May through July, or about 10% of its foreign trade in that span, Bolivia’s economy minister said Thursday.

 “We’re already using the yuan. It’s a reality and a good start,” Marcelo Montenegro said at a news conference, according to the Associated Press. “Banana, zinc, and wood manufacturing exporters are conducting transactions in yuan, as well as importers of vehicles and capital goods.”

He later added, “The amount being used in yuan is still relatively small, but it will increase over time.”

Bolivia’s currency, the boliviano, is pegged to the dollar. But the country has been hit by dollar shortages recently as lower natural gas production hit exports.

As its foreign exchange reserves shrink, the government’s ability to defend the dollar peg has come under pressure.

Bolivia joins South America’s two biggest economies, Argentina and Brazil, in tilting toward the yuan and away from the dollar. 

In April, Argentina said it will start buying the bulk of its Chinese imports in yuan instead of dollars, as it seeks to preserve its shrinking supply of greenbacks.

Argentine companies are increasingly turning to China’s yuan amid dollar shortages, though many consumers use the dollar in daily purchases as hyperinflation slams the peso.

And in February, Brazil agreed to using the yuan in cross-border transactions with China. And Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has urged developing nations to find an alternative currency to the dollar, denouncing the central role of the greenback in global trade.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick   It is more sound.  It is more logical.  It is safer at the onset that the rate should at least be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.  Then a gradual increase via an international basket that floats the currency is very realistic.

Militia Man  Alaq came out four or five days ago with a five page report specifically saying the delete the zeros project still exists.  He stated specifically that...Al Sudani is still in support of the Iraqi dinar...


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ALERT! Jeff Christian's "Heads Up" for COMEX Silver Force Majeure as China HOARDS SILVER!

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Here's the article from China on the Government Controlled Silver Whale:

Deep Sea Monster in the Precious Metals Market

CPM Group's Jeff Christian is the best marker for when the Silver Price Riggers are in trouble! Time and time again Jeff comes out of hiding to do an interview in order to "Tamp Down" chaos in the Silver Market.

This time...he's talking about a looming Silver Force Majeure! Yes, contractual defaults on Physical Silver Deliveries are already HERE and MORE are on the way! Thanks again for the Head's Up Jeff!


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