More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 6-22-2023


CandyKissses:  A parliamentary committee announces the date of publication of the budget law in the Official Gazette

Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee announced the date of publication of the Federal Budget Law in the Official Gazette, and confirmed the monitoring of the mechanism of its implementation.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee Dawood Al-Eidan said in a statement received by (Baghdad Today), that "the federal budget law will be published in the Official Gazette next Monday."

He added, "The Ministry of Finance then sends instructions for implementing the budget to the relevant ministries and authorities."

"As MPs, we will be monitoring the mechanism of its implementation to serve citizens of all segments," al-Eidan said.

The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, approved on Wednesday the tripartite financial budget law, after voting on it inside the dome of parliament.

Tishwash:  Iraq is stepping into foreign trade 

The path of development starts from Iraq, and the Silk Road is its main axis is Iraq, and all the countries of the world flock to provide services to it now. He carried the concerns of the Arabs, and faced the fiercest terrorism the world has known, but he was not defeated. If we went back to the past, we would find him first in everything, so will he succeed The Silk Road is the birth of sustainable development, or is this birth difficult (God forbid), Iraq is moving towards the great goal called sustainable development, so what is it? Is this term new? Why is the world heading for this development insistently? Let's follow the path to the goal with all the tools for success.

Knowledge exchange
Prof. Dr. Nagham Hussein Nema, Dean of the Faculty of Business Economics / Al-Nahrain University / described sustainable development as rationalization in the use of renewable resources in a way that does not lead to their fading or degradation, and it also includes wisdom in the use of non-renewable resources so as not to deprive future generations of benefiting Also, sustainable development requires the consumption of non-renewable energy sources at a slow rate to ensure a smooth and gradual transition to
new energy sources.

Nima explained, "I would like to reveal to you many facts, including that achieving the goal of sustainable development requires simultaneous progress in specific goals, and there is a close link between these multiple goals, and the measures taken in one of them will enhance the other, and therefore the requirements of sustainable development can be limited."

 Public human development in society, rational economic development, meeting human needs while rationalizing consumption, as well as inventorying existing natural resources and rationalizing their use, as well as partnership in external and internal relations (knowledge exchange), preserving the environment and raising awareness about it, as well as advancing society Building a society based on knowledge and wisdom in investing resources.

The Dean of the College of Business Economics continued: The Belt and Road Initiative, also called the "New Silk Road" initiative and the Maritime Silk Road, is a development strategy that includes infrastructure development and investments in 152 countries and international organizations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.

And she continued her speech: that international cooperation in such initiatives can contribute to achieving two main goals, the first of which is creating a huge leap in mobilizing resources to implement the goals of sustainable development; The second is the ability to stop
unbridled climate change, and that there are three important opportunities that the world must seize. The world will first benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative in "accelerating efforts to achieve the goals of sustainable development", because it depends on coordinating policies between the countries through which the road passes, and linking service facilities It also allows for unimpeded trade and supports financial integration and exchanges between people, as described.

Dr. Nagham noted: The world should take advantage of the Belt and Road Initiative to help bridge the large financing gaps to achieve the sustainable development goals, in particular about $1 trillion needed in infrastructure investments in developing countries.

People's Choices
And between Prof. Dr. Sattar Jabbar Al-Bayati / College of Business Economics / Al-Nahrain University: The issue of development, whatever its economic, social or political orientations, is a process that does not occur spontaneously like economic growth, and this means that there are requirements, mechanisms, strategies, procedures and plans to implement this development, In the year 1990, the first report on sustainable human development was issued by the United Nations Development Program, so the word sustainability appeared in addition to human development and development, and sustainable development became more used than economic development.

Al-Bayati, who is a scholar by his specialty, continued:In simple terms, sustainable development is expanding people's choices and achieving the preservation of generations' right to depleted companies. This means that there may be a country like Iraq whose economy is rentier, or even many countries that depend on the extractive sector, whose wealth may be depleted (finished), and we may wonder what is the fault of Generations that do not find fortunes that bring them a certain income or revenues to live in dignity and luxury.

For this matter, serious attention has been paid to this issue. Now perhaps one of us will say what is the relationship of the United Nations to the subject, but I can add information (which many may not know), that development has become One of the important and thorny issues approved by the United Nations since 1986, given that the fifties and sixties were considered two decades of development, but they failed (frankly) economically.

Therefore, in 1986 the United Nations issued the Declaration of the Right to Development and said that the individual has the right to reap the fruits of development and the right of peoples To achieve development, but this development can only be achieved through effortInternational, a country alone cannot achieve it, so sustainability means continuity in the sense that development should be continuous, and we have to think about future generations and guarantee their right

As for how, there are many mechanisms, one of which in some countries is the creation of sovereign funds, so if Iraq has developed such The fund can be financed from the oil surplus, and these interests can be invested in the fund to guarantee the rights of future generations.
And the truth is said: sustainable development saves Iraq from a state of stagnation, because the economy and job opportunities are a problem, and the private sector is absent, and if we take into account the diversification of the economy and the diversification of sources of income.

Al-Bayati revealed: The Silk Road’s relationship with sustainable development is ancient. Let us be clear. Iraq is one of the first countries that had an influential role in international trade in the old days.

 Therefore, Iraq is an essential part of the Silk Road, whether it has been implemented or not.

This is a political issue, but the Silk Road It is international, and in fact more than the sustainable development project put forward by the Prime Minister. Perhaps that is a local issue despite its international dimensions, but the Silk Road is a development project that has achieved and stimulated sustainable development and has a close relationship with sustainable development on an international level.

This is in fact compatible with the directions of the United Nations, considering That development can only be achieved through international efforts. This is important because it will bring about a change in all the countries that it will pass through.

The economic deterioration may be the opinion of the economist Duraid Shaker Al-Enezi in which courage is not available to many analysts. From his economic point of view, Iraq cannot begin with sustainable development plans. Unfortunately, this (understanding is wrong). The Iraqi economy needs several stages in order to start sustainable development, so it must Firstly, stopping the economic deterioration that is taking place now as a result of the dependencies that the economy suffers from, and secondly, thinking that oil prices are fluctuating.

And the most important point (and the words of Professor Duraid): that the Iraqi economy is consumerist, and it means importing from abroad because there is no production, and this means that it is completely dependent on price changes and any circumstance in international variables that affects it, in addition to starting unbalanced economic plans that are sometimes called patchy for not The existence of an economic base, from which the economy can start.
Al-Enezi continued:

 As for the issue of the Silk Road, it is an affected construction process that has nothing to do with economic planning. It is noticeable that it cares greatly about services in general, because all service facilities will have a market in the future.

Another idea,
and I would like to reveal to you the fact that if each of the seven industrialized countries took over a governorate from the Iraqi governorates, and it is possible to add other countries from the Group of Twenty, they took over the governorate in all respects, and from the extraction of oil and the exploitation of raw materials, then Iraq would turn into a strong state in all respects. We go far (and the words are for Al-Anzi) if I told you that the Iraqi state so far does not have any complete vision of what it wants, nor an announcement about it, nor even integrated special laws to deal with this huge number of countries, projects and plans, but it depends on the desires of the participating countries only and the development of the process in comparison .

He added, however, saying: We are looking at an advanced economic process, and it will focus on productive sectors that have a financial return for the implementing countries, and with a commercial return for them, as it focuses on projects with production that are more needed than even Iraq. The principle of participation with the countries involved in all this process, and strangely or strangely, there is no minister or ministry that has taken supportive measures for the public or private sector, especially the productive executive ones, and we confirm the laws that regulate the entire process.

Economic feasibility
However, the head of the Parliamentary Transportation and Communications Committee, Zahra Al-Bajari, expressed great optimism about the development road project, and considered it a big project, and if there are tendencies to transfer investments to parties rather than others, then the matter is possible, because there are many projects, including those allocated to the private sector, and some allocated to international companies, and she went far when She said:

It is possible for all companies to contribute to large investments in cities, because the road passes through 13 governorates and in each of them there will be the establishment of a new city at those stations, and the project has great economic feasibility as everyone can participate and contribute to it, knowing that the total value of the project is $17 billion.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  President approves the budget.  It's in our media news...We now have the budget.  The Minister of Trade is on the news Channel One saying Iraq is in the process of doing all that is needed to become members of the WTO.  The news is also showing anti-money laundering committees...talking about ways to deter corruption and also talking about the dollar exchange rate...

Pimpy  Article: "Iraq Pays Its WTO Membership Amounts"  This is good news.  Iraq has finally paid their membership dues and they can continue to move forward doing what they need to do to ascend into membership with the World Trade Organization.


Greg Mannarino:  6-22-2023

Janet Yellen is Coming For Your Money

Nomad Capitalist:  6-22-2023

''IRS Commissioner nominee Danny Werfel is expected to tell the Senate Finance Committee Wednesday that enforcement efforts against high-income taxpayers and improving customer service will be top priorities for the agency if he is confirmed.

 In his prepared opening statement for his confirmation hearing, Werfel said he is “committed to meeting” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s directive that the IRS not boost audit rates, relative to historical levels, for taxpayers making under $400,000 annually.''


 In this video, Andrew shares an article from Bloomberg and explains why you should get ready to be audited.

00:00 Start

0:17 IRS Nominee Werfel to Prioritize High-Income Audits, Taxpayer Service

3:55 Estonian Tax Model

6:27 The U.S Culture


Goldilocks: "Protocol 20 codes are currently being integrated into the QFS" 6-22-2023


Staying the Course