KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday PM 7-8-2023


Clare:  The Iraqi parliament sets tomorrow, Sunday, as the date for its new legislative session


The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives announced, on Saturday, the start date of the second legislative term for the second legislative year.

In a statement received by Shafaq News agency, the presidency said, "The second legislative term begins tomorrow, Sunday, provided that the parliamentary committees will start their legislative and oversight work, starting tomorrow."

She added, "The first session of the second legislative term will be held on Saturday, corresponding to 7/15/2023."   LINK

Clare:  Iran seeks to get rid of the dominance of the US dollar through the Iraqi dinar


The Iranian government is seeking to get rid of the dominance of the US dollar by using the Iraqi dinar in the trade exchange process between the two countries, according to what an Iranian official said today, Saturday.

The Mehr news agency quoted the head of the Iranian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce, Yahya Al-Ishaq, as saying: By using the dinar instead of the dollar in trade with Iraq, we will get rid of the dominance of the dollar in imports and exports, as the government planned.

He added that trading in the national currencies of different countries is one of the 13 goals of the government, adding that most countries in the world seek to break the American hegemony in their stock exchanges and the use of national currencies of countries can help speed up this process.

Turning to the Iranian-Iraqi relations, Al-Ishaq said: More than $10 billion in goods and services are exchanged annually between the two countries, which, if the trade system is applied with the national currencies of the two countries, can contribute to deepening these relations and establishing good trade.

The Iranian official referred to the problems of trade with the national currencies of the two countries and said that: balance in trade is very important in this new system; If Iraq imports more than Iran and pays all its debts in dinars, then problems will arise in other Iranian stock exchanges, because we must be able to meet our needs with the dinars received.

He pointed out that the arrival of three million religious tourists to Iraq and the large number of health tourists from this country to Iran can help exchange dinars instead of dollars.

The head of the Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce stressed that we should be able to reduce the dominance of the dollar by maximizing exchanges with the national currencies of the two countries, adding that the proposal made by this country is a system and that Iran is following it and can help the two countries lift the American pressure on two states.

Regarding the 10% difference between the price of the dinar in the open market and the dinar of the bank, Al-Ishaq said that this will make Iran's competitors more successful in the Iraqi market, and the necessary measures must be taken to solve this problem.

He stressed that the interaction between Iran and Iraq in this field could be an important measure that we can benefit from more through appropriate follow-up.   LINK


Clare:  The Minister Of Commerce Directs The Advanced Staff To Work Throughout The Week, In The Morning And Evening


The Minister of Commerce, Atheer Daoud Al-Ghurairy, today, Friday, directed the advanced staff to work throughout the week, morning and evening.

A statement by the ministry, which was received by Earth News, stated, "In implementation of the Prime Minister's directives during the cabinet meeting, the Minister of Commerce, Atheer Dawood Al-Ghurairy, directed the advanced staff in the ministry to work throughout the week, in a (morning and evening) manner, with what they need from the staff of departments and companies."

The statement added, "Minister Al-Ghurairy's directive came out of keenness to take advantage of the time in implementing the government program and to make every effort to achieve what we promised our people in providing the best services."   LINK


Clare:  The Anbar Alliance sends a message to the authorities: The province has become the first trend in corruption because of you


The information/exclusive..

The Anbar Unified Alliance considered, today, Saturday, that Anbar province has become the "first trend" in corruption, and while attributing the reason to the breaches of those in power and the province's politicians, it confirmed that the financial allocations that were provided to Anbar exceed the rest of the provinces.

The leader of the coalition, Muhammad Dahham, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, "The financial allocations that were provided to Anbar Governorate exceeded all allocations to other governorates," pointing out that "the amount of corruption that occurred in Anbar is very large compared to the rest of the governorates.”

He added, "The owners of power and excellency in Anbar have made the province the first trend of corruption, on social media and satellite channels, instead of being a destination for integrity, justice and project implementation."

Earlier in the day, Abdullah al-Dulaimi, one of the sheikhs and notables of Anbar, revealed that Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi had informed the leaders of his party, Taqaddam, of the need to escape to avoid legal prosecution on charges of corruption .

Anbar is witnessing a wave of accelerating government investigations into several files, due to suspicions of corruption and major financial and provincial administrative breaches, which led to the Federal Integrity Commission moving around many files and arresting many officials, amid a popular welcome.    LINK

ButchB:  In my opinion-Sudani has made it clear crystal clear
The new national currency… the new national currency rate… … is not for the corrupt politicians or powers that be

Therefore, also, in my opinion…..No one sees the rate until the “house is spotless”
no one sees anything until the laws of the budget, are implemented against the corrupt

IMO:  Only once the laws are implemented, and being enforced only then can they allow the new national currency, and the new national rate to be public

Just an opinion, against what I see Sudani doing…going back to my corner…Be the blessing

Zeeman:  i agree especially with all the preceding articles the pm  means to clean up the corrupt as much as possible. i only have one question does this mean they will arrest the biggest crook  of all malaki?  

ButchB:  In my opinion
… when the timing is right
… when the evidence is in hand
… anyone who is standing in the way of the monetary reform
… anyone who is violating the new laws set forth in the budget
… or set forth an implemented to protect the monetary reform, 
… Any and all corruption

Well, in my opinion, they will have arrest warrant, issued no matter what your name is
And that is the whole point that Sudani is making to the people of Iraq 
oh yeah and let’s not forget the 2024 as an election year for Iraq

This is only a point of view it’s an opinion and I am nobody…..Going back to my corner


Clare: Urgent... Al-Sudani directs that all extradition files for the fugitives be executed


Today, Saturday, the Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Shia’ Al-Sudani, chaired a meeting devoted to following up on the process of recovering the accused, convicted and wanted persons in corruption cases, and recovering the funds they seized. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director General of the Legal Department at the Ministry of Justice, Director of the Interpol Arab and International Police Directorate, and Advisor to the Prime Minister on Anti-Corruption Affairs.

During the meeting, they discussed the cases that have been accomplished, the procedures achieved, the files that are currently being worked on, and the most prominent obstacles facing the recovery agencies.

Mr. Al-Sudani stressed the importance of attending this file, in a practical way, in the priorities and interests of the agencies concerned with prosecution and recovery, because it is evidence for citizens of the government's seriousness in following up and fighting corruption, recalling the international agreements that bind Iraq with a number of countries in the world and their obligations in cooperation to implement the law and restore rights.

 His Excellency also stressed the need for the various agencies to exert their efforts, each within its competence, and for Iraq to invest its foreign diplomatic and economic relations to serve the recovery of looted and wanted Iraqi funds, indicating that corruption threatens all government programs, and will hinder its plans unless the movement against the corrupt and their means is sustained.

The Prime Minister directed that all files for the recovery of fugitives wanted be entered into execution and claim, and that a careful follow-up process be conducted for each file, stressing that the serious pursuit of the accused prompted many of them to surrender to justice, and the Interpol department also prepared ready files for the wanted.  LINK


Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Evening 7-8-23


Awake-In-3D: BRICS New Gold Currency: A Serious Attack on the Fiat Dollar World