Judy, Frank, SRU and More Sunday 3-7-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 7 March 2021

Compiled Sun. 7 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Dates shown below could easily change as per an analysis of possible events by the Quantum Computer and dependent upon how certain events played out.

This weekend through Sun. 7 March higher level bonds were being paid out into Dubai 1,2 accounts. A Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Shotgun Start was expected around Mon-Tues 8, 9 March and go to Sun. 14 March.

The Emergency Broadcast System on Space Force’s new Starlink Satellite System was expected to activate in a week or two AFTER Tier 4B exchange/ redemption. When Starlink does take over, it would cover all media outlets and send daily messages to all phones around the globe.

The restored Republic was setting up its federal capital and treasury on sovereign Native American territories around Houston and Austin TX.

Mon. 15 March was when NESARA debt jubilee debt forgiveness packages were planned to be implemented and pay off federal debt for mortgage, credit card and other past federally backed debt classes.

By or before 15 April 2021 the US Republic was expected to be restored to concepts of the original Constitution.


Sat. 6 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

At 8:48 am Sat. morning 6 March things started moving for GCR/RV reset completion.

This weekend D1, 2 accounts were being hydrated, with bond liquidity for down-streaming to Tiers 3-4A, B.

The Shotgun liquidity start was within hours to a couple of days or so.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_7.html


Frank26  They are going to reveal the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and they're going to show them the face value of the new small category notes.  This is what we've been calling the second article from the CBI for a very long time.

Footforward   The timing of the Asian basket completely is dependent on Vietnam.  As is whether or not the middle East and the Asian basket going together. If Vietnam comes to an agreement that other parties can get on board with then we will see the two baskets go together.



Samson:  Parliamentary integrity: Iraq will soon be ranked first in the world in terms of corruption

3/6/2021 19:43

The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed, on Saturday, that Iraq leads the world in corruption, indicating that it will rank first in the world in light of the continuation of the corrupt without supervision.

A member of the Integrity Committee, Khaled Al-Jushami, said, "The reports of international organizations on the status of Iraq on the scale of corruption are very realistic and not exaggerated by the size of the files we see in the committee.

He added, "Corrupt politicians have brought Iraq to a shameful form by talking about it internationally and internally and by high-ranking figures in the first pyramid of the state without any red lines of thefts."

"If Iraq is in the advanced ranks of the size of corruption, then perhaps during the coming days or stages, it will occupy the first place in the world in the size of corruption, unless there is an urgent plan to save the country from what it is," Al-Ghashami said.   LINK


Samson:  With US support, Iraq is moving to fortify its borders with Syria with a concrete wall

7th March, 2021

An Iraqi government source revealed, on Sunday, that the Iraqi government has formed a committee to study a project to build a "concrete wall" on the border strip with Syria, with the support of the United States of America.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, that "the federal government has identified Al-Qaim district in western Anbar province, to build this wall," adding that "the project will be supported by the United States of America, with a total amount of $ 17 million."

This project aims, according to the source, to "limit the movement of terrorist and armed groups between Iraq and Syria."

Anbar is one of the most dangerous liberated governorates, due to its geographical nature of vast desert areas, as well as the Syrian border strip that borders it to the west, and its western districts (Al-Qaim, Haditha, Anah, Rawa, Al-Baghdadi, Al-Rutba, and Heet), as well as the surrounding villages and areas. In it, security is fragile, which makes it easier for ISIS elements to infiltrate and carry out its operations, through which it tries to prove its presence by kidnapping, bombing, or attacking one of the security points stationed there.  LINK

Hyperinflation, 1 Million Bolivar Note (worth .53) And Record Stock Prices

Silver Report Uncut:  Mar 7, 2021

Venezuela:  The country’s central bank posted a statement on its website Friday saying it would begin circulating the new 200,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 bills to “fulfill the current economy’s requirements” without providing further details.

The 1,000,000 note -- the largest in the nation’s history -- is worth only $0.53 cents. It's crazy they had plans to release a 100,000 note which became obsolete before they could announce it in the summer.

Some of this sounds familiar to what we've been seeing in the dollar





Iraqi News Sunday AM 3-7-21


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 3-7-2021