More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 9-8-2023


Tishwash:  I think this is just a concept for now  this is in Iraq's news with no details ...

The BRICS group plans to launch its own 100-denomination security, called the 100 Brics, or "100 BRICS".

Russia has presented a bill of 100 BRICS

OREANDA-NEWS  Russian Ambassador to South Africa Ilya Rogachev presented a 100 BRICS banknote at a meeting with UAE Ambassador Mahesh Saeed Al Hameli in Pretoria, the Iranian Irna news agency reports.

Rogachev handed over this banknote to a colleague on the occasion of the admission of the Middle Eastern state to the union. It is noted that the bill was printed in Russia. On one side of the banknote are the flags of the five BRICS countries, on the other — the symbols of the countries that are to enter the bloc.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Mikhail Delyagin expressed the opinion that in 2025 the United States will lose its dominant economic position. He also said that the creation of a single BRICS currency could accelerate the collapse of the dollar.

Senior banker of VEB.The Russian Federation and former Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak, in turn, called the project of creating a single currency of unification a utopia. He believes that currently the participating countries need to focus on establishing settlement processes in national currencies among themselves. link     

Tishwash:  Two passengers were arrested with 97 electronic cards intended for smuggling at Al-Qaim port

The Al-Qaim Border Crossing Directorate announced the arrest of two Iraqi travelers in possession of (97) international (Visa, Master) Cards intended for smuggling.

Today, Friday, a statement by the Directorate, which NRT Arabia received, a copy of, stated that, in cooperation with the Civil Customs Center and the Customs Police, and by intensifying inspection and verification procedures for travelers and goods, two Iraqi travelers were arrested, and they were found in possession of (97) international Visa Cards and Master Cards. Concealed inside suitcases They are suspected of smuggling hard currency money out of the country by withdrawing amounts from cards.  

The statement added, that a committee was formed and a ban on the arrest of fundamentalists was organized and the two suspects and the cards were referred to the Qaim Comorak Police Station to present the matter before the eyes of the competent investigating judge to take appropriate legal measures.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Mnt Goat    I believe there is nothing more for the CBI to do but to issue the lower denominations and them to watch for inflation over a period, as their plan states they will do, and if all goes well, they liberate their currency to the global markets as in FOREX.   I thought we needed the Oil and Gas Law passed firstYes, I still believe they do and we might have to wait for it.   But there is a chance that based on how fast the economy is growing they may just put that on the back burner and rethink it (remember that Dr Shababi in 2012-2013 did not have this law passed, yet he was moving forward). We must remember the past.

Militia Man  Why haven't they [Paid the salaries]There's got to be a reason for it and we believe it comes down to that the 23, 24, 25 budget is going to have an internationally acceptable exchange rate that's going to be on the Forex so that we all as investors can freely trade the Iraqi dinar in an international environment.  That's the whole purpose of us being here...

Rafi Farber: Is This the Dollar Rally That Triggers the Final Liquidity Crisis?

Arcadia Economics:  9-8-2023

In this week's silver report, Rafi Farber goes into why you need not worry about gold or silver confiscation.

Thanks to the hundreds of millions of ounces held in ETFs that can be stolen in a fraction of a second, the decentralized physical metal held in vaults or safes or under mattresses are likely to be overlooked.

 Plus, he looks into why silver is still money from a graphical perspective.

 Finally, the dollar index just broke through the 50 week moving average for the first time since 2021, which usually signals a long term rally. This time though, there are no spare dollars to use, and so a dollar crunch could lead to the emergency sale of assets across the board so companies can continue servicing their debts.

After that, the Fed will have to make its (final?) move. To find out more, click to watch the video now!


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-7-23


Iraqi Economic News & Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 9-8-23