IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 10-30-19

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 10-30-19

Chattels   High level Iraqi political source: PM Abdel-Mahdi says he will not resign.

Zig   Well I am sure that is "chattels" of a

chattels   Clock ticks down for Iraqi PM as protests rock the country   Ali Mamouri October 30, 2019

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chattels   According to the Iraqi Constitution, the parliament is the only power that can vote on withdrawing confidence from the prime minister and his cabinet on request of the president or one-fifth of its members. If confidence is withdrawn by an absolute majority, the parliament's largest bloc will nominate a candidate to replace him and form a new government.

 Calling an early election is also not possible unless the parliament dissolves itself by an absolute majority vote, after which the government will have only 60 days to organize a new election.

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chattels   " ................ it seems that Abdul Mahdi's resignation or dismissal is only a matter of time. But after his departure, a difficult road will remain, with strong conflicts between pro-Iran forces and politicians in Iraq and the protesters. Iran will not let Iraq go easily.

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chattels   Sadr issues dire warning of internal conflict if Abdul-Mahdi not ousted

chattels   RBIL, Kurdistan Region- ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- Muqtada al-Sadr’s attempt to form a coalition to quickly oust current Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi appears to have hit a roadblock.

The Shiite cleric has been left disappointed after Hadi al-Amiri’s bloc expressed opposition to early elections, preferring to leave the matter in parliament’s hands amid ongoing and widespread protests.

"I will no longer join alliances with you," Sadr said, in a reply to al-Amiri, head of the rival parliamentary bloc, after trying to form an alliance in opposition to Abdul-Mahdi.

chattels   With his overture to Amiri rebuffed, Sadr warned that Iraq will become the next Syria or Yemen if Prime

Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi doesn't resign.

chattels   Iran closed its border with Iraq on Wednesday in response to the protests.

Zig   I am certainly glad I found this investment.....Sigh.....

chattels   Abdul Mahdi's resignation without an agreed alternative will lead to chaos and civil war

Wednesday 30 October 12:18 2019

chattels   BAGHDAD ( NINA ) - The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc, Fian Sabri, warned of the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi without an agreed alternative, stressing that it would "lead to chaos and civil war."

chattels   The central bank sells more than $ 221 million at a currency auction Wednesday 30 October 12:22 2019 |

Baxter   What would I ever do without this Dinar... its been a LIFE SAVER.... ;$$$

Portmagaland   chattels The $221 million in dinar x 5 days = 1 billion 105 million × 4.3 weeks = 4 billion 750 million 500 thousand x 12 months = 57 billion 18 million annually, right?

Baxter   they dont have currency auctions every day... first of all...

Baxter   I can remember auctions that didnt hit 20 million..

Baxter   so can Chattels I suppose

Sparky   . Baxter ..Bax u 2 funny...

Sparky   ...but, correct...

Sparky   Baxter ... mattress man wins 19 million $ if Houston wins tonight...Carma...

Sparky...allowed the flooded out homeless to sleep on his mattresses at his store... I bet he is a richer man tomorrow...or, later tonight...

Sparky   Baxter ...2020 Iraq,... seems like that's out the window...2021 may be a great year for this endeavor...

Baxter   well.. I got news for you... PTR says .. its at any moment...

Baxter   listening to their call... right now...

Sparky   Baxter ...yeah... I am still in Reno waiting,...Dave was supposed to send me some mustard...but, still waiting... probably tomorrow rv at $85 per dinar...

Baxter   Im gone at a dime....

Sparky   Baxter too least some...

Baxter   PTR swears this has nothing to do with Iraq...

Sparky   Baxter ...that does not surprise's only about Iraq, but, has nothing to do with silly...

Baxter   they say this is gonna be a Global Currency Reset...and Iraq is just one of many countries that are going to revalue their currencies..

Baxter   and they have been saying this for years...

Sparky   Baxter ...since I got in, they said every f'n weekend...2011...

Baxter   oh.. i know

Baxter   2006 for me...

Sparky   Baxter ...that's lots of

Baxter   you better believe it...

Baxter   supposedly on Hannity tonight.. on Fox 9..EDT.... he is gonna announce the whistleblowers name..

Sparky   Baxter ... I say to them..." You are my friend '...and, have never gotten bitten...

Baxter   I think I will listen...

Sparky   ...ME best figure that out... especially Saudi...imo...

Sparky   ...This and Euphrates need de salivation solutions...

Sparky   * Tigrus

Sparky   * salt removal...not sure of word...

Sparky   ...desalization ?

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI 27,186.69 +115.27 (0.43%) ^

Sparky   Matt ... economy still in boom mode...

Sparky   ...feds just dropped interest rates a quarter point..

Dave   Sparky no mustard yet.....air dropped a pallet......thinking you may be qued up for awhile

Matt   Sparky Ya my 401K is up nice in comp to Obumer Insane.

Sparky   Dave ... thanks bro,...think u r right...may be here for a while...

Dave   news scant ....and seems to all over the no news is good news?

Sparky   Dave ...Trump playing cards...

Dave   should I see Maliki in handcuffs......

Dave   Sparky Trump aint CBI

Sparky   Dave,...but UN and IMF...

Sparky   ...and BIS...

Dave   Sparky Sanctions still seem to be on......Iraq just needs to sign up........Allaq may feel the time aint right

Sparky   Dave ...king dollar...

Dave   good with a dime....

Sparky   Dave ... probably taking orders from Shan's...

Dave   signup to go global....art8

Sparky   *Shabbs

Sparky   Dave ... straight out of the playbook...

Sparky   Dave ... security, stability, and fully seated government...

Dave   Sparky or any central bank governors

Dave   those guys generally not dumb

Dave   Sparky hcl art 140

Dave   postphone or delay ......their MO....or hopefully had been

Sparky   Dave ...yup...not sure if those are is art 8...

Dave   who gets the money from the disputed territories......

Sparky   Dave ... corruption holds us back...

Dave   Sparky that is a BIGGY

Dave   lifting immunity......

Sparky   Dave camel speed...

Dave   new elections......??????

Dave   postpone or delay keeps them out of jail....

Sparky   Dave ...smoke...and illogical...till next election cycle...

Dave   COUP!!!!!!!

Sparky   Dave ... interesting thought...

Dave   faster that way

Sparky   Dave ... becoming More and more feasible option...

Dave   they are after the crooks now.......

Sparky   Dave ..young Iraqis need to realize what's up...

Dave   MOUs wont cut it......arrest warrants is what they are after now

Dave   Sparky they have learned.....

Sparky   Dave ... shoot to Isis...

Sparky   Dave ... time for you to get on the same page as their citizens...

Sparky   *goi

spankie   With Maliki running free and acting like he is a good guy shows what a joke Iraq gov is

Dave   coup....

Dave   gotta run ...later

Sparky   spankie ...lots of pols in Malikis pocket...

Sparky   spankie ... maybe even Barzani...

Sparky   spankie postpone 104 and HCl... while ripping off the peeps...delay...and extort...

Sparky   ... somethings up, ...we should have been rich in '14...

chattels   Lieutenant General Abdel-Wahab Saa’idi, formerly of Iraqi CTService, could be the people's / protestors choice.

chattels   Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Massacre Of Karbala Protesters As Talk Begins Of PM Abdul Mahdi Resigning

chattels   President Barham Salah reportedly called an emergency meeting of the ruling parties in Baghdad to discuss an alternative to Abdul Mahdi.

As a sign that this might actually take place, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party told the media that the Kurdish parties would accept a new government as long as their rights were maintained. There was also a report that the prime minister might resign by Wednesday.

Will this quiet the crowds? Unlikely since they want not only the government to resign, but a new election law and then a vote to boot out the current politicians. Having a new administration put together by the current elite will likely be more of the same unless they move on these other issues.

Sparky   ...booom...

Sparky   chattels it..m

Sparky   chattels ... thank you again, for bringing real news... I appreciate you...

Sparky   chattels ...and thanks for your educated opinion... I appreciate you..

Portmagaland   Good evening all....

Portmagaland   Good evening all....     I want to pick your brains


Portmagaland   What do you guys make of Isreal closing down all their embassies?

Portmagaland   That article says it's because they are going to war. I've heard another theory about a lot of our bad actors have duel citizenship and might make a run to an Israeli embassy trying to escape American justice?

Portmagaland   No matter what, it's interesting, no?

Portmagaland   Supposedly they closed them after Steve Mchuin spoke the the Isralie Finance minister. This story broke yesterday but seems to be gaining steam


How China Influences the U.S. Dollar


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