KTFA Members "News and Views" Friday Afternoon 1-24-2020


ChrisC:  I want to bring to everyone's attention the startling fact that last night the amount needed to keep the banks solvent jumped an unbelievable amount.  It jumped in one day 1/4 of a TRILLION dollars!  That is right, over 250 BILLION in one day! 

The sun still came up today, but this has to be a sign of something big getting ready to happen, IMO. 

I remember the first big crash I was personally involved in and when you start seeing things like this happen, you better hold onto something and brace for impact. 

Some people like Bix Weir and some don't, but so far he has been amazingly accurate on what he predicted would happen and this vertical rise is leading to something big, IMO.


BMCG:  Question? Didnt Delta say the had to ri/rv delete the zeros etc in Jan? I am asking so I am remembering correctly. Something about the CBI legally needing to do it Jan and thats why it was delayed?


AUG 20, 2012 - Central Bank Deputy Director Mohammad Saleh appearance drew the interest of the Exchange must be with the new fiscal year, "the Iraqi Government's accounts cannot be registered in the same year, two forms of financial values"

"Delete the zeros MUST be at the beginning of a fiscal year"


Dan:  The USA needs to make the US dollar Very scarce in Iraq. If not we will continue on the the merry go round with Iran continuing to steal and trying to impose their will in Iraq.

A best case scenario is new PM is announced soon. Iraq ALWAYS drags everything out as long as possible. After announcing the new PM they have 30 days according to recent Intel at ktfa. That puts us into March.  The only way I see this speeding up is dry up The US dollar and force Iraq to RI there currency to pay bills.

If this does not occur. We Will be doing good to see it in March. This is what Intel is currently showing us. Would love to be wrong. Ok everybody go ahead and slam me for my post

BMiddle48:  Hannity on Fox tonight just announced POTUS Trump is scheduled to announce next week a HUGE new deal in the Middle East


Don961:  Trump will release by Tuesday the details of the century deal in the Middle East

- 31 Minutes Ago

US President Donald Trump said Thursday that he will unveil the US Middle East peace plan known as the "Deal of the Century" before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington next Tuesday.

Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on his way to Miami to participate in a political event, that the Palestinians might initially react negatively to his plan, but made it clear that it would benefit them. "It is a great plan, it is a plan that will actually succeed," Trump added.

Trump has said that reports circulating about the details or timing of the US plan to liquidate the Palestinian issue known as the "Deal of the Century", which were not disclosed "purely speculation."

This comes after Israeli media said, on Thursday, that President Trump decided to publish the details of the "deal of the century" before the Israeli elections scheduled for next March 2, while the private channels "12" and "13" were quoted by Israeli and American sources (you did not name them). ), That the White House will release within 24 hours a statement regarding the release of transaction details.
The two channels indicated that Trump invited outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz to visit Washington next Tuesday, to meet them and place them within the details of the deal, to be published before the Israeli elections, according to what was quoted by "Anatolia."

Later, US Vice President Mike Pence said that President Donald Trump invited Netanyahu and his rival in the elections, Benny Gantz, to visit Washington next week to discuss the "Deal of the Century".

"President Trump asked me to invite Prime Minister Netanyahu to come to the White House next week to discuss regional issues, in addition to the prospects for peace here in the Holy Land," Pence added, after a meeting with Netanyahu at the US embassy in Jerusalem.

"Trump called Israeli Prime Minister outgoing Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the party" white blue - "Benny Gantz, to visit Washington next Tuesday, the meeting and put them under the details of the transaction, to be published before the Israeli elections"

I believe that the president seeks to give Israel peace and security as it deserves, and therefore I accept with pleasure the invitation," Netanyahu said.

From Washington, the White House confirmed, in a statement, that Netanyahu will visit Washington next Tuesday.

The White House added that Gantz also accepted the invitation of the US president to visit Washington, but he did not specify a date yet, according to "Reuters".

A source familiar with the plan said that US officials would likely reveal some details of Trump's plan for Netanyahu and Gantz.

Netanyahu and Gantz support the publication of the deal before the Israeli elections, which was considered a change in the position of Gantz, which was considered interference before the elections.

On Tuesday, Gantz expressed support for publishing the deal before the elections in Israel.

Jared Kushner, Senior Adviser to the President of the United States, and the US Special Envoy to the Middle East, Avi Berkowitz, were supposed to arrive in Israel to participate in the fifth "Holocaust" forum in West Jerusalem, and to meet Netanyahu and Gantz to discuss the details of the deal.

However, they were unable to come due to bad weather, as reported by Channel 12.

The Palestinian presidency is waving the response

On the other hand, Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency, stressed on Thursday evening the Palestinian rejection of the American decisions that were announced about Jerusalem and considered it the capital of Israel, along with all the American decisions that violate international law, threatening that the Palestinian leadership will take measures if it is announced Any American move.

Abu Rudeina said in a statement, in light of what is reported by the media and other sources, about the near announcement of the rest of the "deal of the century", that "if this deal is announced with these rejected formulas, the Palestinian leadership will announce a series of measures in which we maintain Our legitimate rights, and we will demand Israel to assume its full responsibilities as an occupying power. ”He warned Israel and the American administration not to cross the red lines.

Abu Rudeina affirmed the steadfast Palestinian position calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Hamas vows to thwart the "Deal of the Century"

For its part, Hamas movement vowed to thwart the "Deal of the Century", stressing that "any deal or project that detracts from our full rights to our lands and our sanctities, will not pass."

"All attempts to pass this deal will be destroyed by the rock of our people's resistance and steadfastness," said Hazem Qassem, a spokesman for the movement.

He added: "It is our Palestinian people who will determine their fate on their own, through their continuous revolution, legitimate struggle, and their absolute belief in the justice of their cause, and their ability to sacrifice until they extract their freedom."

He stated that the borders of Palestine "were drawn by our people with his blood that was shed through the history of his resistance to the occupier, and these borders will not be drawn by an American decision, and no force will be able to reduce these registered borders with the blood and body parts of our nation's martyrs and our nation."

He pointed out that "successive leaks about the US administration's announcement of the so-called deal of the century, insistence on participating in the aggression against the rights of our people."

The "Deal of the Century" is a peace plan prepared by the Trump administration, and it is said that it is based on forcing the Palestinians to make unfair concessions in the interest of Israel, including the status of occupied East Jerusalem, and the right of return of refugees.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly declared, during the past two years, that the Palestinians reject the "deal of the century", because it takes Jerusalem, refugees and borders from the negotiating table.

And the US administration has suspended, for the past two years, all forms of financial support to the Palestinians, including infrastructure projects and hospitals in East Jerusalem, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

In turn, the Palestinian leadership suspended its political contacts with the US administration after Trump's decision, on December 6, 2017, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the Washington embassy to the occupied city.

New Arab   LINK


Friday Night X22 Reports 1-24-2020


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 23-20