Is The U.S. Dollar Going To Zero? How Superpowers Rise And Fall

Is The U.S. Dollar Going To Zero? How Superpowers Rise And Fall

David Lin:  8-20-2023

Marin Katusa, Founder of Katusa Research, discusses the perception of U.S. strength and the future of the dollar, as well as current investment opportunities.

0:00 - Intro

1:00 - U.S. dollar going to zero?

4:30 - Modern monetary theory

9:25 - Consequences of rising debt

 11:00 - Alternatives to the dollar

14:45 - BRICS common currency?

17:45 - Long-term growth

18:50 - Critical minerals

32:40 - Nuclear power

34:10 - Rise of China

36:55 - Investment implications


Emerging Economies Are Pushing To End The Dollar's Dominance. But What's The Alternative?


"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 8-20-2023