More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 12-15-2023


Tishwash: wow  g7 meeting about Iraq hmmmm what reform could they be concerned with? 

Romanowski: A fruitful meeting of the seven countries on ways to support Sudanese reforms

The US Ambassador to Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, described today, Friday, a meeting of the G7 ambassadors, during which they discussed ways to support the reforms undertaken by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, as “fruitful”. Romanowski published in A blog post on “X” showed pictures from the meeting, saying:

“A fruitful meeting with the ambassadors of the Iraq Economic Liaison Group in the G7, where ways were discussed to support the reform agenda of the Sudanese Prime Minister, strengthen the strong private sector, attract investment, and increase opportunities.” “I am honored to be the head of the group in cooperation with the Italian ambassador and to hand over the presidency to the British ambassador and the French ambassador.”  link

Tishwash:  Two travelers were arrested in possession of (83) MasterCard cards prepared for smuggling at Baghdad International Airport

Today, Friday, the Border Ports Authority announced the arrest of two travelers in possession of (83) MasterCard cards prepared for smuggling at the Baghdad International Airport port. 

The authority revealed in a statement, a copy of which was received by NRT Arabic, that the Baghdad International Airport Port Directorate was able to arrest two Iraqi travelers in possession of 83 MasterCard cards hidden without declaring them. 

The statement added that the seizure process was carried out in joint cooperation with the Airport Customs Center and the Customs Police through careful inspection, noting that a committee was formed, a fundamental arrest report was organized, and the accused were referred to the Airport Police Center to take appropriate legal measures. link


CandyKisses:  The US Treasury Secretary calls on China to abandon its economic policy

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on China to abandon its “unfair directed economic policy.” Because it discourages investors and punishes the Chinese economy and American companies alike.

Yellen said in a speech before the US-China Business Council in Washington on the occasion of its 50th anniversary that “For too long, American workers and American companies have not been able to compete on equal terms with their counterparts in China". 

 She added that if “Beijing moves away from its directed economic approach in the areas of industry and finance, it will be better for China.” It will also be beneficial for American companies.

She stressed that “a very important role for public companies could stifle growth, and an excessive role for security services could hinder investments” . 

For his part, Chinese President Xi Jinping confirmed in a letter to the US-China Business Council that the modernization his country is witnessing will benefit American companies.

US companies have long complained about what they see as an unfair business environment in China.

According to Washington, the intellectual property of American companies is not properly protected in China, and the Chinese government gives national companies preferential treatment at the expense of foreign companies.

But the Chinese President stressed in his message that Beijing “will work steadily to promote high-level openness to the outside world, and create a business environment based on internationalization, a market economy, and the rule of law".”. /span>

In his message, Xi stressed that “Chinese modernization will bring more opportunities for global companies, including American companies”.

 The message, according to what was reported by the CCTV network, added: State TV: “There is great potential, wide space, and promising prospects for enhancing trade cooperation between China and the United States".”

In her speech, the US Secretary stressed the need to manage the inevitable differences between China and the United States in a "responsible".

She said: “The United States seeks to continue responsible management of the bilateral economic relationship between the United States and China.” Which will continue to “face continuing difficulties”.

She continued, “We do not seek to resolve all our differences or avoid all shocks. This is not realistic in any way,” pointing to “strong differences between the United States and China in many areas”.”

The two largest economies in the world have recently been seeking to ease the severe tensions that their bilateral relationship has witnessed in recent years.

Several officials from President Joe Biden's administration made official trips to China, including Yellen.

In November, the US President  and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping held a summit in California during which they agreed to resume military contacts.

Yellen intends to make a second visit to China in 2024, during which she will discuss with her Chinese counterpart “difficult

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Chase Bank Story]  BANK STORY LADY:  I called Chase Bank this morning...I asked would they be exchanging the Iraqi dinar this January 1, 2024.  He said we haven't been given the information yet but we will probably get it around December 31, 2023 or January 1, 2024.  FRANK:  I agree with him BTW.  BANK STORY LADY:  He was so nice.  He invited me to come in at anytime and open an account.  The other [call] said not all the Chase Banks would not be handling the foreign currency.  They didn't know which ones yet.

Militia Man   Article  "STATEMENT OF THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE G7, EUROPEAN UNION AND WORLD BANK"  This is the road map they have been using to show the world their intentions. They have every intention to see Iraq succeed and get back into the international arena and into her rightful place in the international financial system! We can see by the evidence over the last few months that support they are getting down to the wire...



Greg Mannarino:  12-15-2023


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23


Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Friday Afternoon 12-15-23