Lynette Zang, David Lin and David Hay Tuesday 2-21-2023

How Will Inflation Impact Consumers Ability to Consume More?

Lynette Zang:  2-21-2023

Everybody expects the consumer to support the economy. This is a consumer-driven economy and we keep hearing all these reports of how great the consumer is doing.

Well, I don't know if that's really true and I don't think you should either.

 Let me show you what's really happening.


0:00 Consumer-Driven Economy

 1:25 Retail Sales & Household Debt

 5:23 Consumer Debt

9:48 Credit debt Balances & Inflation

13:27 Revolving Consumer Credit

18:04 Gold & Silver Strategy

'Biggest bubble in human history' to collapse, this is how to find the market bottoms - David Hay

Kitco News: 2-21-2023

Daivd Hay, Author of Bubble 3.0 and Partner at Evergreen Gavekal, discusses the anatomy of bubbles, how to identify a market bottom, and how he is positioning himself in this market.

He spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News.

0:00 – Intro

 3:45 - Investment approach

5:11 - Bubble history and anatomy

11:08 - Volume and volatility

12:16 - Fundamental indicators of a bubble

13:42 - 'Biggest bubble in human history'

15:52 - Market timing

19:12 - Finding a bottom

22:32 - Monetary policy inflating assets

 24:15 - Investment implications


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