More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday PM 12-31-2023

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Bearded PatriotUSA Telegram post 12/30/23

Forwarded from Wolverine:

For the first time, Intel’s information was the same! this time!

This information is very good.

Here are some excerpts~

First of all, Mr. Wolverine, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Phil, Mr. Ariel, Mr. Sky, Mr. Dallas, and the people who posted the videos received the same information.

This information is:

A. January 1 Countries will reset their currencies. (Not in all countries, but in some countries where currencies are rumored to be reset.)

B. January 2: Tier 4B will receive an email notification and liquidation of Tier 1, 2, and 3 funds will begin.

C. January 5 Medbed opens to the public and reservations can be made. (Only Skye has received the information in the last 5 days).

Other relevant information:

D. The new US Treasury Bills (gold-backed currency) will be available at ATMs starting January 1.

E. Six US Treasury agents will be stationed at all redemption centers. The United States Treasury Marshals are under the Secret S ervice.

What is a marshal? The Sheriff’s Department provides security for the federal judiciary and administers the witness security program. Manage and sell assets seized or confiscated from criminals.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Question:  "Is Iraq going forward with only dinars as of January 1st?"  Yes and that is the key...the next 24 hours is a very important key to see if they use it to unlock the monetary reform....If the Iraqi citizens have absolutely no other currency but the dinar to use in their are they going to do it with a 3-zero note that has almost no value to it?

Pimpy  Looks like Iraq has put their ducks in a row.  They're getting ready to start the new year of 2024 doing exactly what they said they were going to do - stop using the US dollar, making sure the Iraqi dinar is stable before they do that. 

The Inflection Year: 2024 | John Rubino

Liberty and Finance:  12-30-2023

2024 could be the inflection year, says John Rubino ( Excessive debt is colliding with higher interest rates.

"I think this is one for the history books," he says. He expects precious metals to perform well and points out that $50 to $100 silver is very probable.

In addition, Rubino discusses preparing by stacking, not just metals, but skills. This "skill stacking" would be extremely helpful in a grid-down scenario.


0:00 Intro

1:26 Gold market

6:04 Fed easing

10:26 Staking skills

19:30 Deglobalization

24:30 Do politics matter?


Some "Sunday News" Posted by CandyKisses at TNT 12-31-2023


Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar - Dong Updates Sunday AM 12-31-23