KTFA, X22 Reports, Pimpy and more Wednesday Night 11-4-2020


Ross:  The 9th of November is looking very hopeful for our investment.  I recall the statement if the borrowing law is passed then salaries will be paid mucho pronto

Samson:  A parliamentary-governmental agreement to pass a law paving the way for the disbursement of salaries

On Wednesday, a government source revealed that Parliament and the government had reached the approval of the borrowing law, which will pave the way for the payment of salaries of employees who are late for the month of October. 

The government source told Shafaq News, "Parliament and the government have agreed to approve the borrowing law during the parliament session next Monday."  He added that the passage of the law will pave the way for the payment of employees' backlog salaries.  LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...here in the United States there's a restriction on the currencies {Iraqi dinar].  You used to be able to go into Chase bank and other banks to buy...but they stopping selling for for now.  Once whatever this is that  happens happens obviously they'll remove the restrictions and allow the banks to do the exchange.  When I talked to my bank manager which I'm at Wells Fargo and I asked him what do I do if this happens...He said it's real simple.   Bring the currency into me.  He said obviously if you have millions of dollars we're not going give you millions of dollars to walk out with a shopping cart.  It doesn't work that way.  We would have a set appointment so they can order that amount of money.  I said ok.  He says if you're just depositing into your bank account, bring in the money, we validate that it's real.  I'll tell you what the exchange rate is and how much money is going into your bank.  If you agree we charge you like 1% or 1.5% fee.  He said it just that simple and I said wow ok...


Wednesday Night X22 Reports

The Markets have already predicted the winner,  [CB]s Failed. Episode 2320a

Election day is over but the election is not. The markets are already predicting the winner, the Chinese yuan dropped like a rock during the elections. Trump and the patriots are prepared to take the entire country to the economic goal. Buckle up.



Coup d’etat, Trump Sets Trap To Expose It All, Patriots Know The Playbook – Episode 2320b

The [DS]/MSM did exactly what the patriots thought they were going to do. The saw the landslide, the red wave and had to shut it down before it took effect. The [DS]/MSM have just outed themselves. Remember the [DS]/[CB] are going to fight to the very end, and they will use everything in the arsenal to get rid of Trump. The birth of a new nation does not come easy, just go back in history to the founding fathers, the British fought to the bitter end. The patriots knew this was going to happen, they know the playbook, the trap is set. This is not about the election, it is about returning the power to the people and the people have voted and the [DS] /MSM stopped the voice of the people when the stopped the elections.  Watch what happens next.


What Happens to YOUR Debt After a Monetary Reset?

Heresy financial:  Oct 23, 2020

In this video, we discuss the effects that a monetary reset has on debt loads. Monetary resets can come in the form of hyperinflation, currency collapse, new money replacing old money, or global financial power shifts. In any of these cases, we discuss the real and nominal impact on all forms of debt for individuals.



Iraqi News Wednesday AM 11-4-20


More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday PM 11-4-2020