KTFA Members "News and Views" Monday 8-7-2023


Margarita:  just to be positive instead of a negative nancy....a few articles have said budget implementation this week.  will the new exchange rate of 1 to 1 be in it?  lets hope so.

Ryan1216:  Great viewpoint Margarita. Let’s just stay positive. It’s so close and we’re right at the very end. This is a go any moment now. IMO

Clare:  The tripartite balancing instructions come into effect

8/7/2023  Baghdad

Today, Monday, the Iraqi Al-Waqa’i newspaper published the tripartite budget instructions that have entered into force.

"The instructions of the tripartite budget law have been published in the Official Gazette," said Hanan Munther Nassif, director general of the Iraqi Gazette.

She added, "The instructions have entered into force."  LINK

Clare: Justice: The budget instructions are considered retroactively effective from 1/1/2023

8/7/2023   Baghdad

Today, Monday (7 August 2023), the Ministry of Justice announced the publication of Instructions No. (1) for the year 2023 to implement the General Budget Law for the fiscal years (2023-2024-2025), retroactively from 1/1/2023 .

The Director General of the Iraqi Facts Department at the Ministry of Justice, Hanan Munther Nassif, said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today”: “Instructions No. (1) for the year 2023 have been published, facilitating the implementation of the Federal General Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023-2024-2025) No. (13) for the year 2023 in Al-Waqi’ newspaper.

And she added, "Instructions No. (1) for the year 2023 are considered retroactively effective from the date 1/1/2023."

To view the instructions: 

[media=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jjr9-fH4Wwku3sZwu_Ik2yauhHW3orUo/view?usp=sharing]   LINK

Turk182:  must have missed it, but I did not see anything in these "Instructions" that said anything about "Activation", "Implementation", "Rate Change" UGH - Thought we were told that these things would occur Immediately upon posting in Gazette? Not trying to be negative, just trying to understand what the new hold-up is now.

DCDriver:  Did you honestly think there would be? That’s not how the CBI or any other central bank changes their exchange rate IMO

DoTalktome:  We will be last in line to benifit....IMO…..just stay chill...


Clare:  Urgent... The Federal Court resolves the appeal of the government and the region's budget law


The Federal Supreme Court announced that it has resolved the appeals submitted by the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government in the financial budget law.

A statement of the Supreme Judicial Council, of which {Euphrates News} received a copy, stated that: “The Federal Supreme Court considered this day the case No. (153 / Federal / 2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (Prime Minister / in addition to his job) against the defendant (Speaker of Parliament). / In addition to his job) regarding appeal against articles of Law No. (13) for the year 2023 ((The general federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025))

And the court issued, according to the statement, “its final and binding decision for all authorities, which includes the ruling on the unconstitutionality of the phrase (exclusively) mentioned in Article (2 / first / 8 / c / 6), and the phrase (upon his request) contained in the last part of Article (16 / second), And Article (20/Sixth), Article (28/Fourth/A), Article (57/First/C), Article (70/Second), and Article (72) of Law No. (13) of 2023 ((The Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025).

The decision also included a judgment dismissing the plaintiff’s case regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of Articles (28 / fourth / b), (62 / fourth), (63 / third), (65 / second), (71) and (75) of the above law.

The Federal Supreme Court also considered today the case No. (168 / federal / 2023) filed before it by the plaintiff (President of the Kurdistan Regional Government / in addition to his position) against the defendant (Speaker of Parliament / in addition to his position) regarding the appeal against articles of Law No. (13) For the year 2023 ((The Federal General Budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023, 2024, 2025))

And it issued its final and binding decision for all authorities, which includes the ruling on the unconstitutionality of the phrase (and with the approval of the Federal Prime Minister) mentioned in Article (11 / first) and the phrase (and in the event that the parliament cannot be dissolved to take the necessary decision) mentioned in Article (13 / Seventh) of the law.

It ruled to dismiss the case regarding the challenge to the constitutionality of articles (2/first/5/b), (11/second), (12/second/a, b, c, d, e) and (13/eighth/b) of the law.   LINK


Clare:  The Federal Supreme Court rejects new appeals with the tripartite budget  LINK

Turk182:  Was this NOT the last thing needed in order to FINALLY IMPLEMENT the Tripartite Budget? No More Obstacles - Smooth Sailing from here on out!  Let's Bring that baby Home NOW>


"This Time is Different" Heresy Financial


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 8-7-2023