Here’s How to Make Filing Easier

Here’s How to Make Filing Easier

Jail, Jury Duty & 4 Other Things People Would Rather Do Than Taxes: Here’s How to Make Filing Easier

Heather Taylor  Mon, April 10, 2023 GoBankingRates

You may not enjoy filing your taxes, but do you dislike the process so much that you’d go to great lengths to get out of it?

In a GOBankingRates’ 2023 tax survey of 1,002 Americans, there were six activities overall that respondents said they would rather do than file their taxes. These include spending the weekend with their in-laws (25%), jury duty (14%), taking the ACT or SAT exam (13%), experiencing a canceled flight leading to a missed trip (11%), undergoing a root canal (11%) and spending the night in jail (8%).

What has led this many Americans to choose root canals and jury duty over filing their taxes? Let’s look at why so many feel hate doing their taxes and what can be done to make the tax filing process easier.

What Makes Filing Taxes Scary?

If you’ve ever felt scared or nervous about filing your taxes, you might wonder what is causing you to feel this way. You could be filing a simple return and still experience some anxiety surrounding the process.

Robert Persichitte is a CPA and CFA at Delagify Financial. Taxes, Persichitte said, combine boredom with fear. While it’s not hard to understand the boredom aspect, there are two specific reasons why we’re scared of taxes:

If you make a mistake, you could suffer a significant consequence.

It’s easy to make mistakes.

Most people have a story to share about a relative, friend or someone who knows someone who received a surprise bill from the IRS. If you forget something or do something wrong, you may face serious financial consequences.

And of course, it’s fairly easy and common to make mistakes. Persichitte said most people don’t learn in school how to prepare their taxes. Most Americans only think about it once a year, widening the gap between filing periods and making the experience of filing even a simple return troublesome.

How To Make Filing Taxes Easier

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