IQD CALLS Chat Friday 5-1-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday 5-1-20

Doug_W   NASCAR is scheduled to make its return to racing on Sunday, May 17, at Darlington Raceway with a NASCAR Cup Series race that will serve as the first of seven races over an 11-day span at two different race tracks throughout May.

Baxter   7 races in 11 days??

Doug_W  I wonder how they will pay "prize $" with no one in the stands

Baxter   good question

Doug_W   ya i know

Baxter   wonder if the drivers will wear masks   lol

Doug_W   face shields

Dave   Doug_W no spectators?

Dave   100k peeps at the races

Dave   wonder would a ticket would cost.....?

Doug_W   no spectators

Baxter   Hard to believe that TV rights alone can pay for those races..

Doug_W   wish I knew Bax

Baxter   money has to come from somewhere....

Doug_W   U can be assured they will be heavily watched after this drought

Baxter   Im sure Nascar is gonna have those races on FS1..or Fox?

Baxter   the numbers of unemployed is just nuts

dinard   I worry that this forced shutdown will be extended much farther than it needs to be forcing many people to lose their homes causing another really bad recession

Baxter   very well could happen..especially when half of america lives paycheck to paycheck

dinard   I just seen a commercial with 0% interest on a Toyota. Haven't seen that since 2008

Baxter   wow

Baxter   Honda is still shut down in Ohio

Wilder   Check this out. Guess it's who you know? CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Walmart has announced that it will reward Ohio associates with $5.17 million in cash bonuses during the coronavirus pandemic. >>>( associates???) Walmart has recently hired 200,000 associates nationwide.

Wilder   All of a sudden hire associates???

dinard   Wilder Yoh think its fishy? Like they might lay off after they hire to get monies?

Wilder   What about the existing associates? CROOKS

dinard   I've seen those associates. They dont need more money. They need better jobs and upwards mobility.


Wilder   before this virus I'd go to Walmart 30 register aisles and only two open. Stupid

Baxter   its still that way here... if you can even find one open..most is self check out now

Dave   seem to have consensus on all but 3 ministries.......wonder what the odds onon that

Dave   on that come Sunday.....

Dave   Source: 19 ministries were decided in the Al-Kazemi government

Doug_W   only time will give us that answer

Dave   The source told “Al-Ikhbaria”, about “19 ministries that were decided in the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, with the exception of the ministries of the Interior, Finance and Oil.”

He explained that “the political blocs agreed with Al-Kazemi to grant the Ministry of Interior the Alliance of Fateh and Oil to stream the wisdom and financial of the Kurds,” noting that “the blocs have not identified the people nominated for these ministries yet.”


Dave   i seem only to get it half right....

Dave   thats all the news i can find.....?

Dave   glad they may of accepted a minister of defense,,,thats usually the contentious one to fill

Dave   not sure if they ever had a minister of defense.......

Doug_W   Dave let me know when we can go get our dimes

Dave   Doug_W Alaq not returning my calls......????

Dave   reports that CBI digging into their reserves...need cash badly......Some say a RV will fix that.......

Dave   a few pics of some strange looking LDs i have seen posted occasionally

kevin311312   Kurdish lawmaker: the province’s oil is smuggled with the participation of officials in Baghdad

05/01/2020 09:30:03  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Kurdish independent MP, from the Future bloc, Sarkot Shams al-Din, accused officials of the central government of sharing with their counterparts in the Kurdistan region the file of oil smuggling there.

Shams Al-Din said in a statement that the agency (Al Furat News) received a copy of it, that “cutting the salaries of the employees of the region because of the oil dispute between the governments of the center and the region is unconstitutional and legal, as it threatens the unity of Iraq.”

“At the same time, we encourage taking legal decisions and actions from the central government against the president of the region and the ministers accused of the Kurdistan oil smuggling file abroad, but there are things that prevent this, including the participation of officials in the federal government in this file, which made them turn a blind eye to this sensitive issue And the mission, “he says.

Shams al-Din promised, “The alliance of the power parties in Baghdad with the ruling parties in the region against the people of the people and cut their livelihoods from the most dangerous types of corruption, which may lead to unimaginable consequences” according to his expression.   mmar Al-Masoudi

kevin311312   same old same old nothing going on,just robing Iraq blind

kevin311312   A semi truck can hold 8000-16000 gallons. A typical oil tanker semi-trailer has a length of 42.64 feet, a width of 8.2 feet and a depth of 12.14 feet. Tanker thickness is typically around 0.195 inches

kevin311312   lets say 11000 gallons average   per truck

kevin311312   13.80 per barrel,55 gallon is 2760.00 per truck

kevin311312   wonder how many trucks per day cross the border, I no the united states government knows     not bad for a redneck

kevin311312   lets say a hundred trucks in a couple hours is $276000.00 over the border .that's a lot of money in a short time

kevin311312   that's why we are scrathing or heads ,when is it going to happen?

kevin311312   iran is sucking the county dry   my opion

kevin311312   only what do you all think   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of May2, 2020


Bix Weir, Lynette Zang and Joel Stein Friday PM 5-1-2020