KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday PM 10-23-19


M8RX:  Hey family, I would like to suggest something radical.We all have been hoping, dreaming and planning for the dinar revaluation.  

How about we change our outlook on the dinar.  We all know that Frank has said it is done, how about we change our perspective from waiting on it to it is done. 

Although we don't actually have more money we need to think like we do (heaven forbid don't go spending money you don't have) but start thinking that this is done and over with.  Maybe if we change our focus from "soon to come" to it is done things can change for the better!


Don961:  Sadr instructs his followers to control the October 25 protests

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Baghdad - Writings

The Sadrists officially rallied strongly to take part in demonstrations next Friday, 25 October 2019.

This is called by the page of Saleh Mohammed al-Iraqi on social networking sites, which is close to the leader of the Sadr movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, as I asked all the Sadrists to be prepared on Thursday night to start Friday demonstrations.

Al-Sadr asked the administrators and workers, especially the Special Office of the Sadrist movement, as well as the political body and the bloc of Saron and Peace Brigades, the grassroots and the "special security" as well as the service committee to remain fully prepared and ready for every emergency.

Sadr demanded his followers to be prepared for "every order" from the night of Thursday next 26 of the month of zero and to another notice; because of what Iraq is going through the circumstances of the revolution and the threat to him, according to what came on the page.

The statement concluded by stressing the followers of Sadr and all those who appealed for the implementation of the resolution without delay.

In another context, Iraqi media said that Sadr will deliver a speech on Friday in Tahrir Square and is expected to ask his followers to continue to wear white shrouds and stand in front of the demonstrations to prevent any march towards the Green Zone.    link

Samson:  The Sadrists direct six groups to prepare for the demonstrations

23rd October, 2019
Saleh Mohammed al-Iraqi, close to Sadr's leader Moqtada al-Sadr, announced Tuesday that six groups are on standby for the upcoming demonstrations on Friday.

Saleh al-Iraqi said on his Facebook site:



1- Administrators and employees, especially the private office

2 - the political body and the mass of others

3. Peace Brigades

4 - conscious popular base

5. Private Security Authority

6 - Service Committee

Stay on full readiness and readiness for every emergency, and preparedness for every thing, from Thursday night 26 of the month of zero and to another notice ... because of what Iraq is going through the circumstances of the revolution and the threat to it .. The death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

The political body of the Sadrist movement held an extensive meeting with members of the parliamentary bloc of Sairon in the headquarters of the body in Baghdad.

And discussed the President of the Commission Nassar al-Rubaie with the attendees the most prominent issues on the Iraqi arena in addition to tweets Muqtada al-Sadr to come up with common visions that serve the reality of Iraq. The attendees stressed the full commitment to the directives and orders of Sadr and everything issued by him.   LINK


Samson:  Abadi demands the government to resign and apologize from the people

2019/10/22 21:32

The leader of the Victory Coalition, former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, demanded the government to resign, calling for at the same time to apologize to the people.

Abadi said in a tweet on his Twitter account: "The government report did not disclose the real actors that ordered the killing of demonstrators."

He added: "The government should resign and apologize from the people for the crime committed against unarmed citizens, especially since their targeting took place in more than one province and in more than one location, which shows that the guidance was from a central high." He concluded his tweet with Bashtak: "#No_sale_land".    LINK


Don961:  Mark Esper visits Baghdad today

- 43 Minutes Have Passed

Given the current military developments in Syria and the latest US decision to withdraw its troops from northern Syria, and the impact of this resolution on Iraq, it is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday - Iraq During his visit, Mark Esper will meet with Adel Abdul Mahdi, Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces and the Prime Minister of Iraq.

On the military developments, the two ministers will discuss the military situation in Syria and Iraq, and the withdrawal of US forces from northern Syria, part of which will move towards the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and the other heading towards the US base of Al-Assad in Anbar province to select - later - those forces withdrawn from northern Syria To the State of Kuwait.

This was confirmed by the brief statement issued by the Joint Iraqi Operations Command, said on Tuesday that US forces were not granted permission to remain in Iraq, and that their entry from Syria was intended to move out of Iraq. 

The Joint Operations Command, the highest command formation to manage the various Iraqi military and security formations, and supervised by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, said in a press statement that "the media reported on the withdrawal of US troops from Syria towards Iraq." He added: "We show here that all US forces that have withdrawn from Syria, got approval to enter the Kurdistan region, to move out of Iraq," stressing that "there is no approval to stay these forces inside Iraq."

The two ministers will also discuss the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States, and will discuss the legitimate concern of the government and military leadership of the entry of ISIS criminals into Iraqi territory, and work to coordinate efforts in the face of the threat of ISIS terrorist. Days before the start of the Turkish military operation, SDF tried to use the card of prisoners belonging to the terrorist organization "Daesh" as a pressure card on the international community to discourage Turkey from entering the area east of the Euphrates, but Ankara did not pay attention to this matter, where it considers the presence of "protection units The Kurdish people on their borders are a grave threat to their national security. 

The SDF, which is dominated by Kurdish units, has not long since implemented its threat. Reuters quoted the Kurdish self-administration as saying on Sunday that 785 foreigners from the Islamic State group had managed to escape. Ain Issa camp in Raqqa governorate in northeastern Syria where they were detained.

Despite the preoccupation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, the repercussions of the demonstrations that broke out in Iraq this month, and the legitimate demands of the demonstrators, but Adel Abdul-Mahdi puts the fight against ISIS in his priority because he is deeply aware of the lack of security in the absence of social stability and economic prosperity Therefore, it holds intensive security and military meetings to monitor the latest developments on the Iraqi-Syrian border.

 The threat of the Islamic State terrorist organization, which tried to return to the liberated provinces, is not over yet, as indicated on Tuesday by the death of Major General Ali al-Lami, commander of the Fourth Division of the Federal Police and Brig. Gen. Mohammed Allawi, the director of operations of the Fourth Division. Their protections are ambushed by remnants of ISIS in al-Bazul area behind the lover's palace in Samarra district.

Iraqi Studies Unit 

Links Center for Research and Strategic Studies   link

Iobey777:  Getting them prepped for the 25th, IMO!!! Praying there won't be  a need for diversion!!

Samson: The arrival of the first Iraqi ship to Los Angeles

2019/10/23 18:17 

Transport Minister Abdullah Laibi said on Wednesday the arrival of the Iraqi ship Al-Hadba to the port of Los Angeles to announce a new Iraqi sea line (Basra-Los Angeles).

The humpback arrived at the ports of Los Angeles, California's largest city southwest of the Pacific coast, and passed all international maritime safety tests applied by US ports, Laibi said in a statement.  He confirmed that the hunchback sailed for days through the ports of Canada and unloaded its cargo in the ports of Los Angeles.

He added that the Iraqi shipping ships are determined to reach all the ports of the world and open more maritime lines.   LINK

TCasper69:  Says “INTERNATIONAL” all over it!

Crose:  Sounds like perfect timing to tell us about the new rate that will be used to process all that cargo...imo


Samson:  Top secret .. Sending the President of the Iraqi Republic to America cost the state treasury two million dollars

23rd October, 2019

The dispatch of Iraqi President Barham Saleh to the United States to attend the UN General Assembly has cost the state treasury two million US dollars, according to an official book published for the first time.

According to a top secret letter from the President of the Republic to the Ministry of Finance, "On the order of the President of the Republic, please kindly fund our current account opened at the Rafidain Bank Mansour branch number (3060) in the amount of ($ 2 million) only $ 2 million for the purpose of covering the expenses of His Excellency to the States United States of America to participate in the work of the (66) session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as of 19/9/209 ".

The request was appended to the signature of the President of the Office of the President of the Republic Hamid Faraj al-Obeidi.   LINK


Frank26, KTFA, X22 and more Wednesday Night 10-23-19


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