Money is Everything

Money is Everything

APRIL 8, 2023

I have a difficult time understanding the level of apathy that so many people have towards money. I’ve never held a “money is everything” attitude, but as I ponder such an audacious statement, I realize it’s not so far from the truth.

PIMD welcomes Physician On Fire as our guest post. POF is a personal finance website created to inform and inspire both physicians and our patients with insightful writing from a physician who has attained financial independence and the ability to retire early.

Apathy may not be the best word to describe others’ treatment of money. Ambivalence isn’t quite right, either.

People do seem to care about money and they certainly want more of it, but I don’t see a lot of people making the wise and sometimes difficult choices that will help them actually grow their money and achieve financial independence.

My wife and I were talking about this very thing. I was talking about people wasting money in pointless ways and she said “a lot of people just don’t care about money.”  I guess not, but how could they not? Without thinking, I blurted out “But that makes no sense to me, because money is everything.”

I realized what I had said and how it sounded, and I backpedaled a bit. I wasn’t about to launch into a Gordon Gekko style “Greed is Good” speech, but I had a legitimate point.

What I meant to say was that Money is Anything.

Money can become so many things.

More free time

Your children’s education

Dinner at a five-star restaurant

A life-saving AED for your church or community center

Super Bowl tickets

A well for clean water in a third-world country

Retiring some day

Two Months in Spain

Food and medicines for a no-kill animal shelter

A new house

Money is whatever you want it to be.

Who doesn’t care about a single one of those things listed above? Not anyone that I know. But if I don’t know you and if you literally care about none of the above, I’m sure you can come up with a list of things you truly do care about on your own. I promise you there will be things on your list that money can buy.

Because Money is Everything.

You Should Care About Money

Money is a taboo topic in many circles; most people don’t like to talk about money. I’m not like most people in that regard.

At home, we openly discuss money matters. I want our boys to grow up to be smart with money, and avoiding the topic is not going to get the job done.

There are many reasons I want my boys to care about money and reasons I think you should care about money, too. There are the many facts above — that money can be exchanged directly for many things that can improve your life, the lives of your loved ones, and that of those who may be thousands of miles away.

But there’s more to it than that.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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