More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 6-6-2023


VIDEO: Vietnam’s anti-graft crackdown - A push towards socio-economic development  | Vietnam+ (6/6/23)

Vietnam’s anti-corruption campaign, which has been applauded by the international community, has significantly contributed to purifying and protecting the Party and the State while acting as a booster for socio-economic development.

According to Transparency International (TI), Vietnam has witnessed a positive trend in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) over recent years.

In 2022, it ranked 77th out of 180 countries and territories worldwide in the CPI by scoring 42 out of 100. The country’s GDP in the year was 409 billion USD.

Meanwhile, its CPI in 2020 and 2021 were 36 and 39 out of 100, standing in 104th and 87th places globally. Vietnam’s GDP in the years came in at 268.4 billion USD and 366.1 billion USD, respectively.

These results are vivid illustration of the country’s practical anti-graft efforts.

With a view to creating a breakthrough in economic development, the Vietnamese Party and State have paid due regard to amending and issuing new regulations to promote its anti-corruption campaign.

At a recent conference held at the Centre for Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies, experts highlighted Vietnam’s robust economic growth as well as its fight against corruption, which have gained international attention.

As corruption affects economic development, the Party has spared no effort in its anti-graft fight. The move aims to protect the Party and State, develop an effective government, and create a more transparent and improved business climate for foreign investors.

Harambe:  Government to consider 23 trillion VND support package for workers: Finance Minister | Vietnam+  (6/6/23)

A package worth about 23 trillion VND (980 million USD) from the Unemployment Insurance Fund is designated to offer workers further support, Finance Minister Ho Duc Phoc said at National Assembly’s Q&A session on June 6 morning.

The support plan is expected to be submitted to the Government and National Assembly's Standing Committee for consideration soon.

At the session, Phoc also said that his ministry will work with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to propose amendments to the Law on Social Insurance, one of which is to allow business household owners to participate in compulsory social insurance.

The minister said that in 2003, Vietnam had a policy to expand social insurance coverage. The Vietnam Social Security issued guidelines for provinces and cities on the issue of paying social insurance premiums.

He said the law on social insurance requires labour contract for social insurance participation. However, business owners do not have such contracts, they only have those with their employees. Therefore, the employees are eligible for compulsory social insurance, but the employers are not.

"The business household owners are self-employees, they have income. Their social insurance participation can be acceptable, but the law does not regulate it," Phoc said, adding that amendments to the law are needed.

Joining the Q&A session, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan said that implementing the National Target Programme on developing new-style rural areas, his ministry has designed the development of rural economic areas in association with improving knowledge and skills for agricultural and non-agricultural workers.

The minister affirmed that rural vocational training is not limited to agricultural jobs.

The ministry has developed five raw material areas and offered training to promote human resources to serve the raw material areas.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Angle1  In February there was a massive delegation from Iraq who went to DC to talk about the economic reforms.  Here's what we know for a fact.  DC told Iraq they have until June 1 to execute everything.  To revalue their currency, to make them international and to move forward with their monetary reform.  June 1 passed.  Let me backtrack.  May 30th  was absolutely massive...there was a decision in which Kurdistan Regional Government was dissolved.  Iraq was like a two headed monster... Baghdad... Kurdistan...that was unconstitutional...On May 30th the judge ruled and now the KRG has been dissolved.  Their power and authority has been taken from them...that was a requirement in order for them to move forward.  [Post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

Angel1  May 31 the highest level delegation arrived in DC and the purpose of that visit was to ask for an extension.  Remember June 1 was the hard date...they were in DC for less than 24 hours...they got their extension ...commands... orders...That same day the CBI stops all transactions from Western Union.  The purpose of that was to take full control of the IQD...June 1 was another huge day.  They launched the electronic platform with great we're going to see and we have been seeing lightening speed because of the decisions and agreements that these Middle Eastern countries have made and continue to make together...they want to see the Middle East explode.  That is what's happening right now.  [Post 2 of 2]


The Fed's Surprise Move That Will Crash Markets In June | Gary Wagner

David Lin:  6-6-2023

Gary Wagner, Editor of, discusses the outlook for gold, the stock markets, and what the Federal Reserve is likely to do at the next June meeting.

0:00 - The Fed's priority

7:00 - Dollar

8:00 - Gold and stocks

13:20 - Gold and consumer sentiment

15:58 - Gold's main drivers

19:20 - Economic growth


Budgeting 101: The Basic Tips to Improve Your Finances


Tuesday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-6-23