More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Night 6-2-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the  Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 2 June 2023

Compiled Fri. 2 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Prepare for
Black Swan Events
Emergency Alert System Activation
Global Communication Blackout
Worldwide Martial Law
Internet Closure – Star Link Satellite Activation
Global Currency Revaluation

It’s only wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash, fuel and essential items on hand.

Judy Note: A Worldwide Black Swan Event was soon expected that would cause activation of the Emergency Alert System, along with a Communication Blackout across the Globe under Worldwide Martial Law – that would be followed by Internet Closure and Star Link Satellite Internet Activation that would control a Global Currency Revaluation.

Global Currency Revaluation, Black Swan Event, NESARA/GESARA: Get Ready to Ride The Wave of the Global Currency Reset (GCR), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Black Swan Event and the NESARA GESARA TRUMPSARA Revolution! – American Media Group (

Global Currency Revaluation:

On Thurs. 1 June the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 activated, meaning all electronic payments for 209 countries’ financial network were now able to communicate with each other at lightning speed.

Thurs. 1 June Bruce: Last night all banks came online that had passed the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 24 hour evaluation. Thousands of banks that didn’t become Basil 3 compliant as of Thurs. 1 June would be closed. Thurs. 1 June Iraq came out with a new Dinar Rate that was being traded. Sunday night 4 June the new rate would quit trading and be settled. Bond Holders received their packages by FedEx starting Tues. night 30 May for 42 hours. They were starting up again on Sunday 4 June and would continue on for another 3-4 days. Tier4b notifications to set exchange/redemption appointments were pending for Sat. 3 June or Sunday 4 June.

Thurs. 1 June 2023 MarkZ: An international law enforcement contact said that there would be a massive “clean up” in many of redemption areas around the world starting at the end of next week.

Thurs. 1 June TNT Tony Rayren98 on Twitter: The new Dinar rate was international. Banks were told they would work this weekend.

Some say that that Tier4b notification would happen prior to a Emergency Broadcast System announcement of a 2-4 week communication shutdown, while Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, indicated on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.

Fulford full newsletter 5/29: “Why the US has to go through chapter 11 bankruptcy” 

Thurs. 1 June 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

All banks came online last night that had passed the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 24 hour evaluation. Thousands of banks that didn’t become Basil 3 compliant would be closed.

On Thurs. 1 June Iraq came out with a new Dinar Rate. Sunday night 4 June the new rate would be decided and settled.

The Indonesian Rupiah was also on the bank screens.

Bond Holders received their packages by FedEx starting Tues. night for 42 hours. They are starting up again on Sunday 4 June and would continue on for another 3-4 days.

Tier4b notifications to set exchange/redemption appointments were pending for Sat. 3 June or Sunday 4 June.

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) will be a cover for Tier4b exchanges.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  Yesterday was a big day...they were talking about point-of-sale being activated...which now we know that's the case...the Central Bank of Iraq suspended Western Union...That was a big deal because it's money coming in and out of the country...This suggests the Central Bank of Iraq is in full control of their money.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:   They just came on television and they said we seek to expand banking and financial market in the International world.  FRANK:  For the second time in a row they're telling you about floating your currency.  That's what this is...yeah, go for it!  Sounds good.

"Most People Have No Idea What Is Coming" - Jim Rickards' LAST WARNING

Grow Dollars:  6-2-2023

Jim Rickards warns about something much worse than 2008. He explains that we will see much higher unemployment and a stock market crash in the coming months.

LIVE! Stocks RIP Higher On MASSIVE DEBT EXPANSION. Major Banks See HUGE Cash Outflows.

Greg Mannarino:  6-2-2023


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Friday Evening Chat with MarkZ 6-2-2023