KTFA Members "News and Views" Monday 7-17-2023


Clare:    The Kurdistan government suspends official working hours in the first of Muharram

Shafaq News / The Department of Information and Information in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced on Monday the suspension of official working hours on the first day of the Islamic New Year according to the official calendar.

"The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs will determine today evening after sunset the first day of Muharram and declare it an official holiday," the department said in a statement responding to Shafaq News Agency.  LINK

Paulette:  With a holiday this Wednesday for Islamic New Year, A cabinet meeting tomorrow on New Year's Eve.........Could Kim Clement prophesy be:

".....In the summer months........ Nothing(the week 6/21-6/28), Nothing(the week 6/28-7/5), Nothing(the week 7/5-7/12), Suddenly(the week 7/12-7/19)"...... ?????????

Clare:  The Finance Committee is likely to launch the implementation of the budget law tomorrow


The Parliamentary Finance Committee ruled out, on Monday, the impact of the Iraqi government's appeals on articles of the general budget law in the continuation of the law, suggesting that the implementation of its articles will start from tomorrow.

Committee member, Representative Jamal Koujar told Shafaq News agency, "The appeals submitted by the government against articles and paragraphs of the budget law are the ones that stop, not the budget law."

Cougar suggested that the cabinet session tomorrow, Tuesday, would be the beginning of the launch, and the implementation of the budget law in ministries and state institutions.

Cougar stressed that the Ministry of Finance should be ready to implement the budget law, and we do not know the reasons for the delay in implementing the law.

On the third of July, the head of the federal government, Muhammad al-Sudani, submitted an appeal to the Federal Supreme Court against a number of paragraphs of the budget law, with a request to the court to issue a (state order) to stop the implementation of these articles after the law entered into force until the court decided to challenge the constitutionality of these articles.

On June 12, the Iraqi parliament voted on the financial budget for the three years (2023-2024-2025), with a value of 198.9 trillion Iraqi dinars ($153 billion) for each year.  LINK

Suzie:  I hope this means getting "off dead center" and get going with all reforms, as they're not using the US dollar anymore they need the rate change to the dinar to execute all their plans including the HCL.  We're starting a new week, again, how long can they keep up with the rhetoric and promises and not perform?  Hopefully Frank will have a few more answers tonight!  Just MY opinion! 


TBJ:  I believe there are formalities in this process that make this rate change we are looking forward to, to take 'just a bit longer' than we expect, and I sure hope the frustrating "surprise" formalities are near their final end so we can finally experience the end result.....

DoTalkToMe:  I believe Iraq wants to RI. However they are ineffective so far. I believe they still need outsiders help to get it done. They need USA to hold their hand to coax them over the finish line.

Godson:  Imo.. They've been doing it they just haven't finished yet


Clare:  The President of the Republic directs the need to work hard to implement Article (140) of the Constitution and to follow up on its implementation with the relevant authorities


His Excellency the President of the Republic, Dr. Abd al-Latif Jamal Rashid, instructed the necessity of serious work to implement Article (140) of the Constitution and to end the outstanding issues regarding it in a manner that preserves the rights of all.

Mr. President stressed the importance of following up the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Committee for the implementation of constitutional Article (140) by holding meetings and gatherings with the relevant authorities and giving priority to this file, which affects the lives of a wide segment of the components of Iraqi society.

His Excellency had met separately with a delegation that included a number of farmers and farmers from Kirkuk Governorate, and a member of the Supreme Committee for the Implementation of Article (140) of the Constitution, Mr. Babiker Siddig Ahmed, and listened to them about the problems they face, especially in resolving issues related to agricultural lands and not activating Article (140)

Where the delegation, after meeting the President of the Republic, held a number of meetings with officials and relevant authorities, which resulted in taking actual steps to implement Cabinet Resolution No. (29) of 2012 with the aim of finding appropriate solutions for the suffering of the farmers and farmers of Kirkuk.

His Excellency the President directed the formation of a committee in the Presidency of the Republic to follow up the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Committee of Constitutional Article (140) by the relevant ministries and institutions, and to submit a report to His Excellency in this regard periodically.   LINK

Clare:  The Kurdistan delegation reveals the outcomes of its first meeting in Baghdad


On Monday, the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation held its first meeting with officials of the federal government, in the capital, Baghdad.

Omid Sabah, the head of the cabinet's office in the region, who heads the Kurdish delegation, said, in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, "The meeting witnessed a discussion about the mechanism for implementing the paragraphs related to the obligations and dues of the Kurdistan Region in the federal general budget."

Sabah added, "The meeting decided to continue working with the Ministries of Oil and Finance and the Board of Supreme Audit, and a high-level meeting will be held in the coming days."

Yesterday, Sunday, a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government went to the capital, Baghdad, to meet with officials of the federal government at the Prime Minister's Office, and discuss the financial dues of the region.  LINK

Sir:  IMO- It’s called slow dancing! 

Far too many things going on in the world for the prettiest girl at the prom to be doing the jidder-bug, so we hold her tight and slow dance. 

Surely we have influences out side of Iraq holding things up. Plenty of articles stating that the US needs to recognize Iraq’s sovereignty. I strongly believe that it’s more than just the US. After all we all know that the IMF-WEF-World Bank-WHO-WTO and many other are compromised and have always been compromised.

Iraq is not the only country dealing with corruption and evil people. Unless the corruption in all Fore-mentioned agencies are cleaned out our just eliminated, sadly things will remain the same. You can’t have one ( RI ) without the other ( eliminate corruption).

One thing we can do as good people is to stop playing in their system. Stop shopping at their stores, gas-stations and be sure you have real money ( Constitutional money, gold-silver ). The choice is ours and so we keep slow dancing. IMO….


Clare:  Parliamentary Finance hosts the Governor of the Central Bank to discuss the exchange rate of the dollar


The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Monday, that it decided to host the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, next week.

The deputy head of the committee, Ahmed Mazhar al-Jubouri, said, “After approving the budget and fixing the exchange rate of the dollar at 1,320 dinars, there will be a hosting of the governor of the Central Bank and his advanced staff next week in the Finance Committee to discuss the issue of the exchange rate.”

He added, “The committee will discuss with the governor about the bank’s plan.
” In maintaining the exchange rate.”    LINK


Monday Afternoon Iraq Economic News Highlights 7-17-23


Money: A Myth or A Conspiracy?